Should metal wing mirror protectors be banned

We always fitted them when I worked for Tilcon, we used old rear marker plates, plus we modified the mirror arms to place the mirrors closer to the cab. They got ■■■■ up then but stayed in one piece! I always carried a spare glass with me anyway. The road from our quarry to the A515 was a mirror suppliers paradise with overhanging tree branches on the outbound side which were never cropped and you couldn’t see them in the dark, we had some windscreens broken by branches as well. With a collapsing edge to the road and a sheer drop in places on the inbound carriageway incoming ‘strangers’ tended to keep towards the centre of the road which didn’t help matters. Some contractors actually refused to travel on it, we had no option if heading south though. Most of us could keep in touch with each other via the CB so generally knew if anyone was heading towards us and we could slow down and give them room. The road was eventually closed for about a year and has been strengthened and made wider now of course! :unamused: Punchy Dan will remember riding 'shotgun down it with his dad! :laughing:


the OP whinging about oncoming flyers refusal to slow up reminded me of when a pal at work had my current lorry (with mirror guards btw). He was coming out of a pinch point, along comes a 7.5t legend on the limiter, now you’d think coming from a wider bit into a narrower part with a lorry coming out he’d simply back it off a bit but no. So said pal puts foot down, stands his ground and whack…our lorry is fine, mr 7.5t hero is now minus his o/s mirror. So they are useful for protecting your own mirrors against others incompetence too :smiley:

We always fitted them when I worked for Tilcon, we used old rear marker plates, plus we modified the mirror arms to place the mirrors closer to the cab. They got [zb] up then but stayed in one piece! I always carried a spare glass with me anyway. The road from our quarry to the A515 was a mirror suppliers paradise with overhanging tree branches on the outbound side which were never cropped and you couldn’t see them in the dark, we had some windscreens broken by branches as well. With a collapsing edge to the road and a sheer drop in places on the inbound carriageway incoming ‘strangers’ tended to keep towards the centre of the road which didn’t help matters. Some contractors actually refused to travel on it, we had no option if heading south though. Most of us could keep in touch with each other via the CB so generally knew if anyone was heading towards us and we could slow down and give them room. The road was eventually closed for about a year and has been strengthened and made wider now of course! :unamused: Punchy Dan will remember riding 'shotgun down it with his dad! :laughing:


Yes the n.s mirror arm was shortened iirc and the mirror was touching the side window,you could see all down the lorry side and an inch of road & nothing else,he’d deliberately speed up to go through a gap then laugh as Darren went through and lost a mirror sometimes both :laughing:

I ask this as i’m sick of going along narrow country roads and seeing a lorry with these protectors heading towards me and they tend not drive as cautiously knowing that they have the protection of their wing mirrors, which usually makes me slow down almost to a stop into the hedges. Bulk tipper drivers are the worse for this but then again they are the chavs of the lorry driving world

Think it’s going to be a mute point soon when mirrors disappear completely for rear view cameras. Saw one in our yard the other day, for the first time, just a thin slither sticking out at the top of the cab. Looked very strange.

Mind you I don’t know why mirrors got so big. Back in the day they were half the size and 25% of the price. Okay, so you had to adjust them by hand etc, but you could see just as well behind and they didn’t create a huge blind spot going forward when approaching junctions and roundabouts.


I ask this as i’m sick of going along narrow country roads and seeing a lorry with these protectors heading towards me and they tend not drive as cautiously knowing that they have the protection of their wing mirrors, which usually makes me slow down almost to a stop into the hedges. Bulk tipper drivers are the worse for this but then again they are the chavs of the lorry driving world

Think it’s going to be a mute point soon when mirrors disappear completely for rear view cameras. Saw one in our yard the other day, for the first time, just a thin slither sticking out at the top of the cab. Looked very strange.

Mind you I don’t know why mirrors got so big. Back in the day they were half the size and 25% of the price. Okay, so you had to adjust them by hand etc, but you could see just as well behind and they didn’t create a huge blind spot going forward when approaching junctions and roundabouts.

Yep. 6 X 4 mirrors cost a few pennies to replace a glass and I never had any complaints. Some motors I drove had two on the n/s, a flat and a convex.


I ask this as i’m sick of going along narrow country roads and seeing a lorry with these protectors heading towards me and they tend not drive as cautiously knowing that they have the protection of their wing mirrors, which usually makes me slow down almost to a stop into the hedges. Bulk tipper drivers are the worse for this but then again they are the chavs of the lorry driving world

Think it’s going to be a mute point soon when mirrors disappear completely for rear view cameras. Saw one in our yard the other day, for the first time, just a thin slither sticking out at the top of the cab. Looked very strange.

Mind you I don’t know why mirrors got so big. Back in the day they were half the size and 25% of the price. Okay, so you had to adjust them by hand etc, but you could see just as well behind and they didn’t create a huge blind spot going forward when approaching junctions and roundabouts.

The camera arm will be getting smashed instead of mirror arms. I look at them new camera arms and think “Ohhhh they aint gunna last long where we go!”