Should limiters be changed

The ignition switch trick worked with Mercedes from memory but think it also took out the headlights ?.Fuse 19 for DAFs.

Iā€™d say that a driver who is paranoid aware of the artic configurationā€™s propensity to jacknife under heavy braking or on slippery surfaces is actually better than a driver who is blissfully unaware.The type who just just stamps on the brakes and who thinks that the ABS is invincible.
Obviously no such luxuries in my day.The closest I ever got was when a fuel line burst on the A22 on the decent into Forest Row spraying the drives with diesel.I actually realised what was happening as soon as I felt the unit step out of line.Only extreme loss of grip could have caused it.At that point itā€™s all about correct steering input and staying off the brakes and pray that youā€™ve got enough space for it to find some grip.