Should limiters be changed

It was mentioned on another thread that speed limiters should be altered or allowed to be switched off for a given period of time.

56 seems to be a magic number for years even when i was a child best mpg was achievable at 56 however engines have moved on since then.

I dont believe for a second that the speed limiter has the first thing to do with safety speed in a lorry has little to do with if someone is killed or not. all the limiter can do is limit the manual adjustment to the speed of the vehicle so that the other systems can manage ie brakes etc.

Personaly i dont see the point of changing the limiter it wont add or take away anything to the journey time unless it is changed dramaticaly. all it will do is encourage elephant racing and all the other tear arse habits at a different speed. What should happen is that anyone elephant racing both drivers get stopped external cameras examined and guilty party dealt with. that way all the muppets that drive along at less than 50 then accelerate when your level with them to 56 so you cant get past will be dealt with

Drink Drugs Tiredness Telephones & I Pads
are the reason for a lot of the Accidents
plus â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  useless drivers

Worst thing that ever happened was being paid by the hour
Before that we couldn’t keep up with each other (joke)
No really just bring the limiter down to 50

Our limiters are set for 100kph, that’s 62mph. 103kph is within spec, it’s amazing that 99% of trucks are travelling at 63ish mph. We don’t seem to be crashing or losing control at such heady speeds.

If this government has it’s way limiters will be reduced.
Was on local news today plans are underway to make liverpool 20 mph and also Manchester is having all its speed zones rescued ie 40 will now be 30 30 will be 20

as i said speed isnt the issue. however when your on a run up the east coast for example on roads that you can legaly do those speeds how busy are they and what speed can the cars do.

I think you guys run heavier than us with a single trailer. Are your brakes uprated for towing more than one trailer

The brakes themselves are no different, the axle weights remain the same, so extra weight results in more axles and brakes, the compressors are uprated.

It doesn’t matter where the limiter is set, 60, 70, 80 or even 90mph, if "elephant’ racing is an issue , it will remain an issue at the limited speed. A magic boost buttton won’t stop racing, both trucks will have the same button.
Lack of cooperation with overtaking colleagues has only recently become a problem here, until “drivers” were imported from a certain country, a professional courtesy was displayed. Our issues were usually with caravaners, suddenly finding extra power when an overtaking opportunity arose.
The vast majority of our highway kilometers are single lane in each direction, the better sections offer overtaking lanes, at various distances.

Absolutely so.
No matter how technology is tweaked to allow for bad driving, the bad drivers will always find a way to overcome any clever tech, with their vast reserves of stupid.

When limiters came in, a colleague suggested that trucks should have different limits set, to prevent elephant racing.
I said it was a great idea and I would have one set to 60mph and he could have one set to 50mph. He rather went off the idea.

If I understand correctly the EU are about to introduce speed limiters for new cars soon.I can just imagine a BMW doing 70mph and an Audi doing 70.01mph in a mini elephant race on the M1.

"But the European Commission has made it clear that drivers will be able to override the ISA software, for instance to aid certain overtaking manoeuvres. This means that motorists will still be able to act fast if they need to get out of trouble.

Speed limiters are already fitted on many cars and can be overridden by pressing hard on the accelerator." From the RAC:

So it will be an aid to stay within speed limits, but those who want to break limits can still do so.

Do I need this amount of popcorn for this tread ?

AI & V2X (vehicle to everything) & V2I (vehicle to infrastructure) will supersede limiters before much longer, with 5G connectivity just around the corner.

@lancpudn that’ll only work on the people who had the covid vaxine. :rofl:


@blue_estate you’ll certainly need some endurance.

The mighty CF ain’t posted yet :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Bearing in mind that a 6 axle, 3 axle unit, 44 tonner here will often just have a Micky Mouse mid lift axle to take a bit of extra weight off the drive and with it Micky mouse braking capacity.
Ironically I do get the idea of 55 mph max at 40t + gross especially in the case of artics where any braking capacity compromise will often just result in a jacknife situation.
More reason why we’d be better off with the NZ type rigid 8 + 5 axle drawbar trailer configuration.60 mph at 50t + would actually be safer than a 6 axle 44t artic at 56 mph.

Ooops sorry :flushed:


Perhaps NZ is not a good comparison … 10% bigger than the UK and less than a tenth of the population.

@blue_estate You and your big gob! :smiling_face:

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