Shipping out of and into Poole

Hiya,I don’t know who this mob were but I took the shot near the docks in Poole so I assume they may have shipped out at one time or another,I think the Transcons were ex Birds Eye and had an extra axle shoved up their bums,Cheers Bubbs, :wink:

Nice motors.

…Used to take all day to load as you were sent out on collection with a young lad to guide you round, back to the depot where they took most of it off and loaded you with other stuff, how common was that ?..

And then at 9-10-11pm the same day you finally got your trailer loaded and paperwork, whacked a new card in and started off back home!! :smiley:

Anyone ever seen these fellows,they were taken in Poole Harbour !


I would say thats when JD owned it as he pulled for STS. Edit to add ,its a bit of a clue whats written on the headboard !

I think your get the pictures confused old son.

I think you are right , woops !!

The old Cotentin.

The new Cotentin.

The old Cotentin.


The new Cotentin.


She sure looks a lot better Dean,but we used to have more fun on the old one.Happy days thanks for the pics.

Seeing the KC line up Geoff bought back memories of Eddie Rogers , good bloke along with Ray, George Eames (subby ) and their Portuguese driver Lopez (?) all working for Interoute , if I remember Diesel Kate pulled for them whilst her boss was a Her Majesty,s pleasure.

Another one i drove that shipped out of Poole. Rugby Forwarding , Mick Lambert and Mick Price(ex Richmond)

When I first shipped on the coctentin in 1973 when Truckline was in its infancy state , there was a young steward that served us on there called Michael does any one remember him even though it is 43 years ago so you would have to be an old git, think he batted for the other side but cant be sure as I never ventured there, Buzzer.


Another one i drove that shipped out of Poole. Rugby Forwarding , Mick Lambert and Mick Price(ex Richmond)

John you will remember Sarah in the office at Richmonds then.

Some more Poole regulars.



Nice view of the Barfleur sailing through the harbour.

When I first shipped on the coctentin in 1973 when Truckline was in its infancy state , there was a young steward that served us on there called Michael does any one remember him even though it is 43 years ago so you would have to be an old git, think he batted for the other side but cant be sure as I never ventured there, Buzzer.

Buzzer, i dont suppose you took any photos of the plane they use to fly you over in at the
beginning ■■


When I first shipped on the coctentin in 1973 when Truckline was in its infancy state , there was a young steward that served us on there called Michael does any one remember him even though it is 43 years ago so you would have to be an old git, think he batted for the other side but cant be sure as I never ventured there, Buzzer.

Buzzer, i dont suppose you took any photos of the plane they use to fly you over in at the
beginning ■■

DEANB sorry no pictures of the old push pull planes but went on them many times, a bit cramped. As I said before on here knew one of the pilots went to the same scool but he was a tad older than me, and any one who had that experience will remember the utterly mad Frenchman with the stretch Mercedes taxi, totally bonkers bordering on dangerous but most Froggy drivers I remember were like that, at least they got on out your way Buzzer.


Another one i drove that shipped out of Poole. Rugby Forwarding , Mick Lambert and Mick Price(ex Richmond)

John you will remember Sarah in the office at Richmonds then.

Some more Poole regulars.


Nice view of the Barfleur sailing through the harbour.


Yes i do DEANB when Mick Lambert and Mick Price set up Rugby Forwarding her and her brother ran the office in Poole , Helen who worked with Mick Price in Lutterworth worked in the office up here in the Midlands. Mick Lambert and Helen are now married and have a bar and restaurant by a lake in Leicestershire

Wasn’t Reingold (in Deans photos something to do with Mick Price ?



When I first shipped on the coctentin in 1973 when Truckline was in its infancy state , there was a young steward that served us on there called Michael does any one remember him even though it is 43 years ago so you would have to be an old git, think he batted for the other side but cant be sure as I never ventured there, Buzzer.

Buzzer, i dont suppose you took any photos of the plane they use to fly you over in at the
beginning ■■

DEANB sorry no pictures of the old push pull planes but went on them many times, a bit cramped. As I said before on here knew one of the pilots went to the same scool but he was a tad older than me, and any one who had that experience will remember the utterly mad Frenchman with the stretch Mercedes taxi, totally bonkers bordering on dangerous but most Froggy drivers I remember were like that, at least they got on out your way Buzzer.

Thanks for the reply Buzzer, i wonder if anyone ever did take a photo of it ?



Another one i drove that shipped out of Poole. Rugby Forwarding , Mick Lambert and Mick Price(ex Richmond)

John you will remember Sarah in the office at Richmonds then.

Some more Poole regulars.

Nice view of the Barfleur sailing through the harbour.

Yes i do DEANB when Mick Lambert and Mick Price set up Rugby Forwarding her and her brother ran the office in Poole , Helen who worked with Mick Price in Lutterworth worked in the office up here in the Midlands. Mick Lambert and Helen are now married and have a bar and restaurant by a lake in Leicestershire

I had forgotten that her brother worked their,can remember that now but cant picture him.

Some more regulars that used to come through Poole,a few i had forgotten about until i saw
pictures on the web.



Didn’t Mesguen mainly use Plymouth - Roscoff as their depot was only a couple of kms outside of the port? I seem to remember there’d always be a few of their trailers on that boat when I shipped out on Sunday night.


They now have a depot in Cherbourg Craig as well as St Pol de Leon.

They now have a depot in Cherbourg Craig as well as St Pol de Leon.

Ah, thanks for the info. It’s been quite a while since I was last up that way.