Shipping out of and into Poole


And Pat Scorey on the left

Edit:spelling Pats name.

And Pat Scorey on the left

Edit:spelling Pats name.

And John Lee on the right.

Nice pics Geoff

Another big operator that had offices in Poole and Cherbourg ! What ever happened to Atkins i can
not remember the last time i saw one of there lorries ■■

Here’s another original user of Truckline right from the beginning and the driver he is very old now.Happy day’s Roger.

Here’s a man no longer with us R.I.P. Mickley Baker shipped through poole for different companies during his career as a driver. He started at Taunton Meat Haulage , A.D. Forsey, North Devon Meat, Bunns, and finally until retirement at Fransen Transport.Then he got bored and used to travel with me.

Cliff luxton:
Here’s a man no longer with us R.I.P. Mickley Baker shipped through poole for different companies during his career as a driver. He started at Taunton Meat Haulage , A.D. Forsey, North Devon Meat, Bunns, and finally until retirement at Fransen Transport.Then he got bored and used to travel with me.

Hi Cliff I am pretty sure that I was weekended with Mick in the Zona Franca many years ago.He never stopped cleaning and playing about with his truck all that week end apart from coming up the Ramblas for meal on Saturday night.I think at that time he was on for Forey,s they arer from Avonmouth aren’t they, He had ships stores if my memory serves me right.Thanks for jogging my memory anyhow.Cheers Geoff

Most properly for Andrew Wier Shipping ,they had an office at the bottom of the Ramblas near Columbus,s statue

Nigel can you remember what happened to Atkins ? They were a big company with an office in Poole and
Cherbourg. Are they still going as i have not seen one of there motors for years ■■?

You will all no doubt remember Stuart Taylors motors coming through Poole loaded with fish from Scotland
mainly going out to Spain, backloading fruit and veg !

Click on each page to read as becomes clearer !

Heres a couple of Cliff Edwards ERFs…one going for the Truckline Ferry on the approach road and one leaving the ferry on the same road,Cheers Bubbs :wink:

Nigel can you remember what happened to Atkins ? They were a big company with an office in Poole and
Cherbourg. Are they still going as i have not seen one of there motors for years ■■?

Dean , I think they were taken over by Transalliance , they had an office in Poole on the corner of the main road into the dock opposite Sunseaker , they also operated out of F B Atkins yard in Derby .

Geoff I think Mickey would have been working for Hardings Bros Ships Stores in Avonmouth I forgot to mention them.The Cliff Edwards cattle truck could have been driven by Dennis or Clive or of course Tony.


Nigel can you remember what happened to Atkins ? They were a big company with an office in Poole and
Cherbourg. Are they still going as i have not seen one of there motors for years ■■?

Dean , I think they were taken over by Transalliance , they had an office in Poole on the corner of the main road into the dock opposite Sunseaker , they also operated out of F B Atkins yard in Derby .

Ok thanks Nigel,shame they were a fleet you always seem to see where ever you went !

Cliff luxton:
Geoff I think Mickey would have been working for Hardings Bros Ships Stores in Avonmouth I forgot to mention them.The Cliff Edwards cattle truck could have been driven by Dennis or Clive or of course Tony.

Thats the firm Cliff I wasn’t too shore but thats it. Well done mate.

Here’s a man no longer with us unfortunately Alex Henderson (ten bellies) he used to ship through Poole .R.I.P. mate.

Hers another one Cliff when he was on for Avialink seen here running with Dave Williams on R.Davies.
RIP Alex.
