Seat belts

No one says get a belt on to save your life

Actually I do. A seatbelt may have saved my life. In never wore seatbelts in any vehicle, then for some reason one particular day I put my seatbelt on. Within half an hour I had hurtled into a tree at high speed in my car. I’ve no doubt the seatbelt at the very least saved me serious injury, probably death, so wear it in all vehicles to this day for that reason

To those saying they don’t/wouldn’t wear one, here’s a question:

If you had your grand kids in the car would you make sure they were belted up?

This isn’t a “think of the children” question, I’m just generally interested really about why it would be deemed necessary for kids but not for some on here.

This comes under load restraint the passengers has now become your load and under a set age the children become your sole responsibility as the driver of the vehicle. No doubt we all seen the advert where the mother was taking here children to/from school, she is paranoid over the white transit following her just to drive straight in to another vehicle. The lad in the seat behind her kills her when he was shunted forward in to the back of divers seat.

My last post I would like to point out is my choice as and when and in no way is it a recommendation neither is the way I dealt with the plod.

maybe they should have done this with the dummys not wearing seatbelts.

But this does show how important and effective seatbelts are nowadays.


maybe they should have done this with the dummys not wearing seatbelts.

But this does show how important and effective seatbelts are nowadays.

Hey, i agree. If anyone ever decides to drive off road sideways they’re a great idea. I personally like the idea of the Airbag, a non instrusive saftey aid that stops me going through the screen, its non use causes me no fine either.

Whether we agree or not, IT IS LAW,
and I prefer that £100 in my pocket instead of behind the bar in the house of commons.

Mike I don’t now whether that was a tongue in cheek statement, but an airbag won’t stop you going through the screen, just stop you nutting the wheel.

Look it is personal preference, but to my mind, anything that might save your life has got to be a good thing. These arguments that they can trap you etc are trivial.

Do you leave your belt off on take off or landing on a plane?

but an airbag won’t stop you going through the screen, just stop you nutting the wheel.

It could be me but i’m struggling with this. I genuinley don’t understand what you mean. I thought they went off in an impact , just blew up quick and you couldn’t go through the screen. I’m not taking the mick or anything, i just thought thats what they where designed to do?


but an airbag won’t stop you going through the screen, just stop you nutting the wheel.

It could be me but i’m struggling with this. I genuinley don’t understand what you mean. I thought they went off in an impact , just blew up quick and you couldn’t go through the screen. I’m not taking the mick or anything, i just thought thats what they where designed to do?

As I understand it Mike, if you’re not wearing a seat belt and the airbag goes off in a collision, it can in some cases make matters worse instead of better, since the two are designed to work in conjunction to reduce damage to your body.



but an airbag won’t stop you going through the screen, just stop you nutting the wheel.

It could be me but i’m struggling with this. I genuinley don’t understand what you mean. I thought they went off in an impact , just blew up quick and you couldn’t go through the screen. I’m not taking the mick or anything, i just thought thats what they where designed to do?

As I understand it Mike, if you’re not wearing a seat belt and the airbag goes off in a collision, it can in some cases make matters worse instead of better, since the two are designed to work in conjunction to reduce damage to your body.


As far as I know, they are more effective together.

I think even one of the Honda bike range has an airbag now :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:




but an airbag won’t stop you going through the screen, just stop you nutting the wheel.

It could be me but i’m struggling with this. I genuinley don’t understand what you mean. I thought they went off in an impact , just blew up quick and you couldn’t go through the screen. I’m not taking the mick or anything, i just thought thats what they where designed to do?

As I understand it Mike, if you’re not wearing a seat belt and the airbag goes off in a collision, it can in some cases make matters worse instead of better, since the two are designed to work in conjunction to reduce damage to your body.


As far as I know, they are more effective together.

I think even one of the Honda bike range has an airbag now :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably the Gold Wing. Only way you’d ever get the ■■■■ thing upright if it fell off its stand.

£100 fine now!

Or £34 for q half hour on line course ? So I was informed yesterday by a driver in our yard …

One company I worked for had 5 7.5 ton wagons amongst its fleet. One of them was quite old (1989). It did not have seat belts fitted.
I refused to drive it or travel in it because of this.
One day, I was called into the office for a disciplinary. I was being given a written warning for ‘poor conduct’. (Their words for refusing to drive a vehicle without seatbelts).
I asked for the transport manager, and the Managing director to be made present before I agreed to receive the warning.
My boss tried to word it that I refused to work. I explained that I did not like driving the wagon, due to lack of seatbelts, and I refused to be a passenger in it.
The transport manager did not know it didn’t have seat belts (despite it being in the fleet for 11 years), so VOR’ed it until they were fitted (At the time, someone was driving it to Glasgow. They got called back). And the MD backed me, and told me that no warning was to be handed to me, and I was to receive a thank you (£50) for bringing a health and safety matter to the attention of management.
Week later, it had seatbelts fitted.

The more safety devices a vehicle has, the safer the occupant(s) feel. The safer people feel, the less concerned about risk they are.

The wearing of seatbelts, airbags, crumple zones etc. has resulted in folk feeling safer than they ever have whilst driving. The result of which is they generally are preprared to take more risks.

The best way to promote safe and careful driving is to have no safety features on the vehicle at all. And a knife blade around 6 inches long sticking out of the steering wheel.

It would reduce accidents beyond the authorities wildest dreams because people would be more careful as their perceived risk would increase by many thousands of times.

A milder version of this psychology is when folk ride on a motorcycle for the first time. It’s amazing how much more careful they are than when driving… :sunglasses:

If the vehicle was first registered pre 2000 it doesnt need to have a drivers seat belt.Vosa gave me a bit of grief when I tried to get out of not wearing the belt because I normally drive an older motor without one.I would expect younger drivers to use seat belts all of the time,as they were brought up with them.

I’ll put one on…if I see the guards up ahead. Mind you, I’ve been stopped before without one and they were more interested in the tax disc. :unamused:

To those saying they don’t/wouldn’t wear one, here’s a question:

If you had your grand kids in the car would you make sure they were belted up?

I don’t have grand kids, I’m not that old. :wink: However I do have a 2½ year old and a 1 year old. I will make sure they are belted up (if available) until they 14. From then on, they’re on their own (I’m sure they’ll chose the cheaper option). When in turn they each 3 years old, I’ll be happy enough them travelling in the back of my old car (no rear belts), just like I did in the late '70s / early '80s.

To those saying they don’t/wouldn’t wear one, here’s a question:

If you had your grand kids in the car would you make sure they were belted up?


Just to turn this question slightly Bazza, would you prevent your grandkids from travelling on a bus or maybe a train?


but an airbag won’t stop you going through the screen, just stop you nutting the wheel.

It could be me but i’m struggling with this. I genuinley don’t understand what you mean. I thought they went off in an impact , just blew up quick and you couldn’t go through the screen. I’m not taking the mick or anything, i just thought thats what they where designed to do?

Airbags are not designed to prevent one going through the windscreen nor would I trust solely in the airbag to prevent this.

SRS Supplemental Restraint System. Kinda says it all. It’s there to supplement the seat belt.

I think the intent of a airbag is to prevent head, neck and chest injuries from the steering wheel.

the maoster:

To those saying they don’t/wouldn’t wear one, here’s a question:

If you had your grand kids in the car would you make sure they were belted up?


Just to turn this question slightly Bazza, would you prevent your grandkids from travelling on a bus or maybe a train?

Aren’t buses supposed to have seat belts now?

Tipper Tom:

the maoster:

To those saying they don’t/wouldn’t wear one, here’s a question:

If you had your grand kids in the car would you make sure they were belted up?


Just to turn this question slightly Bazza, would you prevent your grandkids from travelling on a bus or maybe a train?

Aren’t buses supposed to have seat belts now?

Not sure tbh, not been on one for years. I have seen some coaches proudly proclaiming “seatbelts fitted” so that suggests to me it’s more voluntary than compulsory.

Tipper Tom:


but an airbag won’t stop you going through the screen, just stop you nutting the wheel.

It could be me but i’m struggling with this. I genuinley don’t understand what you mean. I thought they went off in an impact , just blew up quick and you couldn’t go through the screen. I’m not taking the mick or anything, i just thought thats what they where designed to do?

Airbags are not designed to prevent one going through the windscreen nor would I trust solely in the airbag to prevent this.

SRS Supplemental Restraint System. Kinda says it all. It’s there to supplement the seat belt.

I think the intent of a airbag is to prevent head, neck and chest injuries from the steering wheel.

As far as I know, an airbag is disabled if the seatbelt isn’t worn because it’s a danger without the seatbelt, can push your nose into your skull…
Drivers who put the seatbelt in the clip behind their back obviously over-ride this safety system.

the maoster:

Tipper Tom:

the maoster:

To those saying they don’t/wouldn’t wear one, here’s a question:

If you had your grand kids in the car would you make sure they were belted up?


Just to turn this question slightly Bazza, would you prevent your grandkids from travelling on a bus or maybe a train?

Aren’t buses supposed to have seat belts now?

Not sure tbh, not been on one for years. I have seen some coaches proudly proclaiming “seatbelts fitted” so that suggests to me it’s more voluntary than compulsory.

It’s compulsory on coaches, has been for years, I think what you’re seeing is actually “3 point seatbelts fitted” which are becoming more standard now and replacing the lapbelts.