Seat belts

You as a Professional driver should be ready for any of the antics of the rest of the plebs out on the road.Thats what “professional” means.When you get on a plane you wear a “seat belt” but it sure as hell aint going to stop you hitting the ground at 500 miles an hour if the tool driving the thing doesnt do his job right is it.
There are drivers in this world with forty years experience who have never needed air bags ,seat belts,ABS,or the bloody “law” to stop them getting into situations that are out of their control because they know their job.They are what you call a professional.

You as a Professional driver should be ready for any of the antics of the rest of the plebs out on the road.Thats what “professional” means.When you get on a plane you wear a “seat belt” but it sure as hell aint going to stop you hitting the ground at 500 miles an hour if the tool driving the thing doesnt do his job right is it.
There are drivers in this world with forty years experience who have never needed air bags ,seat belts,ABS,or the bloody “law” to stop them getting into situations that are out of their control because they know their job.They are what you call a professional.

Or alternatively, what you call “lucky”. :wink:

Knowing your job back to front, sideways, upside down and in your sleep will not prevent you from being wiped out. Taking the appropriate precautions might not either in the most extreme circumstances, but it goes a helluva long way towards helping.

Impact,engine hump twists,seatbelt stalk jammed between seat and engine hump,fire and no way to cut the belt,die.

What the hell has “professionalism” and obeying the law got in common?

Professionalism is doing the job right.If your a good driver you should never need a seat belt.

What a load of rubbish. Everyone makes mistakes, I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to wear something that might save your life? Even if you consider yourself pro, you can’t really control the actions of others.

If what your saying is right, why do rally drivers (who drive without the presence of other cars) wear a full harness. By your reckoning they should never crash…

Impact,engine hump twists,seatbelt stalk jammed between seat and engine hump,fire and no way to cut the belt,die.

What the hell has “professionalism” and obeying the law got in common?

Professionalism is doing the job right.If your a good driver you should never need a seat belt.

What’s an engine hump ■■ :laughing: :laughing:

Impact,engine hump twists,seatbelt stalk jammed between seat and engine hump,fire and no way to cut the belt,die…

Or thrown through the windscreen, broken neck, die.
Grand Prix drivers of the '50s and '60’s used to choose; seatbelt-trapped and burnt. (Google Lorenzo Bandini or Stuart Lewis-Evans)
Or no seatbelt (search Wolfgang Von Trips)

Seat belt saved my Mrs’s life 9 years ago after some ■■■■ pulled across infront of her to turn right at a junction.
She was doing 50 mph on impact and the car was not fitted with an air bag. I pulled up on my way home from work just about 3 minutes after it happened and whilst she was still trapped in the car and pretty ■■■■■■ up but thankfully alive and no broken bones!
Il never forget how I felt seeing that right before my eye’s I can tell ya but I was mighty glad of that seat belt!

They’l never be anyone in the world that will convince me that a seat belt is a waste of time!

Not wearing a seatbelt gives insurance co’s a reason to give you a smaller payout should you ever be injured - just wear your belt, 3 secs, click its on :slight_smile:

Why do so many truck drivers still refuse To wear seat belts? I drive all over the UK and all the time I see drivers in there cab with no seat belt on. The facts are they do save lives and not forgetting it is the law or maybe you earn so much you can afford to pay the fines. You all expect to be treated as professional drivers but there you are sitting in your truck for all to see and breaking the law. Professional drivers I don’t think so.

Because seatbelts and their wearing is a total brainwashing thing. Some people want to make their own mind up, they take umberance at having a financial penalty imposed on them for non compliance of a personal saftey issue. No,what amazes me, or rather confirms what i think is this…everyday on the roads you/me/anyone will see people speeding, tailgating and generally driving in a manner which is pretty dangerous, and yet even though you see this daily your thought is not why are people driving like this , how can we stop it. No. Its why arn’t people wearing seatbelts?
Look, here’s the deal. They (UK and EU big wigs on the subject) all talk the talk about saving lives, but really its about getting easy fines and revenue. I know this because its very easy to make it impossible to drive a vehicle without the seatbelt plugged in. If saftey was paramount this would be done, just like its impossible to drive a commercial vehicle (generally) without it recording your movements, which is not required for saftey but for monitoring purposes.
Don’t anyone bother telling me about dearly beloved family who wouldnt be here today if it where not for a seatbelt, its all relative (pardon the pun). Millions of people take a chance everyday without one on a bus or a coach.And apparently the risk is so negligible that certain disabled people can drive without one.
I’m not saying they dont ever save a life but if you where to measure income generated from not wearing them to lives saved from wearing them then it’ll be off the scale :smiley:
I do wear mine by the way, but only because i’m scared of getting a fine, not because i’m frightened of getting killed. See, i’m brainwashed too !! :laughing:

Some of the older motors in the yard dont have belts ,I prefer the older motors.As Jimmy Savile said clunk click every trip.

I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to wear something that might save your life?

Makes you wonder why I’m not dead then!


Impact,engine hump twists,seatbelt stalk jammed between seat and engine hump,fire and no way to cut the belt,die.

What the hell has “professionalism” and obeying the law got in common?

Professionalism is doing the job right.If your a good driver you should never need a seat belt.

Oh dear! It seems you must be invincible! Doesn’t need to be your fault. I do wonder about some peoples attitude!

An old mate from school was racing someone just after he passed his test and ended up going under the side of a truck. He wasn’t wearing a belt which was rather lucky as he ended up in the passenger seat and the roof over the drivers side was touching the drivers seat. Had he been wearing one he’d have been crushed.

Am I advocating not wearing one ?

Absolutely not. I wear one every journey without fail. The times they’ll save you far outweigh the times they won’t. I can’t see how, in a head-on collision, you’d rather not be wearing one.

Terry T:
I can’t see how, in a head-on collision, you’d rather not be wearing one.

Me too!!! I think it keeps you nicley in place for that 38 tonne of trailer thats gonna come through the back of your cab :laughing:

Why do so many truck drivers still refuse To wear seat belts?

Personal choice. Simple as that. Tbh I quite often don’t at work as I’m in and out all day and it just gets annoying on Multi drop. If I crash then meh, ran the gauntlet.

More annoying is modern cars that bleep like a ***** if you don’t wear it. I get the bloody message already.

It’s good to see that most of you wear seat belts, for those who think they are a waste of time, do you tell your wife and kids not to wear them? I would expect not.

I knew a Portuguese lady who traveled with her husband in his truck.She was sat in the passenger seat.
He had hit another vehicle and she never wore a seat belt.
She saw the accident coming and put her arms out to protect herself.
The cab tilted over on impact and seperated from the chassis shearing off the bolts.
She went through the windscreen and the cab off both of her arms.

It’s good to see that most of you wear seat belts, for those who think they are a waste of time, do you tell your wife and kids not to wear them? I would expect not.

Here’s what happens in the real world, we all say get your belt on or i’ll get a fine. No one says get a belt on to save your life, if that was the case the fines wouldn’t have been introduced !!! And of course we’d drive to reflect the value of our cargo/passengers.

To those saying they don’t/wouldn’t wear one, here’s a question:

If you had your grand kids in the car would you make sure they were belted up?

This isn’t a “think of the children” question, I’m just generally interested really about why it would be deemed necessary for kids but not for some on here.

To those saying they don’t/wouldn’t wear one, here’s a question:

If you had your grand kids in the car would you make sure they were belted up?

This isn’t a “think of the children” question, I’m just generally interested really about why it would be deemed necessary for kids but not for some on here.

You appear to have answered your own question, or rather pre empted it.

The seat belt law needs reviewing simple as that. If I travel along the motorway or a main trunk road it goes on, under no circumstances would I consider putting on a seat belt in the truck in built up area nor industrial site but again on it would go on the way up to some wind farms.

This is what I told the nosey officer when he approached me pulling up to get some food. Didn’t go down well and was about too book me for it (perhaps my manner didn’t help me that day though) until I asked him to jump in my seat and tell me when he can see me in front of the truck. Windscreen must have been 6 ft ish. As he leaned over my steering wheel to see me I pointed out that the position he was in was not possible while restrained by the belt. Oh yes it is boy he said, told him put it on. suffice to say he didn’t stand a chance until I was approx. car length in front of cab. After a stern lecture on my own safety and a long debate he sent me on my way.

I love my family and take a conches decision every time about my safety, just I would rather be dead than to kill or seriously maim/injure another person over a (zb) fine.

Wonder when my motorbike will have seat belt?