Seat belts

Lots of service buses dont have seat belts for the passengers.The vehicles that are used on school contracts usually have belts as LocaL Authorities make it a contractual requirement.

Lots of service buses dont have seat belts for the passengers.The vehicles that are used on school contracts usually have belts as LocaL Authorities make it a contractual requirement.

If that’s aimed at me, you are correct, as far as I know service buses still don’t have seatbelts fitted - not been on one in a while mind.

My comment was about coaches.

I think ‘express’ buses that use the motorway also have seatbelts but don’t quote me on that, we used coaches for express runs when I was a driver but I’ve seen a few ‘standard’ looking buses doing the runs lately.

A very good friend of mine was killed in 1993 when he hit a collapsed manhole at roadworks. This was in the South of Ireland on an unlit road and when his front left wheel went into the hole his truck stopped dead. Unfortunately his fridge didn’t and the whole combination went sideways and ended upside down. Now there was no seatbelts in his unit and he shot forward and hit his head on the overhead shelf. Dead within seconds they reckoned. After that I always wear them.

bald bloke:
We have a night driver who doesn’t wear one and will clip the belt in by stretching it around the back of the seat to stop the warning bleeper sounding he may as well put it on properly.

Why do that?’s easier to put a large paperclip in the slot to stop the beeper sounding.

TBH I don’t wear mine in the truck most of the time, I do put it on when the weather is bad though, big winds or ice and snow and I always wear it.

It is illegal not to wear it, but so what? As has been said, being illegal doesn’t make it dangerous. I use common sense, I know it will protect me from being thrown from the cab or smashing into the dash/steering wheel/windscreen frame, so when the likelihood of that happening increases, such as in bad weather, I put it on. The rest of time it stays off.

I always wear one in the car, poxy thing beeps at me if I don’t :cry: