SDM European

I’ve done a search and nothing about said firm is showing. Can anyone tell me if they are still on the go ? They used to run some very smart kit, was wondering if anyone has had dealings with them and what sort of work they do ? Cheers :laughing:

its was set up by ex employes of rokold after thay sold out to wincanton,steve,dave and martin,good bunch of lads

Are they still operating then ?

they are running at least one motor, i saw it Tuesday.

One parked in the shell garage in Grimsby tonight.

yes they are still going the traffic office is in bicester
And yes a very good firm to work for but its very hard getting in they don’t advertise and all the drivers are loooooooooooog term
thats what the md told me when i phoned him last year nice bloke too

regards bs


Cheers fellas. Always turned out well and eye catching fleet, what sort of work do they do ?

They do a lot of work for the supermarkets but mainly spending most of the time in Europe. I deliver to their office reguarly, nice blokes and good kit. They also use quite a few subbies.

Are they a fairly big outfit then ? Do they have a yard ? I see from the website they have an office in Bicester and what I presume the owners house in Bedford. Seems from what you guys are saying it’s one of them ‘Dead mans shoes’ sort of company. Which is fantastic in this day and age of just being a number and a ten-a-penny lorry driver :angry: Any chaps on here work there or have done previously ?

Although not the info you probably want I know someone who used to sub for them and rated them as amongst the nicest most straight forward people to work with.

So I’d assume they treat their own in a similar manner.

And the kit is amongst the best turned out English outfits there is IMHO.

They sound like a truely decent outfit. Yes I agree there trucks are immaculate a real credit to the drivers and great company image.

Mate of mine works for sdm and my brother did subby work for em,like has been said good

crowd to work for, not 100 % sure but think they only have 3 or 4 of their own truck’s, all rest are subbys.

IIRC, are`nt the head sheds all ex ROKOLD ■■?

Apparantly so SDM is for Steve, Dave and Martin. Ex Rokold chaps so I presume that’s why the wagons are turned so well. After all Mr Roff was a stickler for cleanliness so I am told.

Apparantly so SDM is for Steve, Dave and Martin. Ex Rokold chaps so I presume that’s why the wagons are turned so well. After all Mr Roff was a stickler for cleanliness so I am told.

Rokold was run by Robin ■■? IIRC, Peter Roff was a stickler for clean trucks, but, at a different firm Buzzard way, Rokold was Aylesbury based IIRC.

All very nice kit, and, great adverts for our industry at the time, Rokold was swallowed up by Wincanton in the 90s :unamused:

My apologies I’ve seemed to have crossed my wires there :blush: I have just had a look through the Rokold thread and you are correct in what you said about SDM being set up by ex drivers of Rokold.

Does anybody know if SDM has down sized the fleet to around a half a dozen or so lorries now and use mainly subbies ?

Cheers again chaps.

I think they have 5 or 6 of their own trucks, maybe more. I know they have 2 XF’s and at least 2 or 3 Scanias.

They’ve got a nice new R560 in recent months too

Smashing snaps there Nick a real credit to you, do you work for them ?

Sorry for posting here but a message for Big ■■■■ I tried to answer your PM but it won’t allow me to - please get in touch

Sorry for posting here but a message for Big ■■■■ I tried to answer your PM but it won’t allow me to - please get in touch

ok mate