Scottish independance

if Scotland becomes completely independant from the UK what changes will we see? if any.
like vignettes.
or cheaper to run a truck based in Scotland?
cheaper fuel, etc.

if Scotland becomes completely independant from the UK what changes will we see? if any.
like vignettes.
or cheaper to run a truck based in Scotland?
cheaper fuel, etc.

a lot of happy scots :laughing:

and a lot of scots stood on the border shouting, “YOU CAN TAKE OUR LOADS, BUT YOU CAN’T TAKE OUR DIESEL.” :laughing:

If Scotland is so great, why do so many Scots move to England ■■? :unamused:

If the Scottish get Independence, the wording United Kingdom, will have to be changed, as wales would probably follow, (thats the best thing to happen) it seems that there is NO unity in anything any more.

If Scotland is so great, why do so many Scots move to England ■■? :unamused:

get that hadrians wall fired back up with a massive moat on either side!!

weve got a lot ov scottish working in our place, some ov them shout out SNP then i say get back over the border, they say no then i say why, then they say its [zb] :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

the Jacobite’s who want a independent scotland make my blood boil :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

they’ve been watching too much bloody braveheart !

If the Scottish get Independence, the wording United Kingdom, will have to be changed, as wales would probably follow, (thats the best thing to happen) it seems that there is NO unity in anything any more.

Your right and that goes for a so called BRITISH football team, you know why no other nation wants one bar the English? Because it was reported that supposedly no other player from Scot, Wales, N.I was good enough to get into teh squad so why have a GB team■■?


If Scotland is so great, why do so many Scots move to England ■■? :unamused:

get that hadrians wall fired back up with a massive moat on either side!!

weve got a lot ov scottish working in our place, some ov them shout out SNP then i say get back over the border, they say no then i say why, then they say its [zb] :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

They reckon Corby is a mini Scotland due to teh steele works being moved down there years ago as workers were offered there jobs if they agreed the move.

The sooner the better.Too many Scots here already.Look at the Government,mostly Scottish deciding on how us English live and breathe.How many English MP’s are in the Scottish Parliament deciding what goes on up there? Too many Scots accents on Television,especially on commercials,just too many of them down here for a race that dislike us.

The sooner the better.Too many Scots here already.Look at the Government,mostly Scottish deciding on how us English live and breathe.How many English MP’s are in the Scottish Parliament deciding what goes on up there? Too many Scots accents on Television,especially on commercials,just too many of them down here for a race that dislike us.

Keep takin the tablets :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: .

here is something to think about.
what is SNPs definition of independence? breaking away from the UK but being pro EU is a contradiction in terms regarding independence since the EU controls 78% of our laws anyway. bearing that in mind, i dont think they want independence at all, they just dont want to remain under westminsters control therefore it is as much a farce as anything labour ever spouts :unamused:

i would like to know where they propose the funding comes from too. we used to have masses of exports here from steel, ships, coal, steam locomotives etc but that is all gone now so how would scotland support itself? where is the money coming from and that relates to how we are now but we would need far more public money to duplicate things like the armed forces which would require a lot of equipment and manpower. a few scottish infantry regiments does not make up an army, navy and air force.
this is one of the the times where the scots should all listen to their brain instead of following their hearts. i wholeheartedly admire our national pride but in this case, the implications and practicalities far outweigh any real benefits to splitting from the UK and to be quite frank, apart from bearing a resemblance to a catfish, alex salmond is a fool for suggesting a referendum on this issue during a recession. i dont see how we could financially go ahead with it under normal circumstances but suggesting it now is nothing short of astonishing. what a moron!

The sooner the better.Too many Scots here already.Look at the Government,mostly Scottish deciding on how us English live and breathe.How many English MP’s are in the Scottish Parliament deciding what goes on up there? Too many Scots accents on Television,especially on commercials,just too many of them down here for a race that dislike us.

that’s a touch racist :confused: have you ever been to scotland every show on telly is english , every other person you come across is english - it works both ways - you come across as if we are beneath you - it says british on my passport just as much as yours does yours - away you go and vote BNP :wink:

i pay for your hospitals - you pay for my hospitals = union

Watch the wimbledon mania at the moment with andy murray, now he is doing well he is british, if he gets beat he will be scottish, happens all time same with jensen button every race he is english never british. :grimacing:

Hey Mekong spot on, last year Murray actually had argument with reporters as they kept saying he was British, he kept saying no Im Scottish LOL… Same goes with football, Any English teams in Champs league etc are considered English yet when Rangers made UEFA final 2 years ago it was good for BRITISH football… ■■■■■■


The sooner the better.Too many Scots here already.Look at the Government,mostly Scottish deciding on how us English live and breathe.How many English MP’s are in the Scottish Parliament deciding what goes on up there? Too many Scots accents on Television,especially on commercials,just too many of them down here for a race that dislike us.

that’s a touch racist :confused: have you ever been to scotland every show on telly is english , every other person you come across is english - it works both ways - you come across as if we are beneath you - it says british on my passport just as much as yours does yours - away you go and vote BNP :wink:

i pay for your hospitals - you pay for my hospitals = union

that is racist but i will agree on one part of that comment and thats who rules the government ( :exclamation: gordon brown :exclamation: ) and who is actually english in the scottish government telling the scots how much income tax/n.i etc how much they have to pay!!!

Aha lads come on. We were there in the 20’s in Ireland. They made a mess of it then so don’t expect it to be any better now. :laughing:

all the leaders are from gods country, G/ment = Brown, Man u = sir alex, etc etc the list is endless cause we are the intelligent side of the British Isles. :grimacing: :imp:

here is something to think about.
what is SNPs definition of independence? breaking away from the UK but being pro EU is a contradiction in terms regarding independence since the EU controls 78% of our laws anyway. bearing that in mind, i dont think they want independence at all, they just dont want to remain under westminsters control therefore it is as much a farce as anything labour ever spouts :unamused:

I can understand that. If 78% of important things are happening in Brussels anyway, what’s the point to have one step more on the way?

Hey Mekong spot on, last year Murray actually had argument with reporters as they kept saying he was British, he kept saying no Im Scottish LOL…

pedantic head on :smiley:

quite rightly so. britain is a union, not a country so it is not a nation therefore it cannot possibly be a nationality any more than the EU is. european, asian, south american etc relates to the continent, not any specific country so these terms are not nationalities

i have nothing against the other nations included in the union but i do not recognise myself as british. scotland is my country of birth, that is my nation, that is the only nationality i will accept myself as being! that does not mean i think of myself/ourselves as any greater or lesser than the english, irish or welsh as this post is based on a geographical context rather than academic :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: