Scottish independance

but if they get it, does anyone know how it may affect haulage? there must be some sort of agenda.
or is it a case of days and nights of celebrations, then they are called the “republic of scotland” in name only.

if it’s a move for the better, then great. but if there is no agenda regarding haulage and a right to bear arms, then what’s the point?

and don’t forget to check your trailer for illegals before you get down to carlisle.

purely based on economics, it cant possibly be better for us. no matter what they do, they need taxes to furnish the public ■■■■■ and scotland doesnt really have the high density of rich people like the south of england has. we are mostly working class up here so taxes would have to go up and that would squeeze many people who are currently struggling, out of scotland. how is that good for the country? business would suffer too. they cannot possibly go it alone without finding the money and that will come from those that live and work in scotland. pushing them over the edge will mean they will end up on the dole as it would be more financially viable than working for a loss. patriotism is all well and good but in this case, it is short sighted and narrow minded. independance would be a disaster for the people of scotland!


The sooner the better.Too many Scots here already.Look at the Government,mostly Scottish deciding on how us English live and breathe.How many English MP’s are in the Scottish Parliament deciding what goes on up there? Too many Scots accents on Television,especially on commercials,just too many of them down here for a race that dislike us.

that’s a touch racist :confused: have you ever been to scotland every show on telly is english , every other person you come across is english - it works both ways - you come across as if we are beneath you - it says british on my passport just as much as yours does yours - away you go and vote BNP :wink:

i pay for your hospitals - you pay for my hospitals = union

I went up to Fort William for a week in May, I only met Polish people then. Thought i had gone to the wrong country. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:



The sooner the better.Too many Scots here already.Look at the Government,mostly Scottish deciding on how us English live and breathe.How many English MP’s are in the Scottish Parliament deciding what goes on up there? Too many Scots accents on Television,especially on commercials,just too many of them down here for a race that dislike us.

that’s a touch racist :confused: have you ever been to scotland every show on telly is english , every other person you come across is english - it works both ways - you come across as if we are beneath you - it says british on my passport just as much as yours does yours - away you go and vote BNP :wink:

i pay for your hospitals - you pay for my hospitals = union

I went up to Fort William for a week in May, I only met Polish people then. Thought i had gone to the wrong country. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

polish/scottish-whats the difference, they both speak a funny language!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, come on! We are at least using some consonants :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

One thing I heard (I think it was on the square eye) many years ago was if Scotland became independant (From Westminster, I believe) then Shetland would leave and become part of Norway (and of course that means no more Brussels Gravy Train for them!). Where would that leave Scotland as most of the UK’s oil is really Shetland’s

If Scottish independence does come off there will be loads of work, the hadrian’s wall will be a very big and long project :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing:

could you imagine having to clear passport and customs control at gretna lmao

If Scotland is so great, why do so many Scots move to England ■■? :unamused:

Missionary work obviously! :wink:

… and who is actually english in the scottish government telling the scots how much income tax/n.i etc how much they have to pay!!!

No one, the Scottish Parliament does have tax varying powers, but they never been used.

Oh and there are no English in the Welsh Assembly or the Northern Irish Executive AFAIK.

No tachographs or speed limiters :laughing:

That way every truck in the UK with have Scottish plates on it lol

To those who say that Scotland could not go it alone, I say ‘You should be ashamed of your self!’
Do you really believe that your fellow Scots could not make a better job of ruling Scotland than Westminster?
I could think of a number of benefits independance would bring:-
There would never be a Tory goverment this side of the border, they are a piariah in Scots politics!
Our young men and women would never fight a war, or lose their life, in a place like Iraq for the
American & English oil companies!
We would have no Trident! Let the unionists stick it outside London!
Money raised in Scotland stays here!
I could go on but you get my drift.
One matter to be considered here is that the Union is between Scotland and England & her colonies, Wales & N.I.
That means we Scots on the day of the separation get half of everything! It’s not a four way split!
Half of :-
The Army!
The RAF!
The Navy!
Thats because Westminster will want us to carry half the debt they ran up despite stealing our oil!
Labour is having problems this side of the border because the Scots have woken up to the fact that Scottish Labour defers to UK Labour and is subservent to Labour down south.
Just in case anyone is wondering why Alex Salmond is running Scotland instead of Labours Iain Gray, it’s called ‘The will of the people!’

And Scanny, it’s the ordinary working folks that carry the greatest tax burden, the rich have accountants to wriggle out of paying their share of the kitty, fat cats like Blair & Brown have seen to that.
Hidden taxes and higher N.I. contributions have seen to that.

Lets clear up another unionist myth! The majority of Scots (You will always find someone, on either side of the border, who will spout hate!) are not anti English.
Lets have a logical and clear debate.

Scotland could be free of England and become the 53 state,hows that for a debatable point.I dont hate the English either,we had no control over where we were born.

I don’t think it would make any difference to peoples lives to be honest, i don’t really care either way.

In theory if Scotland was independant with oil revenues and some smart thinking could work out really well. Chances of that actually happening and it being run well are prob pretty slim, be the same really nothing much would change.

Biggest problem i have with the UK is this empire thing we have going, we still think we are some type of superpower spend billions on wars with other countries and giving aid, when we should be more insular and forget all the pomp and circumstance and concentrate on getting this country working. Much like other countries do like Ireland and that concentrate on themselves not try and influence every other country.

I’d rather see the UK gets its act together.

RE Limeyphil, you would prob love it, Scottish government hell bent on increasing price of booze north of the border, Scottish government prob have lower tax rates for fuel because of the remoteness and people having to travel longer distances. Sure you could get involved with some smuggling to take advantage of different prices across the border :stuck_out_tongue:

The sooner the better.Too many Scots here already.Look at the Government,mostly Scottish deciding on how us English live and breathe.How many English MP’s are in the Scottish Parliament deciding what goes on up there? Too many Scots accents on Television,especially on commercials,just too many of them down here for a race that dislike us.

Oops! A silly person has joined the thread.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Do i get duel membership as i"m from milton keynes and my daughter was born and raised in scotland and still lives there :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

the big un:
Do i get duel membership as i"m from milton keynes and my daughter was born and raised in scotland and still lives there :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

As long as she was in teh car you could get 50% off tolls when you hit Gretna.

Urm no discount on way up cant i fill a form out to say i wont be naughty all my points have come from dumfries and galloway police lol