Scotland run

Whetherby MSA, not quite finished but still there is truck parking and even the CP Plus men are there in their van…“you stopping drive?”, not for me to pay these cowboys £15/18/20 or whatever it is.

No, i’m off to a more sensible place to park. Harrogate…

Closed to the public when there is an exhibition on, but i am exhibiting. Even if it is only a beertowel in my front windscreen. Plenty of room…

Its right next to an Asda and handy for the town centre. The locals drive some dangerous stuff too.

Fish and chips in the services might be about a tenner but i go here for my tea.

Whetherspoons. £6.50 for a small 5oz rump steak with chips and salad and two huge skewers of king prawns and a pint of Abbot Ale thrown in. A no brainer really. And, not a high viz in sight.
Cracking on North to Scotland the next day from Liverpool,…

I love coming up here to see our Haggis eating, sword dancing Celtic cousins. And, if it wasn’t for my sat nav i would never get to see scenery like this on my way up to Glenrothes.

I managed to make the new Lockerbie truckstop my home for a couple of days, plenty of room

No tight turning on the gravel mind and don’t park to close to the building when Kenny is having his electric guitar night or you won’t get a wink of sleep.

£12 gets you a ticket and £4.50 off your grub, which is nice or £7.50 just for parking if you’re on a budget. And its secure.
I was back and forth over the Forth, Glenrothes, Coatbridge, Rosyth.

Forth bridge and Kincardine bridge.
Coatbridge certainley is an unusual place. It appears to be inhabited by red headed, red faced people who drink Tennants from cans and hang around outside shops at 9 in the morning. I’d guess many are homeless. What could be done to get these people back working, its seems such a waste? Well Willie Mac has devised a scheme to get these people out the soup kitchens and into driving HGV’s. This is something that should be applauded. Maybe Rog will do the actuall driver training? Good on you boys, not enough philanthropists about these days!

Here i am dropping down into Rosyth docks

The Navy, for the most part are long gone

Now with lots of haulage companies going to the wall, its good to see some that can expand and diversify

Thats quite an impressive list of services.
For any drivers who have not been to Scotland before i have made a few small translatons which may help. As in Scotland they appear to speak neither English nor Gaelic.

werve ya bin, ah shuddae be hoom bee noo

You’re late for your booking time driver.

where’s yar lines ya preck

Can i have your delivery notes please.

noo get ta fa oot of it

Goodbye driver, you can go now.

And with that, i’ll get going myself now !!

Quality :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Particulary liked the ‘Still Game’ Willie Mac & ROG :laughing:

hey mike,

some of your photo’s bring back some good memories for me, the ones of rosyth especially as i spent the first 7 years of my career up there.

that old tatty building used to be part of the artificer training establishment up there. it is at the bottom of the hill if i remember right and there used to be a massive load of steps going to HMS Caledonia, i used to run down them most Thursdays as i was late for work and missing the works bus due to having a heavy night on the Wednesday. is the news agents still just outside the dockyard, they do a lovely steak bridie (is that spelt right) in a bap! proper Scottish hangover cure with a can of ‘ginger’.

Nice pics by the way

Lovely translation :smiley:

iv travelled all over europe and for many years.
still never got a good look at scotland.i have been there.
id love a tramp around it for a few days.
i spoke to a shell driver a few years ago in stanlow.
he was off to the orkneys with a load of lub oil.
i envied him.
i was loading a load to drop in liverpool docks.
anyone ever want a multi drop or far north run done.
just pm me.

iv been to catania in italy,but never seen loch ness.
im not looking for the monster.
i know him.i worked for him years ago and packed up.

och aye the noo, bridie on a roll ( not bap, that english girlie word ) real food washed doon with a bottle of iron brew, next time you go up mike get yourself into the chippie and get a haggis supper then you will know youve been fed. :laughing:

thanks that was a excellent read and nice pictures

when is the next diary.

cracking read …your right about coatbridge it’s cos their all celtic supporters :laughing:

that was just a joke do go reporting me to uefa :laughing:

Looks wonderful up there! Never been that far north before, only up a bit north of Edinburgh, just south of the real scenic stuff.

Nice dream catcher :laughing:

Nice pics too!

Good read m8 thanks :slight_smile: i am not far from the dockyard couple min away i work for wishart :slight_smile:

Giblsa yeah the news agents are still there just outside the dockyard gates :slight_smile:

Does anyone notice a funny mistake on that Wishart sign? :laughing:

foriegn language? :slight_smile:

Right where are the royalties for my picture !!

I spent a week in Rosyth when I was about 13. We were being convinced to join the Royal Navy, go to exotic places, meet intersting people and torpedo them :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember the training was to be an engineering artificer and I was sent down to Portsmouth for 2 weeks after that.

It was ever so interesting and All I really remember is locking our RAF minder in the boiler room for 6 hours :stuck_out_tongue:

awesome, i live like 5 mins away from rosyth, up in dunfermline, got nexts weeks work coming out of roysth dockyard.

Does anyone notice a funny mistake on that Wishart sign? :laughing:

Yep. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I only really do class 1 work these days, but one company i’ll always do class 2 work for does chemist shop deliveries one run is going up the West Highlands, another one is way up to Wick. Makes a huge difference when your getting to take your break in a nice layby next to some moutains or a loch, or parked down the Harbour at Larbert sitting in a nice small cafe, rather than stuff in a MSA somewhere.

Next time i do that run i’ll take my camera along get some pics.

I live in Scotland but seem to mostly work in England, most of the work i do in Scotland seems to be either central belt multi drop or trunks down to England or trunks up to Aberdeen.

merc0447 wrote.

your right about coatbridge it’s cos their all celtic supporters

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

good read that i thought i was gonna be famous :open_mouth: :smiley:

oh and off up there next week aswell :wink: