Scania - keys locked in cab

Rob K:
I’ll give you that and happily stick my hand up and admit I was wrong.

I did PM him the method for breaking into a Scania, but it was PM and I only did it because I am satisfied with marcustandy’s bona fides (as I would be with yours if you had asked).

If somebody with the user name of “45 gallon drum and a Transit van” registered and in his first post said “Sure and Bejaysus, I’ve locked myself out, so I have”, then I would have been more reluctant to impart the information. :wink:

that happened to my old man in motherwell a couple of years ago, a local “youth” who was working for Andersons as a shunter had it open for him in under 2 minutes, my old fella reckons it was the best 20 quid he,s ever spent :smiley:

Won’t bother with a PM as I’ve mentioned this before.Several years ago in fact.

I had a 4-series Topline for a while when I worked in Sweden and one night down at the Eurotunnel terminal in Calais I jumped out to give the mirrors and windows a quick clean.It was only going to be a quick clean because the trucks in front of me were moving off to get on the train,so I jumped out leaving the engine running and all the lights on.
When I went to open the door to get back in,it was locked,same with passenger door.Oh! dear!!!

Eventually one of the tunnel guys turned up and moved the cones so that the trucks behind me could get on the train,some of them were quite miffed too :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Eurotunnel called the Scania dealer in Calais and they said they would send a mechanic out (this was a Friday night!).
In the meantime trucks were queueing in the adjacent lanes and wondering why I was standing there,in the middle of the row.A French driver came ambling over and asked what the problem was,so I explained to him why I was stood there,he casually gripped the driver’s door handle and gave it a tug.Nothing.
He then gripped the handle with both hands and pulled the bloody thing off!
He handed it to me,said sorry,and walked back to his truck.

The Scania mechanic arrived and asked why I’d pulled the door handle off,so I tried to explain that one of his countrymen had done it for me.
He said I was the third one that week that had been locked out,and they’d all been 4-series.

He opened up the front grille,stripped some conduit from a bunch of wires and stuck a sharp screwdriver through the insulation of one of the cables and then with another piece of wire he shorted it out to the chassis.Hey presto,both doors unlocked.

It took me longer to get a new door handle fitted at South Mimms the next morning.

Bloody Skoda’s!

Got a 07 R340 rigid and same thing happened to me last year. Shut the passenger door after putting shopping in went round to drivers side to find it had locked itself! got in with sunroof method.

Felix :slight_smile:

He opened up the front grille,stripped some conduit from a bunch of wires and stuck a sharp screwdriver through the insulation of one of the cables and then with another piece of wire he shorted it out to the chassis.Hey presto,both doors unlocked.

Sshhh, it’s supposed to be a secret!

Harry Monk:

He opened up the front grille,stripped some conduit from a bunch of wires and stuck a sharp screwdriver through the insulation of one of the cables and then with another piece of wire he shorted it out to the chassis.Hey presto,both doors unlocked.

Sshhh, it’s supposed to be a secret!

It’s okay Harry,I didn’t mention exactly which cable it was :wink:

Could always strip the steering lock and hot wire the thing keeping the keys in your pocket. :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: won’t be hanging around then :exclamation:

I’d heard about this when i got my Scania, so what i did i separated the fob with the c/locking buttons from the keyring and kept it in my pocket just in case. Although i never did get locked out. It was also handy for getting back in the truck when RDC’s had confiscated my keys.

sometime last year I got locked out of a Renault Premium with the engine still running, had just pulled off the bay and went to close the doors.

Eventually got in by bending the door frame a bit and wedging a chunk of wood in the top, and waving a piece of wire at the door handle inside for about an hour and eventually lifting it up.

Having once been locked out of a Ford Sierra with faulty central locking at 4am, I never leave keys in any vehicle, just in case it gets a strop on and locks me out. Once bitten and all that.

an o7 fh did it to me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Several of our 57 plate FHs have done it to their drivers. Mine included - although in my case fortunately the other door was already open.

Rule number one of living in an FH, ALWAYS unlock the passenger door before getting out of the driver’s, as it’s only the driver’s door that locks itself for some reason. Saves having to peel back window seals and poke twigs in at 2am. :wink:

I had an FH with central locking this week and was paranoid about it. Keys out every time I left the cab.

Older scanias usually have a sunroof which can be prised up from the outside, then you need a long pole with a hook on the end to pull the door lever. I used two broom handles taped together with gaffa and a cop hook screwed in the end, course such hi-tech equipment isn’t always available.

this is the way we do it in work, or prise the rubber off the nearside rear window an go in that way !

A French driver came ambling over and asked what the problem was,so I explained to him why I was stood there,he casually gripped the driver’s door handle and gave it a tug.Nothing.
He then gripped the handle with both hands and pulled the bloody thing off!
He handed it to me,said sorry,and walked back to his truck.

We should be more like the French! :laughing:

and then,

It took me longer to get a new door handle fitted at South Mimms the next morning.

Bloody Skoda’s!

:laughing: :smiley:

I got locked out of a DAF once, luckily the side locker was open, so I got two other drivers to pick me up and stuff me head first into the locker.

Came up through the bunk trapdoor dropped the seat forward and opened the door.

So if those two drivers are reading this thanks lads.

Sorry for the delay in replying; just off the boat, finishing my rest :wink:

Thanks for all the PM’s & to those who asked for the info to be relayed to them, it’s pretty much out in the open now. A couple of good ideas but only if you have the non-locking type of grill.

I asked for PM’s, expecting to be ‘flamed’ if it was an ‘open topic’ - damned if you do, damned if you don’t! :slight_smile:

I reckon I’ve sprouted some grey hairs during this 10 days, stressing over being locked out again but in Gib, Spain, etc this time!

Importantly though, the bad news is that the Ben & Jerry’s, although not leaked everywhere, had ‘swollen’ to an unhealthy looking (& probably dairy-style-explosive) proportion so was binned. That alone will be enough of a reminder not to do it again … :frowning:

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk.

i am still none the wiser should it happen me again :confused:

i am still none the wiser should it happen me again :confused:

surely after reading this nobody would get out of the cab without the keys?
you wouldn’t leave your keys in your car so don’t do it in the truck or leave a window open :laughing: :laughing:

I was on an overnighter once when the wife was working a long day so I took the dog so she wouldn’t be stuck in the house on her own for 16 hours, pulled up in the premium to be unloaded, left the keys in the ignition and shut the door, dog stood on the door handle and locked the cab with the c/l :angry:

Luckily i’d opened the window a crack for the dog so found a bit of wire and poked it through the window to pull the lock up, not so luckily the dog thought this bit of wire through the window was a great game and it took me ages with her batting at it :unamused: