Satnav - Navman

I am looking at getting a Satnav for truck. Have found Navman ICN520 for £299.98( which includes 3m pixel digital camera free :confused: )at Comet. It has 3.5 inch touch screen, voice direction, UK & Europe mappings.
What are your views on this model?
It can be seen here:
Thanks. :slight_smile:

Well, good luck :slight_smile:

I’ve a Mio 168 and when it works it’s brilliant :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

When it doesn’t its a pain to go back to maps… :blush: :blush:

good question that.
ive been toying with the idea of buying a cheap satnav. maybe a navman or a garmin. ive seen them advertised for around £180.
but when i here drivers talking about them they nearly all say that they double check the directions with there maps just to make sure about low bridges etc etc. so you still need maps ■■?.
also what happens to supermarket drivers etc where the delivery point (ie the back door ) is not the same address as the front of the shop■■?.

good question that.
ive been toying with the idea of buying a cheap satnav. maybe a navman or a garmin. ive seen them advertised for around £180.
but when i here drivers talking about them they nearly all say that they double check the directions with there maps just to make sure about low bridges etc etc. so you still need maps ■■?.
also what happens to supermarket drivers etc where the delivery point (ie the back door ) is not the same address as the front of the shop■■?.

how many times do you deliver to supermarkets with circle cement :confused: :confused: :confused:

I use the maps as a backup and also for a better idea of the geographical location of where I’m working.

The SN is good for getting you there and reasonably quickly :wink:

However, sometimes I still prefer the personal routing options :wink:

If you look in this months truck stop news there an article in there about low bridges I think it said it was a £10 to buy and you got free updates as they expanded their database its compatible with tomtom and tomtom go at the moment

the bridge ex system will tell you that there is a bridge in front of you on your route it won’t avoid it there are free databases available for other websites to honest you still have to think with things as never just plug the address in the machine and go always check the route against abig map ie truckers aa map

I’ve used nothing but SatNav for a few years now and I don’t use maps in conjuction with it. I look at the route it gives me and if it looks OK I go with that.

Mind you, I have never worried too much about low bridges and in all the years I have been driving for a living I have never used a map with bridge heights marked in it. If you come across a low bridge, or a weight restriction, you just divert and the SatNav will re-route you, couldn’t be easier.

Some people seem to worry about low bridges all the time, to the point of obsession. Just go with the flow, it’s all part of the adventure and if you find and obstacle, find a way round it. I work with a guy who is always worrying about bridges etc, mind you he will drive an extra 50 miles on a motorway rather than use a national road in case “it is a bit tight.” :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley:

good question that.
ive been toying with the idea of buying a cheap satnav. maybe a navman or a garmin. ive seen them advertised for around £180.
but when i here drivers talking about them they nearly all say that they double check the directions with there maps just to make sure about low bridges etc etc. so you still need maps ■■?.

There is a low bridge POI database you can get. Go visit the HGV Forum on

Currently running at over 2000 bridges and comes split into heights so you can have it only show the ones lower than your trailer.

Where it states UK & Europe, does it actually include Eire (Southern Ireland) in the Europe mapping? My mate has a Garmin (I think) but his Europe doesn’t cover Eire, so I just thought I’d check before buying :confused: :slight_smile:

Where it states UK & Europe, does it actually include Eire (Southern Ireland) in the Europe mapping? My mate has a Garmin (I think) but his Europe doesn’t cover Eire, so I just thought I’d check before buying :confused: :slight_smile:

Yes, I have had this problem before. There was one company that did it for ROI however I can’t find my references… I think I’ve deleted it in one of my clear outs of junk on these computers :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

However, it is truly madness that “UK & Ireland” isn’t just that. NI comes under UK right? So, “Ireland” would be ROI Right?? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Apparently not :imp: :imp: :unamused: :unamused:

My Navman claims to cover Western Europe but in the list of countries it just has UK, and it doesn’t cover ROI. I was under the impression the the ROI was in Western Europe but I guess not.

I have a potentially embarrassing situation looming on Thursday. With the SatNav covering only Western Europe and having to do a delivery in Budapest I might have to buy and use a map. :blush: :blush: :blush:

This will be the first map I will have bought for years but I am going to hide it in a gay ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ magazine in an attempt to avoid the shame and embarrassment. :wink: :smiley:

Mind you that will be the very last resort if I can’t find the company, and a plan of their location, on the web. :smiley: :smiley:

both teleatlas and navteQ are getting the newer countries mapping together as budpest comes under what used to be behind the iron curtain i know teleatlas hope to have all former east european countires by 2009

If I was still full-time on the road I would invest in satnav in the same way now that I regularly use Autoroute at home. But. I could never bear to be without maps as well, just in case, so Coffee’s attitude would not sit well with my peace of mind. To judge by some of the comments on here I’m not the only one. :smiley:

Salut, David.

Livin’ on the edge David. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

Still got all my maps in the cab just in case, but with my TomTom I rarely use them. I treat low bridge signs the same way as when TomTom tries to send me down a little side street coz it is the quickest route - just divert and let the satnav recalculate.
I have got the maps of western Europe on my Satnav, really clear and simple to follow when abroad. Did my first trip to Eire this last week, so was a little disappointed to find that TomTom do not classify Eire as being in Europe, so could not use my TomTom. Bought a map for the first time in ages.

Sat Nav for Ireland :laughing: :laughing: O/S map is the best I’ve found but that’s not great its all down to local Knowledge some local roads are wider and straighter than national roads and they love giving you low bridges without a alternative route. Don’t believe the sign’s on the bridge I took a container overall height 4.65 under a 4.50 bridge :open_mouth: :confused: … eights.asp
this link has some of Irish rails worst bridges

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i came very close to buying on of these navman’s on friday night at dixons in the white rose shopping centre with my missus she couldn stop laughing cos i had the salesman doing a demostration with it and then said

" il think about it "

i really did want one but i thought starting new job on sun so il see how that goes anyway started today and hey presto they give you a printed map before you set of for every delivery.

sometimes it pays to be tight.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:


I have a potentially embarrassing situation looming on Thursday. With the SatNav covering only Western Europe and having to do a delivery in Budapest I might have to buy and use a map. :blush: :blush: :blush:

I’d offer to loan you my atlas from my recent trip, but Bristol isn’t exactly on the way from Luton…

If you want basic motorway directions to Budapest, then give me a shout.