Rwanda Bill Passed

Frangers me old mate…
I aint going to indulge you any longer and argue about official statements and whether or not they are true with someone who is the absolute epitome of the type of person I have been banging on about…a well known on here natural and habitual conformist to anything he is told to do, and to believe.
But nice try, and have a nice day anyway.

Btw…a good pub down from there,.The Waggon.
Nip yourself in there if passing and spread your ‘Political word’ to the misguided locals who know the hotel, I’m sure they will appreciate your superiour knowledge on these matters … as much as we do on here.

Posted 4 mins after mine. And even the video I linked is much longer than that…
Oh well.

A combination of having seen the vid already and the knowlege that your post will be the same old… ‘‘Franglais loves an argument/refute everything that is said for the hell of it’’ type post.
Oh well.

Another fence to jump
Fears for Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda policy grow after Belfast high court ruled that new immigration law cannot be used in Northern Ireland because it breaks human rights rules

The Johnson “oven ready deal” didn’t think about borders between Eire/NI?
Sunak’s Windsor Agreement didn’t address this?
No one cares about the Good Friday Agreement?

No problem there: Sunak etc have already said they want to leave the ECHR.
Not thinking is a hallmark of the present Gov.
No chance of a good trade deal with the USA, anyway.

So? Just do away with Human Rights in the UK!
What could possibly go wrong?

that’s fine they can walk across into southern ireland.

its written in the bill that if they leave rwanda all payments for them stop and if they turn up back here we can ship them back for free

Yeah because they’d arrive back using the same documents wouldn’t they?

There is no such place as “southern Ireland”: call it ROI, “The Republic” or Eire, but never, ever “southern Ireland”

same finger prints and other identifying features not to mention dental records and dna records

I wasn’t aware they were fingerprinted and had DNA samples taken, as that would suggest they are being processed as criminals following an arrest: Have you got any references for that?

your fingerprints are taken at the airport there was a post on here the other week about it.

its very very hard this day and age to totally be untraceable. This afternoon i was looking at mobile phones as my deal is coming to an end. apart from the iphone/samsung crap at a grand a pop all they could offer me to walk out the store with was google or honor no thanks. Then again they did say if i bought the a8 i could have a 5000ah yes amp hour portable battery for 20 quid

Even Arnie Schwarzenegger would have trouble calling a 5,000Ah battery portable!


you would hve to be him to pay for it… 27.5k (euros). The point i was making was the guy clearly didnt have a brain cell spare to think as he was standing up at the time. I did suggest that maybe he meant mah but he was adamant. So who knows what phones they had in stock

@zac_a looks likes they can

section 141

even if they dont get the finger prints there will be dental records as they are provided with a dentist if needs be

Fairy snuff, I don’t have a problem with it, I was just imagining some people might say something about “can’t treat them like criminals without them first offending”.

Australia has strict laws on who is allowed to enter the country, there’s no logical reason for the UK not to do the same, apart from the seemingly large segment of the UK population who seem opposed to “protectionism”.

I get quite annoyed by the many people who choose to live here yet take every opportunity to slag off the UK.
I for one would not be opposed in the slightest to some form of admission-only-via-a-citizenship-study-programme, with pass or fail tests.

Dental records? You’ve been watching too many crime shows, these are a last resort and are hardly ‘conclusive evidence’. Same as so-called “lie detectors”, aka polygraphs, these are real mumbo-jumbo BS

Trackable and traceable? Don’t make me laugh. How many are unaccounted for in this country? Even the ones who make it to the security services watchlist disappear without trace with alarming regularity, so don’t expect me to believe that Abdul the goat botherer will be denied entry back into the UK after a brief Rwandan sojourn because of some hi tech detection equipment!

abdul the botherer hasnt disappeared though he has phoned up the rnli and got a free trip across the channel or in your example he has turned up in the airport.

i doubt very much there will be many escapees from the encampments in rwanda because they wont mess around