Run-in with a knife weilding trucker

You should’ve given him a tenner for his next fix to calm him down .Don’t you know that criminals are rewarded in this country not punished. Next time you see him hold his hand under the front wheel while a mate drives over it. If it had been me I would have blocked him in the street before he got to the depot & smashed his mirrors & his head if he got out & then went to work with all the venom out of my system happy in the knowledge that I had obeyed the rules of the road.( Attack is the best form of defence ) Never back down to foriegners . They think UK is a soft touch.

Attack is the best form of defence ) Never back down to foriegners . They think UK is a soft touch.

I just hope that the next time you’re abroad one of the locals has the same attitude as you do,and kicks the ■■■■ out of you!! :unamused:

They think UK is a soft touch.

Thats because we are a soft touch Harry and that is on immigration law and order,and just about any other area that this joke of a goverment thinks that it manages on our behalf.

If we went out and broke the hands of every foreigner that has woke upto the fact that this goverment has turned us into the laughing stock of europe then we would need another penny on income tax to pay the NHS bill.

However that is not the question here it just looks like this geezer got a bit carried away in front of his mates I wonder what course of action he would have taken if the bloke was English?

He was right. Go with the flo. The guys that have the heart probs. are the cowards. If it feels right ,do it!
ZipPC zip Anger management!!!
Go with your heart & you will live a stress free life.
I have had over 30 international jobs. I sacked the bosses rather than slug them. I am fit as a fiddle & I know the PC crowd are worrying what they are going to say to god to make him happy when its all over.
Philosophy of Life;Eat…Drink .And ■■■■ the consequences.
I am not just talking this ,I live it.
I wrote out a whole story about me & a biker but somehow it got the shortcut. Anyhow I bashed ■■■■ outa him & a woman screamed…pefecct! That prick will never rap on a window & give the finger again as long as he lives. Thats a guarantee . :laughing:

Cody you’re a nice guy but don’t get the idea that truckers work for the Salation Army. When the chips are down you can only punch your way out of it. A pig ignorant of any nation has to be taken down. Carry an iron bar in case its you.
I hate arrogant chancers.

Hope this helps…?

What a [zb]. Get some therapy.

If it needs stars then you’re just making work for me by making me edit it. L.

Ex Haulier:
What a [zb]. Get some therapy.

If it needs stars then you’re just making work for me by making me edit it. L.

Say what you mean…? Does this refer to me ■■ If so when was the last time you were on the road.

This story takes me back about 6 years and to give you an idea it went like this …I was on my way back from work in my car leaving the M62 in the road works when a truck at the side of me left it late to come off thinking he was forcing me off…anyhow I blow the horn to let him know I was alongside in his blind spot…no probs he manages to get off onto the slip road and when we stop at the roundabout he comes bounding up the road on foot so I wound the window down and he is proper loosing it calling me ■■■■■■ car driving this that and the other…anyway we are having a bit of a barny with all the other cars watching …he then makes the mistake of kicking the back passenger side door …I had no other choice but to get out and drop him like a sack of spuds,now this is something I am not proud of but for me once you lay a physical hand on me you are fair game and wether you are polish english whatever you have overstepped the mark END OFF.

If you had thumped my cab without at least trying to discuss it I would have given you summat to think about big boy

Harry lots of respect for your experience me old mucker BUT

Harry you obviously aint read my ramblings …I could not agree more when direct action is needed then use it and trust me I have no problem with that and on the occassion i used it I did not need a mate to hold him down or an iron bar.

Like you I have some dislikes a couple of which are bullshitters ,racists and even more so Bullyboys.

As for Salvation Army then I know one or two folks that would smile at that one :wink:


This story takes me back about 6 years and to give you an idea it went like this …I was on my way back from work in my car leaving the M62 in the road works when a truck at the side of me left it late to come off thinking he was forcing me off…anyhow I blow the horn to let him know I was alongside in his blind spot…no probs he manages to get off onto the slip road and when we stop at the roundabout he comes bounding up the road on foot so I wound the window down and he is proper loosing it calling me ■■■■■■ car driving this that and the other…anyway we are having a bit of a barny with all the other cars watching …he then makes the mistake of kicking the back passenger side door …I had no other choice but to get out and drop him like a sack of spuds,now this is something I am not proud of but for me once you lay a physical hand on me you are fair game and wether you are polish english whatever you have overstepped the mark END OFF.

If you had thumped my cab without at least trying to discuss it I would have given you summat to think about big boy

Harry lots of respect for your experience me old mucker BUT

Harry you obviously aint read my ramblings …I could not agree more when direct action is needed then use it and trust me I have no problem with that and on the occassion i used it I did not need a mate to hold him down or an iron bar.

Like you I have some dislikes a couple of which are bullshitters ,racists and even more so Bullyboys.

As for Salvation Army then I know one or two folks that would smile at that one :wink:

Codey.All due respect…Back up yer mates ,not some misunderstood dude from the Danube.
Its gone way beyond ’ Too far.’

I think some lessons can be learnt here.
Paul I think you should chill out…just read what you wrote and think about what really could of happened.

  1. You could of had a fight,knocked him to the ground and he bangs his head and ends up DEAD with you in Jail.
  2. You could of had a fight, with him stabbing you and you end up DEAD and him in JAIL.
    He didn’t pull a knife out because he cut you up, he pulled it out as he felt threatened by you.
    You are a professional driver so take this with you when you drive your car. He may of felt that you had pulled in front of him and cut him up??
    Another point is do not worry about what is happening behind you…you can NOT control this. If a car had ran into the back of you then whose fault is that?? The driver behind.

If he’d of apologised I would have dropped the matter immediately, but to pull a knife on someone you’ve just cut up■■?

This is 2008, what planet do some people live on.

Gone are the days if they ever existed where a disagreement would end up in a good old fashioned punch up. where someone ends up on the deck and thats it over, maybe even help the guy up shake hands, differences sorted out.

Fighting with people in the street, especially strangers, its two people trying to physically harm the other, it isnt the Queensbury rules.

I grew up in Glasgow seen a hell of a lot of fights and a hell of alot have been vicious no holds barred, where lots of people wouldn’t think twice about using a weapon on someone, or getting the guy on the deck then jumping on his head till his face is mush.

Your shocked at someone pulling a knife, i aint shocked. If your going to get involved with fights with strangers don’t be surprised if you meet some headcase who will stab you, or even shot you in the wrong area. Lets face it ultra violence isnt exactly un-common in the UK. How many people stabbed to death this weekend, four ?

If that Polish guy had jumped out the cab plunged you a few times, would only have yourself to blame for getting yourself in that situation in the first place.

Hi Kenny1975 & xjrv8,

You are probably right. Tempers can get raised and people can do daft things when some situations arrise.

I’m not at all sorry for what happened, and would never say that I’m always in the right. Thankfully nothing escallated further, and the original police man left the scene giving me a handshake and a pat on the shoulder, so I think he understood where I was coming from.

The Polish chap was acting like a complete unrespectful ■■■■■■■ even with the police present. The people who’s car he hit were pretty mad because he was pretty much laughing in their faces, even in front of the cops. It’s fair to say, from my perspective at least that this was not a nice person and he deserves anything he gets for his attitude.

Ironically we had a DJ (I think, or maybe a chef), killed on Torquay sea front a few years ago after being punched and banging his head on the kerb as he fell. - nasty things can happen in these situations.


Unrespectul !. Where do you think you are, in the hood !. No wonder kids are knifing each other.

I can’t understand it. He drove dangerously and almost caused an accident. OK, he was sitting on the left side, but as that can explain the thing, that’s not an excuse.

Then he was behaving agressive to you. Then he threatened you with a big knife and then he hit some car and don’t stopped on the spot, but just continued to drive - that’s mean that he escaped from the place of accident.

Then he carried two knifes (I also have a knife in my cab, but I am using it to opening cans, bottles or doing sandwiches, it’s just a tourist knife, not a warrior knige) and that’s seems to be illegal here. He also was driving vehicle in not roadworthy condidion.

Did I understanded it well?

If yes, I have a question: Why he’s not in jail? I can assure you that if I will do things like that in Poland, I will end in jail for at least 48 hrs…

So I think there are two answers

  1. It’s only yours subjective point of view and from the other side you might seems to be more aggresive then him.
  2. Police here indeed can’t do nothing, which is good news for moron like this polish driver, as they can be intouchable and do everything they want.

You should’ve given him a tenner for his next fix to calm him down .Don’t you know that criminals are rewarded in this country not punished. Next time you see him hold his hand under the front wheel while a mate drives over it. If it had been me I would have blocked him in the street before he got to the depot & smashed his mirrors & his head if he got out & then went to work with all the venom out of my system happy in the knowledge that I had obeyed the rules of the road.( Attack is the best form of defence ) Never back down to foriegners . They think UK is a soft touch.

:open_mouth: You’re a professional are you :question: :open_mouth: :unamused:

Should have taken the tory line with the knife weilding man!. Showed him some love! Explained to him is wrongs and failings. Then bought him a nice brekkie from the local cafe while going over the highway code. Then wave him of to his home land wishing him well !!


Hi Orys,

The copper simply said there is very little they can do…

They presumably took the knifes off him and I presume they only gave him a bollocking, as they certainly never took him away in cuffs.

I fail to see the difference in carrying a bloody big knife in your cab and carrying one with you on the street. I would do neither as I would expect to get taken away in handcuffs if I was caught…

I honestly don’t know mate… I’m glad the whole thing is over and I’m looking forward to a new week starting tomorrow evening.

Take care,

It’s good that nothing happened to no-one, but I simply do not understand that they can’t do nothing. So if I am polish, I can do whatever I want? Ridicoulous.

Hi Orys,

The copper simply said there is very little they can do…

They presumably took the knifes off him and I presume they only gave him a bollocking, as they certainly never took him away in cuffs.

I fail to see the difference in carrying a bloody big knife in your cab and carrying one with you on the street. I would do neither as I would expect to get taken away in handcuffs if I was caught…

I honestly don’t know mate… I’m glad the whole thing is over and I’m looking forward to a new week starting tomorrow evening.

Take care,

He should have been locked up, simple as that, However in saying that, he would have then complained about your behaviour saying he thought he was about to get the beating of his life and you would too have probably ended up in court along side him.

I fail to see the difference in carrying a bloody big knife in your cab and carrying one with you on the street. I would do neither as I would expect to get taken away in handcuffs if I was caught…

I can see the difference.
I carry a ‘few’ knives in my cab,for the simple reason that I tramp all week and cook my own food.a plastic knife or a spoon dont tend to cut too well. :unamused:
my intention is not to go about threatening people with them,but if,when should the need arise i possibly would use them to defend myself,even though with my luck Id be the one that would get stabbed with them. :wink:
most people on the street will carry a knife for the reason of protection,meaning they are either looking for trouble or carrying it possibly because of the type of circles they move in. :wink: