Run-in with a knife weilding trucker


Thought I’d tell you a story, or at least get the story off my chest of what happened on the way in to work today. It’s long… Sorry…

I’m working for an agency on a contract until early September from a company on Heathfield Industrial Estate, Newton Abbot.

I’m driving in to work at about 17:20 and am crossing over a quite large roundabout that goes over the A38 Plymouth to Exeter. I’m on the busy roundabout and a Polish artic nearly T-Bones me as he enters to roundabout without right-of-way doing around 30mph coming from the Plymouth direction. Cars hammer their breaks on, horns are blazing and I’ve managed to get in front of the lorry as I didn’t want to hit my breaks and get rear-ended.

In the next mile or so as I enter Heathfield Ind Est this lorry is still up my [zb], so rightly or wrongly I gave him the horn and finger out of my car window and continued on to the place I work. Unbelievably he was delivering to where I’m working.

As I pulled the car in to the car park, he stopped and gave me his horn. Pretty peturbed at this, I ran around to his door (left hand drive), and told him to get out. He then pulled a knige from a bag or something in the cab and started waving it at me and shouting something or another from the cab. By this time I was fuming and tried opening his door which was locked, as I wanted to drag him out and give his a good beating. A few work collegues had heard the comotion and come out to calm the situation down. I gave his door another punch (one of many) and walked off to the lorry I was picking up.

He had to turn around in a neighbouring residential area to get his load off. Next thing I heard was a crunch followed by more shouting… He had ripped the front end off someones 4*4 as he was turning. Instead of stopping, he drove off and presumably found somewhere a bit more suitable to turn, with a few angry people in tow.

About 20 mins later he arrived at my workplace and a police man showed up. I had a word with the copper about what happened with me and he told us to wait for traffic dept to turn up.

Anyway, to cut a long story a bit shorter, they found 2 knifes in the lorry. The one he pulled on me had about an 8 inch blade and they found a smaller one as well. The police man said that he would have been better-off ditching his tacho’s before traffic turned up as there were a LOT of violations and his lorry was not in a driveable state either.

If this were an English driver he would have been reamed for this, but even the Police said there was little they could do other than pass his details on to the port authorities to flag him if he enters the country again. I’m not sure if they are taking any further action against him but his lorry won’t be driving anywhere until it gets sorted.

I am NOT perfect and yes, I did react violently to what he did, especially when he pulled the knife on me. He could have killed someone on that roundabout and if I hadn’t of reacted quickly he’d certainly have T-Boned me. He was driving the artic like a boy-racer so I’m not upset that he’s been done for it. He thought I’d back off when he showed his knife - people like this need a good hiding in my point of view.

We all make mistakes and I’ll be the first to put my hands up and say I’m sorry if I do ■■■■-up. I never used to get wound-up at people like this until I had a child a few years ago. These days I see drivers like this as people who would risk the life of children in cars and innocent people just so they can get from A to B a few minutes quicker.

If he’d of apologised I would have dropped the matter immediately, but to pull a knife on someone you’ve just cut up■■?

Maybe I was wrong, maybe I was right. One thing for sure though, I’ve knackered a knuckle on his door and it hurts like hell.


(Small language edit. If you think it needs stars to beat the auto-censor, take that as a hint it isn’t allowed. Or type the word in fully and try ‘Preview’. Simon)

you were definately wrong with the violence bit. Did you not consider baseball bat or similar? Broken knuckes can take ages to heal.
If he’d been an english driver his feet wouldn’t have touched the floor possibally even jail with all the knife crime at the moment!

you did right mate what a knob :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Don’t blame you at all Paul.

Just goes to show that in this country its one law for us and one for the rest of europe.

I don’t blame you one bit.

Unfortunately the standard of driving from members of the former Warsaw Pact countries leave’s a lot to be desired.
The Poles were,and are,some of the worst culprits though they are rapidly being overtaken by the Rumos!

Great story Paul and its great to get if off your chest. I wonder if i’m the only one who finds it amusing that rather than be rear ended you chanced being ‘t-boned’ by an artic ?

youre not the first,and undoubtedly the last!do you think youre the first person he will have done this to?his luck ran out this time,and these are the type of people we let in on immigration! :imp: i always find pullin the park brake on eventually leads to em gettin out of the cab :smiley:

As I pulled the car in to the car park, he stopped and gave me his horn.

i can imagine that this was quite traumatic. :confused:


As I pulled the car in to the car park, he stopped and gave me his horn.

i can imagine that this was quite traumatic. :confused:

theres a world of difference between the word “his” and “the”! :wink: :confused:

so rightly or wrongly I gave him the horn and finger

you’re right…maybe this caused the problem. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I wonder if i’m the only one who finds it amusing that rather than be rear ended you chanced being ‘t-boned’ by an artic ?

Hi Mike,

Sorry mate, maybe I should have made it more clear…

If I had of hit the breaks, I would have been rear-ended by the cars that were behind me on the roundabout.

Imagine the lorry entering the roundabout side on to my vehicle with cars following close behind me, and hopefully you’ll get the jist.

Take care,

Surely Plod can’t let him away with carrying/brandishing an offensive weapon? :open_mouth: :confused: :angry:

If I was in a strange country and some loudmouth started ranting and raving at me and trying to get in MY cab,then Id be pulling a knife or Mr Hammer out too!!

Coulda, Shoulda ,Woulda T boned you…He did’nt did he??,or anyone else for that matter!!
Chill out FFS,the accident DIDNT happen did it,and you making a meal out of it,just let the whole situation get out of hand,whereas if you’d have chilled out and let it go,the whole knife wielding situation :unamused: probably would’nt have come about.
I cant understand why everybody has to have a confrontation nowadays or is it just a macho thing!! :unamused:

Hi Bikemonkey,

It’s certainly not a matcho thing mate. Obviously no one knows what people are like until they meet them, but I’m completely un-matcho. I’m nothing more than a dad trying to make a living for his family like most people on here I guess.

No, it wasn’t a HUGE thing and no-one was killed or injured. What really got my goat was his attitude. If I make a mistake, and I have done, I’ll put my hands up and say sorry, or at least gesture it. I won’t continue to follow them aggressively blowing my horn at them. If I did, I’d expect to have my head knocked off!

I have never had a run-in with anyone like this in the past. We have all seen idiot drivers - they are everywhere, but he took it to a new level because he was safely locked in his cab with his knife! Principle has to come in to the equasion somewhere, and if he drives with an attitude like that, then he’ll do some harm someday.

Hi Bikemonkey,

It’s certainly not a matcho thing mate. Obviously no one knows what people are like until they meet them, but I’m completely un-matcho. I’m nothing more than a dad trying to make a living for his family like most people on here I guess.

No, it wasn’t a HUGE thing and no-one was killed or injured. What really got my goat was his attitude. If I make a mistake, and I have done, I’ll put my hands up and say sorry, or at least gesture it. I won’t continue to follow them aggressively blowing my horn at them. If I did, I’d expect to have my head knocked off!

I have never had a run-in with anyone like this in the past. We have all seen idiot drivers - they are everywhere, but he took it to a new level because he was safely locked in his cab with his knife! Principle has to come in to the equasion somewhere, and if he drives with an attitude like that, then he’ll do some harm someday.

Thats fair enough
he might have had a morning full of company car drivers cutting him up and bullying there way in front of him…might have been having a bad day??

My point was,if someone started having a go at YOU in a foreign language and trying to enter aggresively YOUR space(ie cab/home)then you might to try to resist that at all costs??
You told your story as you saw it,Ive said before,that most people ALWAYS add their little bit of exaggeration to things,to beef it up a tad,I dont know.
Im not condoning his apparent aggresive driving by any means,but the Poles do get bad press anyway from us…a lot of it totally justified,but just try and put your self in the position of the driver in the scenario I have described.
I might be wrong,he WAS probably a complete ■■■■■■■■■ have your word for that though and im just trying to give more of a balanced arguement :wink: in my own unique way :smiley:

I think you made a mistake when you gave the polish driver the finger.
He may have thought it was the ■■■■ salute. :laughing:

When he waved the knife at you. He may have been asking. " have you got a tin opener for these aldi beans. i cut my hand the other day trying to use this knife, old chap." :laughing:

You start punching peoples cab doors your more likely to find it’s you that plod nicks. Might be old but it’s still true that two wrongs don’t make a right. Take a chill pill.

Ex Haulier:
You start punching peoples cab doors your more likely to find it’s you that plod nicks. Might be old but it’s still true that two wrongs don’t make a right. Take a chill pill.

This story takes me back about 6 years and to give you an idea it went like this …I was on my way back from work in my car leaving the M62 in the road works when a truck at the side of me left it late to come off thinking he was forcing me off…anyhow I blow the horn to let him know I was alongside in his blind spot…no probs he manages to get off onto the slip road and when we stop at the roundabout he comes bounding up the road on foot so I wound the window down and he is proper loosing it calling me ■■■■■■ car driving this that and the other…anyway we are having a bit of a barny with all the other cars watching …he then makes the mistake of kicking the back passenger side door …I had no other choice but to get out and drop him like a sack of spuds,now this is something I am not proud of but for me once you lay a physical hand on me you are fair game and wether you are polish english whatever you have overstepped the mark END OFF.

If you had thumped my cab without at least trying to discuss it I would have given you summat to think about big boy


Ex Haulier:
You start punching peoples cab doors your more likely to find it’s you that plod nicks. Might be old but it’s still true that two wrongs don’t make a right. Take a chill pill.

This story takes me back about 6 years and to give you an idea it went like this …I was on my way back from work in my car leaving the M62 in the road works when a truck at the side of me left it late to come off thinking he was forcing me off…anyhow I blow the horn to let him know I was alongside in his blind spot…no probs he manages to get off onto the slip road and when we stop at the roundabout he comes bounding up the road on foot so I wound the window down and he is proper loosing it calling me ■■■■■■ car driving this that and the other…anyway we are having a bit of a barny with all the other cars watching …he then makes the mistake of kicking the back passenger side door …I had no other choice but to get out and drop him like a sack of spuds,now this is something I am not proud of but for me once you lay a physical hand on me you are fair game and wether you are polish english whatever you have overstepped the mark END OFF.

If you had thumped my cab without at least trying to discuss it I would have given you summat to think about big boy

Quality :laughing: i bet he not done anything like that since.

Dunno Greg

The point is that once we are reduced to violence then there are no winners.

What strikes me about this original post is how quickly someone gets into a situation where he is in a situation where he has clearly set out to attack the foreign driver for what is at the end of the day a bit of handbags at ten paces …jeeze this guy never wants to drive on the continent the horn is the most overworked part of the vehicle . Yep i agree also it sounds like some bad driving took place but we only have one side of the story…the knife thing yep also out of order , but this driver is in a foreign country and being attacked…those of us that know what being under that kind of attack is like might not condone the knife but certainly understand sometimes you have to have a little protection at times.

This guy states that he is a family man with kids…lets imagine the worst case scenario and the driver had stabbed him dead…that equates to a widow and kids without a dad.

Also violent conduct on your employers premises is gross misconduct and could lead to dismissal. this equates no food in fridge or prezzies at xmas.

And why because this bloke could see through his red mist at what I guess was a bit of chest beating in front of his workmates

mmmm :unamused: