Routemasters bbc2

Anybody been watching this series ? …

Yep, first one was good, second one was OK and this one was quite interesting.

Just wait until we have planners ringing us up telling us to have a 2 minute break to make a gap :smiley:

Yes iv been watching it, I used to be a London bus driver…

Yes been watching it, quite interesting so far, a few bits made me chuckle.

Though have to wonder if there is a bus forum like ours, slating it as over exaggerated sensationalist nonsense, like we do with trucks and trailers :laughing:

seen all 3 so far…noticed an over-turned artic causing chaos in last night’s episode :unamused: they are still running 10 original Routemaster’s :sunglasses: much more character than the new one’s.

It’s not a job I would want to do …

Why do the controllers sit in the control room with their hi-vis jackets on ?

Because they are thinking of the children.

Yes iv been watching it, I used to be a London bus driver…

I bet you were calmness personified doing that job day in day out? :wink: :smiley:


Yes iv been watching it, I used to be a London bus driver…

I bet you were calmness personified doing that job day in day out? :wink: :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: . ■■■■ you Steve, you beat me to it!

:smiley: sorry mate

Yeah, its an interesting program, i trained on an RT ( the one B4 the RM ) then drove the RM, both on the route 53 from new cross, before they went to OMO, and before i got the urge to drive trucks again.
It was nice though when we would turn up for work, and because of the spares shortage, was told to wait in the canteen cos there was no bus for me, this happened for about 2 weeks,with a few games of snooker daily. We would also change the destination, and pull into Northumberland Avenue stand, and if anyone came up to us ( like an inspector/jumper ) we would say, My clippie had been assaulted, and needed to rest. There were a lot of things we would get away with, loosen an injector pipe and say the passengers can smell diesel, but on the other hand they were very strict with timings, we would get booked for running early, and get booked for running late, which meant a visit to see the garage manager, who would reprimand you. There were also silent inspectors, who would travel on your bus, to make sure the ride was as smooth as can be, another reprimand if it wasnt, and./or dismissal, more often it was back to Chiswick for re-training, and sometimes another test. I never got to a stage like that, but was often booked for early running. It was a great job though, and i did enjoy the training, and at the end, a test and a go on the skid pan ( which was a waste of time, as the roads in London wasnt wide enough for a full skid circle, but great fun. Privatisation was the worst thing to happen, although warranted.
If you are in London, a visit to the Transport Museum is a good bet, the kids will love it, and can see what it was like to drive these buses/trains, and you can get in the vehicles, see videos etc.

I bet you were calmness personified doing that job day in day out? :wink: :smiley:

Something like that, didn’t last long though, they got shot of me… :slight_smile:

Yes been watching it, quite interesting so far, a few bits made me chuckle.

Though have to wonder if there is a bus forum like ours, slating it as over exaggerated sensationalist nonsense, like we do with trucks and trailers :laughing:


Yes been watching it, quite interesting so far, a few bits made me chuckle.

Though have to wonder if there is a bus forum like ours, slating it as over exaggerated sensationalist nonsense, like we do with trucks and trailers :laughing:


knew there would be one somewhere :laughing:

I tell you what i couldnt put up with,apart from the public :laughing: is that comms system…on your case all day,stop here for 3 mins,your behind by 5mins etc
Its a good idea for the driver as his safety is paramount and there are some nutters about but the constant interference from that system would drive me mad :imp:

Was a good insight into the job though,good starting pay £26k!

Would have to pay me £126k to even think about doing it…i will stick to frozen food thanks :slight_smile:

I love any transport progs on London, I find them fascinating.
I find London fascinating, and love to visit for upto about 4 days, after that it’s back to my nice sleepy Lancashire village :slight_smile:

I love any transport progs on London, I find them fascinating.
I find London fascinating, and love to visit for upto about 4 days, after that it’s back to my nice sleepy Lancashire village :slight_smile:

It’s the biggest ■■■■■■■■ going, can’t stand the place…


I love any transport progs on London, I find them fascinating.
I find London fascinating, and love to visit for upto about 4 days, after that it’s back to my nice sleepy Lancashire village :slight_smile:

It’s the biggest [zb] going, can’t stand the place…

+1. And I was born and brought up there!

I love any transport progs on London, I find them fascinating.
I find London fascinating, and love to visit for upto about 4 days, after that it’s back to my nice sleepy Lancashire village :slight_smile:

I could’ve written that myself. Word for word that’s what I think.