Rob K question

To add to this (from the link you gave):


Words may be offensive, profane and vulgar…but not be fighting words.

Words may be insulting and outrageous…but not be fighting words because there was no face-to-face confrontation.

Words may make a person or audience angry, and be impolite, rude, or insulting…but may be protected by the First Amendment

Mark :smiley:

From the same section…
Obscenity is a different concept than “fighting words”


Obscenity (1) prurient interest, (2) patently offensive, (3) lacks literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

Interlog and any others who insist on trying to argue the case, there is one simple answer to all the Bickering going on here

Either Use the Forums as per the T&C’s


Dont use the Forums at all

Quite simple choice really innit :question: :question: :question:

Davey Driver:
Interlog and any others who insist on trying to argue the case, there is one simple answer to all the Bickering going on here

Either Use the Forums as per the T&C’s


Dont use the Forums at all

Quite simple choice really innit :question: :question: :question:

not another alix jeees, yes david we do know that. derr

I am sure we could debate all day and night the 1st amendment and the right to free speeech, it seems the Americans do it an awful lot too :wink:

However even more interesting is the point that a private owner ( the example shown is a shopping mall) can place whatever restrictions they deem fit, the first amendment does not apply.

So if the owners of a shopping mall or a websites view on the interpretation of the law is that by allowing obscene language they could be liable for prosecution then they are fully within their right s under US law to restrict that language.

I will reiterate , that the whole question of which words should/should not be in the word censor is under review, but until that review is complete the current situation stands.

As has been stated many many times there are websites that allow foul language dedicated to drivers, if members feel compelled to swear then they can use them, they can also post exactly the same over here, and the word censor or moderator will remove words it is felt inappropriate for this website.

I state again no-one is forced to use this website if they feel uncomfortable with the rules.

The simple solution would be to just apologise to Rob and let him back on the site, Job done really and no need for further comment after you do that.

The simple solution would be to just apologise to Rob and let him back on the site

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


The simple solution would be to just apologise to Rob and let him back on the site, Job done really and no need for further comment after you do that.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Sounds like an idea :bulb: :bulb:

Rob of course will then know he is invulnerable and can break as many rules as he wishes with no sanction, and if he does get suspended he only has to wait a couple weeks and we will let him back again cos a few members decided to jump on the bandwagon.

Then other members will want the same privelages as Rob to ignore the rules, and as we dont enforce the rules anymore the website will become full of foul language and personal attacks…

But there is another website that caters for that market exceptionaly well, ,

So i think we will just continue enforcing our rules the best way we can,

So I will say sorry…
Sorry Rob you pushed your luck a little too far, and despite being fully aware of the consequences continued to ignore the rules and policies of this website.
As a result your posting privelages have been permanently removed

Can’t see what all the fuss is here.
This website has rules against swearing.
Another site does not.
If you want to swear, go there.
Simple, innit?
It doesn’t matter whether our rules can be justified or not. They’re our rules and everybody signed up has agreed to them. If you break your agreement why should you think you shouldn’t get banned?
As I said, simple, not complicated.

do you know, you would think he had committed mass effin murder.
serious insulting behavior or summik.

tbh its past the banning mlarky now,its about being a class a oil level tester.
never in my wildest dreams did i think you could be so darn stubbin and silly.
i wish i could divulge wot i know to you here n now/but i made a promise that i would stay shtum. so stay shtum i will.

but for goodness sake man a laffs a laff.
trucknet has been dragged thru the gutter this weekend for no other reason than you have a dislike for a now ex member.

you ban other members for trying to raise points in relation to this.
why not go the whole hog and just shut the site down eh.
make things easier wouldnt it.

do you know, you would think he had committed mass effin murder.
serious insulting behavior or summik.

tbh its past the banning mlarky now,its about being a class a oil level tester.
never in my wildest dreams did i think you could be so darn stubbin and silly.
i wish i could divulge wot i know to you here n now/but i made a promise that i would stay shtum. so stay shtum i will.

but for goodness sake man a laffs a laff.
trucknet has been dragged thru the gutter this weekend for no other reason than you have a dislike for a now ex member.

you ban other members for trying to raise points in relation to this.
why not go the whole hog and just shut the site down eh.
make things easier wouldnt it.

Or Terry…
you could accept that a member broke the rules on this website, and has been banned…

You could accept that we asked everyone not to spam the forums with this subject and to discuss it in the thread that is here for that purpose

you could accept that a small number of people couldnt abide by that simple request and have had their posting privelages temporarily suspended (thats not banned BTW)

You could also accept that the folks on your forum are having far too much fun rabble rousing and it actually has very little to do with Rob K at all. :wink: :wink: :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

or rikki. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

wind up merchant of the highest order.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i give up.



TO ““ADHERE”” by these RULES; robk HAS GOT TO

EXCEPT THAT; he was given a second chance

he has broken the rules AGAIN so he is

no longer allowed to participate, ME i think

ROBK has some times posted good points.,

stupid points, and irresponsible points,.,

but one can not have free rein to do what

ever one wishes, sorry NO;NO and again

NO;WE have many youngsters who vist here

and they are not all brainwashed to think that

ANGLO-SAXON is normal form of the use

when communicateing with one and other,

SORRY ROBK but rules do need to be followed

where ever and whatever,

and if this is upseting to some of the users

then do what you feel is correct,but remember

rules are there for a reason,and for all members,

oh shadap pete. we know man we know.

I personally could NOT stand Rob_K, but i gotta say these forums will not be the same without him :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I personally could NOT stand Rob_K, but i gotta say these forums will not be the same without him :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Almost Ditto I wouldnt say i couldnt stand the guy , i was growing to like him actually but as you say the forums wont be the same.

Anyone else who runs a business and has to make profits et cetera surely would not lose an assett that provides so much interest would it?.

Anyone else who runs a business and has to make profits et cetera surely would not lose an assett that provides so much interest would it?.

Unfortunately Jammy business works both ways :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

There are Assetts that could also turn out to be Liabilities :wink: :wink:

The strangest thing I’ve realised this weekend though :question: :question: :question: :question: :question:

The World is still revolving and we all woke up alive without Rob K on these Forums :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Makes you wonder though Dunnit :wink: :wink:

Fair enough Davey but when did he become a liability?, or was that yet to happen all he did was try to bypass the dictionary thingybob a few times we have all dont it havent we?.

All this is a cop out by the directors of TNUK, they wanted rid of Rob and they’ve got what they want.
This censorship of the highest degree and you can take my membership and shoive it right up your arse.
We all break the rules so you might as well take all our posting rights away.

It’s a case of it’s my ball and your not playing with it.

Me and Rob didn’t always see eye to eye but he added some valuable input.

Please erase my membership of this forum as I will never be posting here again, there are far more interesting sites than this one, one where you can post your opinion and not be judged on everything you write. you can say that again. Well done that’s 2 members you’ve got rid of.

Your a sad bunch of small minded wanabe’s