Rob K question


At the peak tonight we had over 55 members on-line, the vast majority havent posted on this issue , perhaps they are more intersted in Truck driving and the industry than one person

and out of that 55 members how many are regular posters.
like on any of the other drivers forums there is always the same people that make regular posts.

its been said countless times

its the members who post that make a forum !

granted,i am not a prolific poster on this site but then again there is 2230 members who have NEVER posted. out of them 55 how many are among the 2230 who have never posted ?
this site has 4270 registered users with 2230 who have never contributed anything !!!
you chose to ban one member , who in his own right,is the second highest poster for having a bit of fun.
something not right here rikki
in my own personal view, a sad day for trucknet.

here here :laughing: :laughing:

Whats all this crap (oops shame on me :blush: ) about BABYSITTING ADULTS THEN!

Rikki, we all have the right to FREE SPEECH to comment on anything that we wish to, whether or not you agree with that is irrelevant as this is a pure fact.

Locking posts so no-one can respond is just childish in my opinion (for what it appears to be worth) Isn’t it better to thrash this out and get to the bottom of it?

It seems obvious to me that although RobK has said certain things in the past, I think I can speak for most on here that I have never been personally insulted by any of his comments. This is typical of beaurocracy is this country and the very reason why I left the police force!

We have all used words, from time to time, that have been caught by the language filter, does that make us all liable for suspension? If this is personal between you and Rob, then get it sorted out and leave the rest of us who wish to post on here after a hard days graft out of it.

we all have the right to FREE SPEECH to comment on anything that we wish to,

No we don’t, the person who owns the site can decide exactly what they want, or don’t want, on it.

whether or not you agree with that is irrelevant as this is a pure fact.

Rikki owns the site and as a result he can decide what, or who, is and isn’t allowed on it. Now if we don’t like that we don’t use the site, simple really.

Isn’t it better to thrash this out and get to the bottom of it?

There is nothing to tharsh out and get to the bottom of. :unamused: :unamused: It has been explained what has happened to lead to Robs banning and all the threads in the world are not going to change that.

We have all used words, from time to time, that have been caught by the language filter, does that make us all liable for suspension?

No, because that is not what Rob was banned for. :unamused: :unamused:

If this is personal between you and Rob, then get it sorted out

It is not personal between anyone on here and Rob. What’s done is done and nothing will now change that. If as a result of this people feel TruckNet is not for them then vote with your mouse and don’t use it. If enough people do that maybe TruckNet will die a death and then it won’t matter who is banned as there won’t be anything to be banned from. :wink: :smiley:

and leave the rest of us who wish to post on here after a hard days graft out of it.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Here is a little hint on how to be left out of it. Don’t post on it, leaving you free to post on other things after a hard days graft. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Democracy ■■■■■■ again it seems eh?.

The Ayatollah of the North East sahll decide the fate by th elooks of it.

By the way folks can you please stop pming me about the site where Rob can speak of his defence i can only answer 20 a day.

link removed as per rules

amazing! I only asked a question and the whole membership gets a yellow card and Robk, who only had his posting rights suspended has now been banned!

Think I’ll go before I get banned

:confused: WTF? me n rob are by no means best buds but nobody can deny he added more to this site than most, simple question, how can you ban someone from a public forum■■?
think those who are “in charge” best have a minute, before they cut their own throats. :bulb:

Its the end of trucknet as we know it I too liked reading his posts and comments on here you tend to head straight for them cause you know they will be good fun to read I for one and proberbly a few of you too are considering walking and voting with your mouse especially as the robk posts seemed to be automatically locked what happened to free speech then OH SOD IT BOLLOX TO THIS I,M OFF SEE YOU ALL ON THE OTHER SIDE :smiling_imp: :wink:

think I’ll go as well


All i can say is
" Am I bovvered though?"

the answer would be no,
end of.

good decision admin :smiley:

edit for personal attack


guys come on this site is rated as a family site hence the autosensor you agree to these terms when you sign up to join this site end of story.

the same has to be said for the managments desision to banned a person or suspend there posting rights

oh alix [zb]
[edited for personal attack]

All i can say is
" Am I bovvered though?"

the answer would be no,
end of.

good decision admin :smiley:



we all have the right to FREE SPEECH to comment on anything that we wish to,

No we don’t, the person who owns the site can decide exactly what they want, or don’t want, on it.

Actually Coffee, Rikki posted that as the servers are hosted in the US, that the filter had to be introduced to comply with some stupid US law or another despite it being legal in this country.

As you’ll remember, in the US Consitution there is the The First Amendment, the one for free speech which states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So the site owner can’t actually decide what people do or don’t post on it because of the First Amendment.

Or is it a case of moving the goalposts to suit?

On a personal note i found some of Rob K’s posts offensive and rude.

In many instances he attempts to start arguments and inflames heated issues.

As to his reasons for being banned i dont know but so far as i’m concerned GOOD RIDDANCE

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;

And Congress hasn’t made a law regarding the content of this site, the site owners have decided that so Congress are prohibiting nothing.

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

And nothing is stopping you from assembling peaceably or petitioning the Government about your grievances. Get in touch with Tony or George, see what there take is on the subject.

Or is it a case of moving the goalposts to suit?

Probably, but that’s what you can do when you are the owner. :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

On a personal note i found some of Rob K’s posts offensive and rude.

In many instances he attempts to start arguments and inflames heated issues.

As to his reasons for being banned i dont know but so far as i’m concerned GOOD RIDDANCE

I found some of them offensive and abusing as well as trolling too. But in this country and in the server hosting country, we have this thing called FREE SPEECH which between 1939 and 1946, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE DIED to protect our right to it.

If you want to live in a country where people aren’t allowed to post things that may upset others, I believe Kim Jong Il, Hu Jintao and the many Ayatollahs in Iran will give you a warm reception and provide a society suiting you down to the ground.

I may be offended by what someone posts but I will defend until death their right to post it.

As a moderator of a totally different forum I can understand why Rob K was banned, he did cross the line a few times. Posting on any forum is a privilege and not a right and you need to stick to the forum rules.

It’s a sham that rob k didn’t think before writing some of his replies, cos some of his stuff was very good.

I may be offended by what someone posts but I will defend until death their right to post it.

Where’s Rob with his Drama Queen picture when you need him? :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

And nothing is stopping you from assembling peaceably or petitioning the Government about your grievances. Get in touch with Tony or George, see what there take is on the subject.

I did. Tony says “Sorry mate, not interested as I’ve handed in me notice and will be out of the job next week. See my mate Gordon.”

Got a reply from George. The speelchucker in Office has never had to work as hard but basically he said that as there was no WMDs or any possible way to infer there “might” be WMDs involved or any tenous links to THE AXIS OF WEEVIL </deep echoing voice>, that he’d get Condalesa to take a look when she got back from her holiday at the Taliban Hotel but that may be some time as she’s been given quite a large “entertainment” allowance.


And nothing is stopping you from assembling peaceably or petitioning the Government about your grievances. Get in touch with Tony or George, see what there take is on the subject.

I did. Tony says “Sorry mate, not interested as I’ve handed in me notice and will be out of the job next week. See my mate Gordon.”

Got a reply from George. The speelchucker in Office has never had to work as hard but basically he said that as there was no WMDs or any possible way to infer there “might” be WMDs involved or any tenous links to THE AXIS OF WEEVIL </deep echoing voice>, that he’d get Condalesa to take a look when she got back from her holiday at the Taliban Hotel but that may be some time as she’s been given quite a large “entertainment” allowance.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Nice one.


ROBK will say himself ,he was banned before and when he

had complied with what was asked of him allowed back,

WE ALL have agreed to abide by the rules for this forum

if you can not be bothered to use the queens english

to explain yourself,its a pity,YOU CAN if you wish

vote with you mouse,do that ,but remember this

the amount of children and by children i mean those not

yet brainwashed into thinking anglo-saxon words

are all right, reading this forum is quite large, I would like

to think that the kids can read the posts with out any problems,

if you wish to cuss and swear then go where you are allowed

to do so, the rules weither you like them or not are there to be followed

AND ROBK yes he has posted a hell of a lot here but he has also broken the

rules also often enougfh. His posts have beena mixture of good,bad

and also insome cases annoying, perhaps when every one has calmed

down,and taken a look back and said to themseleves yes we have behaved

stupidly and so then takes the appropiate action,

the last is paprgraph is also for those who have put there views here

this and all those other places where we can meet and post and talk about

our work have rules and regs as well,that have to be followed,

by the way ROBK i hope that you will return ,but mate you do have to

restrain yourself,the rules are for us all,and we did all agree to abide by them