Roadhawk catches A90 crash

Wheel Nut:
You are a zb moron



The Sarge:
Oh yeah, and on the subject of moving to lane 2… What happens if there’s a vehicle approaching the junction in lane 2 at 70mph? Do you still move over and make them hit the brakes (as I’ve had to do on the bike AND in my car) Or do you expect them to slow down because you want to move over? After all, everyone knows that’s what “proper” drivers do, don’t they?

The same as when you’re riding that bike or driving the car and when you need to overtake something.It’s called planning ahead and involves the use of the mirrors etc etc.So no you don’t move over if there’s something approaching from behind,you wait until it’s gone through having planned the lane change in good enough time for that scenario and if you need to wait even a lot longer for a lot more than just a bike or a car to go through first.However it’s the type of question that I’d expect from a (not very good) car driver and a biker but not a ‘proper’ truck driver.

Having said all that what I would expect is,that long ‘after’ that lane change has been carried out and when the truck is ‘already’ established in lane 2,for that car driver or biker to not have the patience to run at the limited speed of a truck and to wait until it returns to lane 1 without all the usual unecessary drama and road rage zb,in which case it’s usually a case of just one more type of zb driving standards which have to be accepted,just like idiots on slip roads doing stupid things. :imp:

However the next time that you find yourself facing the situation of a truck that needs to change lanes from lane 1 to lane 2 on a dual or motorway with more than 2 lanes check your mirrors and if lane 3 is clear,as it often is,indicate and then move over instead of doing what a lot of those idiot car drivers/bikers do in just sitting there.But you’ve also made the case for the idea of trucks being allowed to run at higher speeds to reduce the differentials between other vehicles and trucks.

One more question assuming that something is stopped on the hard shoulder and you were driving by it with a truck would you move over into lane 2,if possible, ‘just in case’,or stay where you are in lane 1 :question: . :imp: :unamused:

Wheel Nut:

use lane 2 when driving on duals and motorways at junction slips.Either or both of those in this case might have at least avoided a serious accident which could have been even worse.

But by the logic of the lot on here all the councils who have put up no entry signs at the end of exit slips should remove them because drivers should’nt be stupid enough enter exit slip roads :unamused:

.And don’t bother changing lanes at motorway junctions because if someone is stupid enough to get themselves into a collision situation for whatever reason it’s better to hit them. :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing:

Whichever driving instructor or examiner taught him this bunkum should be sent back to Cardington and given a cycling proficiency badge.

You prat, you regularly come on here extolling the virtues of German Autobahns and no speed limits, yet you are trying to condone a heavy lorry moving into the left lane at every autobahnkreuz and ausfahrt and risking a 180mph Porsche up your chuff. You are a zb moron

The absence of a speed limit does’nt mean that you’re not sharing a 2 lane carriageway with trucks,any one of which may change lanes for any reason,and often do,in which case you’ve got a 100 mph + speed differential to deal with in any case and it’s just as important in those conditions to anticipate what trucks might be doing and why as it is for their drivers to plan lane changes and use their mirrors.But in general,if you’ve got any sense you won’t be driving through a junction etc,while overtaking trucks,at 180 mph,just in case any of those trucks meets some idiot causing it to be forced into a lane change or a collision in any case :bulb: :open_mouth: . :unamused:

By the way exactly when and where was the last time you drove at 160-180 mph in Germany just using the reliance (blind faith) on trucks to stay in lane 1 :question: .

After having reviewed the footage of the road layout I agree with Carryfast. There IS an area of doubt for inexperienced driver. There should be large no Entry Signs placed at this point leaving no room for doubt. I’m sorry on this one,(and will no doubt get slagged off for it) but this IS the point there is an area of doubt, and yes we all know, we have to drive to an accepted standard, or we shouldnt be on the roads and we as Truckers know (or are supposed to know) the roads better than most, I’m affraid that doesnt apply to Joe-public…and this is why this was an accident waiting to happen.

After having reviewed the footage of the road layout I agree with Carryfast. There IS an area of doubt for inexperienced driver. There should be large no Entry Signs placed at this point leaving no room for doubt. I’m sorry on this one,(and will no doubt get slagged off for it) but this IS the point there is an area of doubt, and yes we all know, we have to drive to an accepted standard, or we shouldnt be on the roads and we as Truckers know (or are supposed to know) the roads better than most, I’m affraid that doesnt apply to Joe-public…and this is why this was an accident waiting to happen.

I’m not seeing the problem here. The road layout is self-explanatory. Even in the unlikely event you are unsure which way you should be going, they have painted arrows on the surface clearly showing the craic. What more do you need ffs? :unamused: Anyone that is confused by that road layout should have their licence withdrawn and cancelled permanently.

Ok Rob, agreed, you are a guy that earns his crust on the road as I do. You aint seeing it from a dolly birds prospective mate. What would have finally made her see sense would have been and I say may be, two big FOFF No Entry signs!!!

Ok Rob, agreed, you are a guy that earns his crust on the road as I do. You aint seeing it from a dolly birds prospective mate. What would have finally made her see sense would have been and I say may be, two big FOFF No Entry signs!!!

Possibly… But in my experience, those that don’t look further than the end of their bonnets won’t see any amount of street furniture you put around them.

Arguably, a couple of ‘no entry’ signs may have made a difference, but where do you draw the line? If you need such signs to tell you how to drive then that’s the point where you need to say to yourself ‘hang on a minute, I’m not cut out for this driving stuff’.

Carryfast I want your dealers number, the stuff your smoking seems to be decent lol

[quote="Arguably, a couple of ‘no entry’ signs
may have made a difference, but where do you draw the line? If you need such signs to tell you how to drive then that’s the point where you need to say to yourself 'hang on a minute, I’m not cut out for this driving stuff’.

Rob, we do this this for a living. It matters not to most of them on our roads on how they think their standard of driving is. Dont you know we do 400ks a year and they are still better drivers than us! The point is and I’m affraid you are correct in some respects is that you have to treat these people as fools and as such need signs up like this in the most obvious places!

After having reviewed the footage of the road layout I agree with Carryfast. There IS an area of doubt for inexperienced driver. There should be large no Entry Signs placed at this point leaving no room for doubt. I’m sorry on this one,(and will no doubt get slagged off for it) but this IS the point there is an area of doubt, and yes we all know, we have to drive to an accepted standard, or we shouldnt be on the roads and we as Truckers know (or are supposed to know) the roads better than most, I’m affraid that doesnt apply to Joe-public…and this is why this was an accident waiting to happen.

Check out my previous post concerning the comparison with an Italian junction layout which I used last summer which shows the contradiction between putting a no entry sign up on the end of an exit slip,where it meets a road junction, versus nothing more than a keep right sign on this type of junction design and although I’m used to driving there with my own car that junction is also used by Brit tourists who’s only experience of foreign road layouts is the drive from the airport with a hire car. :open_mouth: … 7&t=h&z=16

By the way exactly when and where was the last time you drove at 160-180 mph in Germany just using the reliance (blind faith) on trucks to stay in lane 1 :question: .

I never drove at that speed in Germany or the UK mainly because I haven’t had a vehicle that does 180 mph. My SV1000 was plenty fast enough at 140.

But I have driven a lorry on the numerous 2 lane autobahns all over the fatherland, and have peered into the mirror trying to spot anything to be overwhelmed in a cloud of rubber smoke as that Porsche comes out of nowhere as some prat is driving in the outside lane on the offchance there is another ■■■■ coming the wrong way.

I know you spent time in America and need a sign on your coffee to warn you that it may be hot, but ffs, there are enough tell tales on that junction to warn off any one with missing brain cells

Wheel Nut:

By the way exactly when and where was the last time you drove at 160-180 mph in Germany just using the reliance (blind faith) on trucks to stay in lane 1 :question: .

I never drove at that speed in Germany or the UK mainly because I haven’t had a vehicle that does 180 mph. My SV1000 was plenty fast enough at 140.

But I have driven a lorry on the numerous 2 lane autobahns all over the fatherland, and have peered into the mirror trying to spot anything to be overwhelmed in a cloud of rubber smoke as that Porsche comes out of nowhere as some prat is driving in the outside lane on the offchance there is another ■■■■ coming the wrong way.

I know you spent time in America and need a sign on your coffee to warn you that it may be hot, but ffs, there are enough tell tales on that junction to warn off any one with missing brain cells

As I said in previous posts I’ve also used exactly the same type of junction with even more potential to get it wrong as that scotch one with out any problem so don’t blame me it’s not my fault.

But the fast Volkswagen saga just shows that German drivers are’nt what they were since the wall came down. :laughing: :laughing: and if they are that bad what chance has some dippy bird from Scotland got and would you want to bet on not meeting one just like her sometime at a junction wether here,in Germany,or Italy/Sardinia without at least a zb no entry sign to try to stop her. :open_mouth: :laughing: … 6,0,18.55

So, it’s not her fault then? She shouldn’t be prosecuted and should in fact sue the local Highways Department for allowing her to be put in danger, yes? And maybe a big bunch of flowers for her :unamused:
You carry on Carryfast, you’ve slagged out my driving abilities (no accidents in 30 years) and I’m not feeding you anymore.

The Sarge:
So, it’s not her fault then? She shouldn’t be prosecuted and should in fact sue the local Highways Department for allowing her to be put in danger, yes? And maybe a big bunch of flowers for her :unamused:
You carry on Carryfast, you’ve slagged out my driving abilities (no accidents in 30 years) and I’m not feeding you anymore.

I did warn you yesterday! Unless you have actually tried ■■■■■■■ into the wind you won’t understand what you’re up against with this bloke. He is the ultimate thick skinned mutant that is completely oblivious to any suggestion that he might be wrong. He really is an oxygen thief :laughing:

After having reviewed the footage of the road layout I agree with Carryfast. There IS an area of doubt for inexperienced driver. There should be large no Entry Signs placed at this point leaving no room for doubt. I’m sorry on this one,(and will no doubt get slagged off for it) but this IS the point there is an area of doubt, and yes we all know, we have to drive to an accepted standard, or we shouldnt be on the roads and we as Truckers know (or are supposed to know) the roads better than most, I’m affraid that doesnt apply to Joe-public…and this is why this was an accident waiting to happen.

Ok, so she mis-reads the road signs, turns the wrong way up a slip road, but she still passes at least 1 truck that we know of going the opposite way… HOW MUCH INFO can you give a ■■■■■■■ idiot like that before you’ve just got to say, there’s no more we can do.

Our roads are full of ■■■■ to make them safe for the worst common denominator, traffic lights where they’re not needed and 24hrs a day just incase the ■■■■■■■ morons play out at night, roundabouts where we had common courtesy before, speed limits going lower and lower cause the ■■■■■■■ idiots are incapable of looking 20yrds infront of their bonnet etc etc etc.

We have to draw a limit somewhere and just say that some people are just too ■■■■■■■ stupid to drive and all this health and safety is keeping these morons alive and even allowing them to reproduce creating more ■■■■■■■ morons.


After having reviewed the footage of the road layout I agree with Carryfast. There IS an area of doubt for inexperienced driver. There should be large no Entry Signs placed at this point leaving no room for doubt. I’m sorry on this one,(and will no doubt get slagged off for it) but this IS the point there is an area of doubt, and yes we all know, we have to drive to an accepted standard, or we shouldnt be on the roads and we as Truckers know (or are supposed to know) the roads better than most, I’m affraid that doesnt apply to Joe-public…and this is why this was an accident waiting to happen.

Ok, so she mis-reads the road signs, turns the wrong way up a slip road, but she still passes at least 1 truck that we know of going the opposite way… HOW MUCH INFO can you give a [zb] idiot like that before you’ve just got to say, there’s no more we can do.

Our roads are full of [zb] to make them safe for the worst common denominator, traffic lights where they’re not needed and 24hrs a day just incase the [zb] morons play out at night, roundabouts where we had common courtesy before, speed limits going lower and lower cause the [zb] idiots are incapable of looking 20yrds infront of their bonnet etc etc etc.

We have to draw a limit somewhere and just say that some people are just too [zb] stupid to drive and all this health and safety is keeping these morons alive and even allowing them to reproduce creating more [zb] morons.

It’s not a case of at least trying to stop the morons,with some no entry signs,to keep them alive,it’s a case of trying to stop them to keep us all alive by trying to prevent the accidents caused by the zb’s and if defending the stupid zb’s from a jail sentence for dangerous driving,which costs us even more money,(not a lifetime ban though),is what it takes to make the council put up some more signs to try and save some other innocent driver from the idiots then at least some good would have come out of it.Because the next time it happens it might send a truck through the barriers into the traffic coming the other way instead of the ditch at the side. :open_mouth: :unamused:

I did warn you yesterday! Unless you have actually tried ■■■■■■■ into the wind you won’t understand what you’re up against with this bloke. He is the ultimate thick skinned mutant that is completely oblivious to any suggestion that he might be wrong. He really is an oxygen thief :laughing:

Fair comment, you did - thanks for that :laughing:

The footage - and the pictures which were taken at the scene - show that as the truck rolls, dozens of cement bags are dramatically spewed all over the road.

What’s the odds the wagon driver is charged with having an insecure load?

What’s the odds his penalty will be a lot more than the stupid corsa driver?

i honestly doubt anything will come from this for the driver, coulda been alot worse if he didnt swerve as the passenger side of the car took the brunt of the impact. also i htink the bags would have been wrapped onto the pallet aswell with shrink wrap.

Carryfast, im still waiting for your dealers number, honestly it must be some good [zb] hes giving you.


Carryfast, im still waiting for your dealers number, honestly it must be some good [zb] hes giving you.


OH NO!! Don’t wake him back up… :imp: