Roadhawk catches A90 crash

Doesn’t make a jot of difference. I’ve never seen anyone in 16 years in the UK going the wrong way on a major road. I have seen it 3 times in Ireland and that’s in less than 4 years.


just for you


Doesn’t make a jot of difference. I’ve never seen anyone in 16 years in the UK going the wrong way on a major road. I have seen it 3 times in Ireland and that’s in less than 4 years.

On the other side, it says beware of our Mick :stuck_out_tongue:

I was going up the M3 many years ago and there was a fella on the other side going the same way as me. Plod came alongside me with the blues and twos but he didn’t take a blind bit of notice!


just for you

pee ing myself laffin! love that pic gogz! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

just for you carryfast, this video is 2 days old. accident no3 in a week at this bit

Wheel Nut:


I have this theory. No matter how many miles you’ve done, how many years driving, whenever I think i’ve seen or heard just about everything, something/someone comes along and still has the power to leave your mouth hanging open in complete and utter amazement at the utter ■■■■■■■■ of what you’ve just seen/heard.

Carryfast, thankyou, you have proved my theory beyond reasonable doubt.

I’d say exactly the same thing in your case and all the other lot out there who don’t seem to have learnt enough,assuming that they’ve even done enough of those miles,to know zb all about anything yet. :imp: :unamused: :unamused:

I am pleased they didn’t let you loose in Europe in anything bigger than a van :open_mouth:

You are a first class ■■■■. Again!

Don’t need the van the Jag is just right thanks and here’s one of the junctions that I was using regularly with it last summer. :smiley: But a decent scandinavian drawbar outfit would have been ok too if I could use one there yet. :laughing:

You’ll see that it makes the Scottish idea look sensible and like here although the Italians know enough to put a no entry sign at the end of an exit slip where it meets a road junction all that stands between a similar type of accident,involving a similar type of idiot driver,is a keep right sign :open_mouth: at the same type of zb junction design as in this case although that’s still a bit more than the Scotch bothered with. :unamused: … 7&t=h&z=16 … 47.31,0,0 … 251.5,0,0

whats your point curryfart?

the point you aint listening to is the road is clearly marked, it seems the car driver wasnt paying attention to the road so i doubt the no entry signs would have made a difference

whats your point curryfart?

the point you aint listening to is the road is clearly marked, it seems the car driver wasnt paying attention to the road so i doubt the no entry signs would have made a difference

Oh, I don’t know, if they were about 15 feet wide, and set at a height of about 24 inches, the stupid cage driver might have seen them. Probably would have driven around them - but at least she’d have seen them :wink:

I cant believe carryfast is trying to provide justification for the car driver, beggars belief it really does :confused:

It seems we need to put a sign up every 100 yards indicating that we drive on the left in this country to meet carryfast’s requirements.

OK, I’m in…

Unfortunatly there comes a piont where you can put up all the signs and road markings you want. But you CANNOT account for an individuals stupidity

I cant believe carryfast is trying to provide justification for the car driver, beggars belief it really does :confused:

It seems we need to put a sign up every 100 yards indicating that we drive on the left in this country to meet carryfast’s requirements.

:open_mouth: :unamused: I’m not trying to justify the actions of the stupid zb car driver.What I’m saying is at least try to reduce the odds by signing the road to suit idiots like most sensible councils do and use lane 2 when driving on duals and motorways at junction slips.Either or both of those in this case might have at least avoided a serious accident which could have been even worse.

But by the logic of the lot on here all the councils who have put up no entry signs at the end of exit slips should remove them because drivers should’nt be stupid enough enter exit slip roads :unamused:

.And don’t bother changing lanes at motorway junctions because if someone is stupid enough to get themselves into a collision situation for whatever reason it’s better to hit them. :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing:

Oh yeah, and on the subject of moving to lane 2… What happens if there’s a vehicle approaching the junction in lane 2 at 70mph? Do you still move over and make them hit the brakes (as I’ve had to do on the bike AND in my car) Or do you expect them to slow down because you want to move over? After all, everyone knows that’s what “proper” drivers do, don’t they?


I cant believe carryfast is trying to provide justification for the car driver, beggars belief it really does :confused:

It seems we need to put a sign up every 100 yards indicating that we drive on the left in this country to meet carryfast’s requirements.

:open_mouth: :unamused: I’m not trying to justify the actions of the stupid zb car driver.What I’m saying is at least try to reduce the odds by signing the road to suit idiots like most sensible councils do and use lane 2 when driving on duals and motorways at junction slips.Either or both of those in this case might have at least avoided a serious accident which could have been even worse.

But by the logic of the lot on here all the councils who have put up no entry signs at the end of exit slips should remove them because drivers should’nt be stupid enough enter exit slip roads :unamused:

.And don’t bother changing lanes at motorway junctions because if someone is stupid enough to get themselves into a collision situation for whatever reason it’s better to hit them. :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing:

Even if everybody were to follow your example and drive in lane 2, the car would have ploughed into some other poor ■■■■ further down the carriageway :exclamation: So what now :question:

The Sarge:
Oh yeah, and on the subject of moving to lane 2… What happens if there’s a vehicle approaching the junction in lane 2 at 70mph? Do you still move over and make them hit the brakes (as I’ve had to do on the bike AND in my car) Or do you expect them to slow down because you want to move over? After all, everyone knows that’s what “proper” drivers do, don’t they?

I know I said i’d made my last post on this thread, but please don’t encourage this mutant anymore, I can’t take much more of his drivel. If you ignore him he’ll be going to bed in a minute when cbeebies finishes.

this is what next


The Sarge:
Oh yeah, and on the subject of moving to lane 2… What happens if there’s a vehicle approaching the junction in lane 2 at 70mph? Do you still move over and make them hit the brakes (as I’ve had to do on the bike AND in my car) Or do you expect them to slow down because you want to move over? After all, everyone knows that’s what “proper” drivers do, don’t they?

I know I said i’d made my last post on this thread, but please don’t encourage this mutant anymore, I can’t take much more of his drivel. If you ignore him he’ll be going to bed in a minute when cbeebies finishes.

Fair comment sir, fair comment. It’s just that bit had been bugging me since he first said it - some drivers take it as GOSPEL that they have to be in lane 2, regardless of the traffic around them…
I’ll leave you get back to your rest now :wink:

My 13 year old son said “it must be a bit embarrassing for the truck driver to get turned over by a corsa”

use lane 2 when driving on duals and motorways at junction slips.Either or both of those in this case might have at least avoided a serious accident which could have been even worse.

But by the logic of the lot on here all the councils who have put up no entry signs at the end of exit slips should remove them because drivers should’nt be stupid enough enter exit slip roads :unamused:

.And don’t bother changing lanes at motorway junctions because if someone is stupid enough to get themselves into a collision situation for whatever reason it’s better to hit them. :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing:

Whichever driving instructor or examiner taught him this bunkum should be sent back to Cardington and given a cycling proficiency badge.

You prat, you regularly come on here extolling the virtues of German Autobahns and no speed limits, yet you are trying to condone a heavy lorry moving into the left lane at every autobahnkreuz and ausfahrt and risking a 180mph Porsche up your chuff. You are a zb moron