Roadhawk catches A90 crash

{zb} shut up carryfast

seriously this country could benefit from the energy that comes out your gub, the road is clearly marked, it takes an idiot to go the wrong way onto a dual carraigeway…THEN drive round the side of a truck and into another

I know it takes an idiot to go the wrong way onto a dual or motorway.Last time that I saw it done was when I saw a foreign truck facing me coming Northbound out of the Southbound Toddington services. :open_mouth: :laughing: I was running at around 65 mph + at the time.Guess which lane I was in which is why I’m still here to talk about it. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But there’s also plenty of idiots who can zb up entering a dual or motorway even going the right way enough to turn over a truck or put it through the barriers.However it reduces the chances if you’re cleverer than what they are by moving into lane 2 long before reaching the point where they’re most likely to do it.


{zb} shut up carryfast

seriously this country could benefit from the energy that comes out your gub, the road is clearly marked, it takes an idiot to go the wrong way onto a dual carraigeway…THEN drive round the side of a truck and into another

I know it takes an idiot to go the wrong way onto a dual or motorway.Last time that I saw it done was when I saw a foreign truck facing me coming Northbound out of the Southbound Toddington services. :open_mouth: :laughing: I was running at around 65 mph + at the time.Guess which lane I was in which is why I’m still here to talk about it. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

yea foriegn sometimes you can get it wrong but you sorta realise pretty quick, ive done it abroad ive just been lucky it was an industrial estate. but for a brit to do it well its retarded. mayby she was thinking about the sheep or something



{zb} shut up carryfast

seriously this country could benefit from the energy that comes out your gub, the road is clearly marked, it takes an idiot to go the wrong way onto a dual carraigeway…THEN drive round the side of a truck and into another

I know it takes an idiot to go the wrong way onto a dual or motorway.Last time that I saw it done was when I saw a foreign truck facing me coming Northbound out of the Southbound Toddington services. :open_mouth: :laughing: I was running at around 65 mph + at the time.Guess which lane I was in which is why I’m still here to talk about it. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

yea foriegn sometimes you can get it wrong but you sorta realise pretty quick, ive done it abroad ive just been lucky it was an industrial estate. but for a brit to do it well its retarded. mayby she was thinking about the sheep or something

About as retarded as those idiots who forgot to spend a few quid on putting up some decent no entry signs to at least give her a chance. :unamused: :laughing:



{zb} shut up carryfast

seriously this country could benefit from the energy that comes out your gub, the road is clearly marked, it takes an idiot to go the wrong way onto a dual carraigeway…THEN drive round the side of a truck and into another

I know it takes an idiot to go the wrong way onto a dual or motorway.Last time that I saw it done was when I saw a foreign truck facing me coming Northbound out of the Southbound Toddington services. :open_mouth: :laughing: I was running at around 65 mph + at the time.Guess which lane I was in which is why I’m still here to talk about it. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

yea foriegn sometimes you can get it wrong but you sorta realise pretty quick, ive done it abroad ive just been lucky it was an industrial estate. but for a brit to do it well its retarded. mayby she was thinking about the sheep or something

I posted here a few years ago my encounter with an Asian girl coming at me head on the wrong way round the roundabout at J25 Brighouse. I nearly ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ my pants. :open_mouth:

the local council seems to be just as stupid as she is by failing to put up some decent road signs. :unamused:

Are you for real Furrycast :question:


the local council seems to be just as stupid as she is by failing to put up some decent road signs. :unamused:

Are you for real Furrycast :question:

yes he is…serious who needs nuclear power when carryfast is around

you been round that way lately then Carryfast? I have, in fact I was round there today, if you really want I can get the footage of my Roadhawk camera and post it so that you can see that there is now ■■■■■■■ way that you could get confused with the road layout.

Can someone quote his reply please as the ■■■■■■ is still on my ignore list.


you been round that way lately then Carryfast? I have, in fact I was round there today, if you really want I can get the footage of my Roadhawk camera and post it so that you can see that there is now [zb] way that you could get confused with the road layout.

Can someone quote his reply please as the ■■■■■■ is still on my ignore list.


You need to click on the ‘display this post’ part where it says

This post was made by carryfast who is currently on your ignore list. Display this post.

I have him blocked too and I’m not unblocking his BS just to help you - you can do it yourself. :grimacing:

Btw, it’s kthxbai.

Kthxbai :laughing:

The planet you’re on Carryfast, how far is it from the sun?

The planet you’re on Carryfast, how far is it from the sun?

Obviously a long way from the one on which all drivers stay in lane 1 at entry and exit slip roads and where the dft don’t bother putting up no entry signs in places where they are obviously needed such as where the end of dual carriageway exit slip roads meet junctions etc. :imp: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Carryfast if somebody can’t read road markings you shouldn’t be allowed a licence,

Your posts actually make me look like Stephen hawkings sometimes

Carryfast if somebody can’t read road markings you shouldn’t be allowed a licence,

Your posts actually make me look like Stephen hawkings sometimes … .32,0,5.2

If I’m zb wrong then why the zb did the council waste money on the required road signs here just in case some (probably northern) idiot decides to ‘enter’ an exit slip from the A3 :question: bearing in mind it’s a uk roundabout which ‘should’nt’ have anyone driving round it anti clockwise.

But as ROG often says we have to make allowances for the numptiest drivers and from looking at the pics it would be interesting to find out when those Scotch idiots last re painted those road markings to at least make them clear although logicically no entry signs they certainly ain’t. :imp: :unamused:

It’s not a flaming roundabout it’s a flaming slip road, when was the last time you entered a uk motorway/sliproad with the central reservation on your left hand side?

Here is said junction (from the way the woman was driving). Be the judges yourself to if the road markings are clear enough or not: … 6,0,-2.95

Also, the female driver has been charged: … 0?UserKey=

Good driving by the Andrew Black driver though. Putting others first. I just hope they are alright.



So the lesson seems to be, drive with your foot perched over the brake, not that it would have made any difference whatsoever, absolute zero time to react. The lorry driver was very very lucky, how much did he miss the light post by.

So perhaps if he had been travelling at 80kmh instead of 89.5 or whatever it was, he would have been further back up the road and not in that spot, perhaps if the car driver had read the road signs properly she would not have been there either, its not my wish to point any finger of blame here, its all if and buts, shouldawouldacoulda, but the fact remains, expect the unexpected, and yes, i agree with you, very lucky indeed

And now my question is: Who will be blamed for accident ■■ Of course corsa driver should be, but here we go with a truck on dual carriage way (A90) with speed of 56 mph while the speed limit is 50 mph. IMHO is not a big deal but insurance company has reason not to pay for it. Is it worth to go faster to be “there” few minutes earlier ?

I have this theory. No matter how many miles you’ve done, how many years driving, whenever I think i’ve seen or heard just about everything, something/someone comes along and still has the power to leave your mouth hanging open in complete and utter amazement at the utter ■■■■■■■■ of what you’ve just seen/heard.

Carryfast, thankyou, you have proved my theory beyond reasonable doubt.

It’s not a flaming roundabout it’s a flaming slip road, when was the last time you entered a uk motorway/sliproad with the central reservation on your left hand side?

That example that I’ve posted is ‘also’ a zb exit sliproad and the reason why they’ve put those no entry signs up is exactly for that reason in case some idiot enters it heading northbound on the southbound carriageway of the A3 :unamused: .

The only difference is that it terminates at a roundabout whereas that Scotch example terminates in a similar,but cheap rate mickey mouse,version of that type of junction.However that’s irrelevant in the context that it needs no entry signing in just the same way at the point where it’s likely that some idiot driver can make a zb up just as proved in this case.

I have this theory. No matter how many miles you’ve done, how many years driving, whenever I think i’ve seen or heard just about everything, something/someone comes along and still has the power to leave your mouth hanging open in complete and utter amazement at the utter ■■■■■■■■ of what you’ve just seen/heard.

Carryfast, thankyou, you have proved my theory beyond reasonable doubt.

I’d say exactly the same thing in your case and all the other lot out there who don’t seem to have learnt enough,assuming that they’ve even done enough of those miles,to know zb all about anything yet. :imp: :unamused: :unamused:

Carryfast, i’ve seen enough of your posts to know that you are one that doesn’t know when to give it a rest and likes to, at any cost have the last word. So this will be my last post on this subject to allow you another victory… Crack on, knock yourself out numbnuts :unamused:


I have this theory. No matter how many miles you’ve done, how many years driving, whenever I think i’ve seen or heard just about everything, something/someone comes along and still has the power to leave your mouth hanging open in complete and utter amazement at the utter ■■■■■■■■ of what you’ve just seen/heard.

Carryfast, thankyou, you have proved my theory beyond reasonable doubt.

I’d say exactly the same thing in your case and all the other lot out there who don’t seem to have learnt enough,assuming that they’ve even done enough of those miles,to know zb all about anything yet. :imp: :unamused: :unamused:

I am pleased they didn’t let you loose in Europe in anything bigger than a van :open_mouth:

You are a first class ■■■■. Again!