Roadhawk catches A90 crash




After having reviewed the footage of the road layout I agree with Carryfast. There IS an area of doubt for inexperienced driver. There should be large no Entry Signs placed at this point leaving no room for doubt. I’m sorry on this one,(and will no doubt get slagged off for it) but this IS the point there is an area of doubt, and yes we all know, we have to drive to an accepted standard, or we shouldnt be on the roads and we as Truckers know (or are supposed to know) the roads better than most, I’m affraid that doesnt apply to Joe-public…and this is why this was an accident waiting to happen.

Ok, so she mis-reads the road signs, turns the wrong way up a slip road, but she still passes at least 1 truck that we know of going the opposite way… HOW MUCH INFO can you give a [zb] idiot like that before you’ve just got to say, there’s no more we can do.

Our roads are full of [zb] to make them safe for the worst common denominator, traffic lights where they’re not needed and 24hrs a day just incase the [zb] morons play out at night, roundabouts where we had common courtesy before, speed limits going lower and lower cause the [zb] idiots are incapable of looking 20yrds infront of their bonnet etc etc etc.

We have to draw a limit somewhere and just say that some people are just too [zb] stupid to drive and all this health and safety is keeping these morons alive and even allowing them to reproduce creating more [zb] morons.

It’s not a case of at least trying to stop the morons,with some no entry signs,to keep them alive,it’s a case of trying to stop them to keep us all alive by trying to prevent the accidents caused by the zb’s and if defending the stupid zb’s from a jail sentence for dangerous driving,which costs us even more money,(not a lifetime ban though),is what it takes to make the council put up some more signs to try and save some other innocent driver from the idiots then at least some good would have come out of it.Because the next time it happens it might send a truck through the barriers into the traffic coming the other way instead of the ditch at the side. :open_mouth: :unamused:



@ Happy. You’ve no chance kid. He’ll keep on and on and on and on arguing until you agree with him. He will never admit ever that he is wrong. That is why those of us that have been here a while have his posts blocked. It’s the only way otherwise you’ll start bursting vessels in frustration. :bulb:

Thanks for the advice, I realise that I should know better than to encourage him, but in a funny way i’ve got this weird curiosity that makes me continue just to see what he comes up with next :confused: . It also reminds me that whenever i’m feeling down or fed up or whatever, I should just be thankful that there’s definitely one person thats worse off than me.

Definitely noted though, thanks! :smiley:

this is what next

OYYYYY! youve nicked my picture! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Signs make no difference to some people. I had it once On J17 of the M6. I was waiting to turn left (right in link picture as you look at the junction) when a elderly gentleman and his dog turned left down the sliproad. If it was not for a quick thinking Jack Richards driver blocking the whole road he would have carried on. We asked him what he was doing, and his reply was “driving to my friends”. He did not believe us that it was a no entry and wanted to get police involved untill we showed him the signs.

Here is the link: … 22,0,-0.5

As has been said, yes, maybe the signs would have stopped this, but I have seen people miss No Entry signs so many times its not worth counting any more. IMHO she had plenty of time to know what was happening and stop:

Arrows (ok could be missed, but so could the signs as mentioned above).
Single Carriageway road joining onto a Duel Carriageway FROM THE RIGHT!
A Volvo FH coming the other way blocking the whole road (and no doubt signaling in some way to the driver)
Hatched Markings (to her left) that you should not cross which she just jumps across without even slowing down, entering the path of the CF.

This is just my opinion. Carryfast etc have every right to voice thier own opinions, but if you ask me, she shold not be on the road because the the above factors, and is 100% to blame for this, not the road markings.

Signs make no difference to some people. I had it once On J17 of the M6. I was waiting to turn left (right in link picture as you look at the junction) when a elderly gentleman and his dog turned left down the sliproad. If it was not for a quick thinking Jack Richards driver blocking the whole road he would have carried on. We asked him what he was doing, and his reply was “driving to my friends”. He did not believe us that it was a no entry and wanted to get police involved untill we showed him the signs.

Here is the link: … 22,0,-0.5

As has been said, yes, maybe the signs would have stopped this, but I have seen people miss No Entry signs so many times its not worth counting any more. IMHO she had plenty of time to know what was happening and stop:

Arrows (ok could be missed, but so could the signs as mentioned above).
Single Carriageway road joining onto a Duel Carriageway FROM THE RIGHT!
A Volvo FH coming the other way blocking the whole road (and no doubt signaling in some way to the driver)
Hatched Markings (to her left) that you should not cross which she just jumps across without even slowing down, entering the path of the CF.

This is just my opinion. Carryfast etc have every right to voice thier own opinions, but if you ask me, she shold not be on the road because the the above factors, and is 100% to blame for this, not the road markings.

No argument with the fact that she should’nt be on the road and that she’s 100 % to blame for what happened.What I’m saying is that the signs are at least the last line of defence and ‘might’,in many similar types of situation,save the day and no one really knows wether in this case they might have made the difference but it’s better than nothing or there’s no point in using them anywhere.

In addition to that the fact that the council has done all that it reasonably can be expected to do,to avoid the situation,could/should then be reflected in the sentencing.In this case I’d have made it the difference between a ban and a ban and a prison sentence and in that example you’ve quoted that should apply wether the idiots actually cause an accident or not.So the police should have been involved but it’s just that he’d have got more than he bargained for. :bulb:

Having said that this idea would be even better and maybe make some employment in addition to stopping accident situations. :bulb: :smiley:

It doesn’t matter how many signs and warning you put up, some drivers are just plain thick.

Even if you normally drive a moped, the height markings are noticeable

Wheel Nut:
It doesn’t matter how many signs and warning you put up, some drivers are just plain thick.

Even if you normally drive a moped, the height markings are noticeable

That’s stating the bleedin obvious :laughing: But using that logic means putting in as much information as possible using the French way not the Italian or Scotch :wink: ,not as little as possible, before we throw the book at the zb’s.But the question is that, with all of your continental driving experience,I would have thought that you would have known that there is a better way used just across the Channel :question: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: . … 72,0.21.3 :bulb: .

And if all else fails then also put one way spikes at the end of exit slips and zb great big heavy bits of metal hanging before bridges like at the Blackwall Tunnel :bulb:

.And don’t bother changing lanes at motorway junctions because if someone is stupid enough to get themselves into a collision situation for whatever reason it’s better to hit them. :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing:

I doubt if we will be able to move to lane 2 for much longer on British roads, we seem to be following the Germans with the no overtaking for trucks, maybe you should point all this out to those who know better so they revise the no overtaking and make all the roads safer before they ■■■■ them up :unamused: :unamused:

I have had a car in France come the wrong side down a slip road and wouldn’t move to the other side of the bollards until a condom came along and explained to them that not all trucks are in the wrong, and in fact this time it is the car driver who is at fault… :confused: :open_mouth: I expected the condom to blame me and take some money off me tbh though :unamused:

The girl has plead guilty today - sentencing is in November also she is quite fit :grimacing:

A woman has admitted ploughing into two lorries after driving the wrong way onto a dual carriageway.

Shazida Begum drove down the exit of a slip road onto the A90 Aberdeen to Dundee road then straight across the path of the lorries earlier this year.

Footage shows the 21-year-old veering out of the way of an oncoming truck heading up the Charleston flyover sliproad but then crashing head-on into another lorry.

Begum, from Aberdeen, escaped the crash uninjured but lorry driver Craig Watt was not so lucky.

The three-vehicle collision was recorded on a truck cam on board a lorry which ended up on its side.

The video clip was downloaded on to YouTube and has since received over two million hits.

Begum admitted driving dangerously on March 22 when she appeared at Aberdeen Sheriff Court on Tuesday.

Defence solicitor Chris Maitland said Begum had become confused and thought she was driving down the left-hand lane of a dual carriageway when she entered the slip road the wrong way.

He said: "There was a lapse here, maybe a very big lapse, but it wasn’t an intentional act by Miss Begum.

“It was very poor driving that falls far below the expected standard.”

Fiscal depute Felicity Primrose said Mr Watt, the driver of one of the lorries, was kept in hospital overnight but was not seriously injured.

Images taken at the scene of the crash show the lorry’s load, dozens of bags of cement, scattered across the lane of the busy commuter route.

The stretch of road was closed off by police for six hours.

Sheriff Gregor Murray deferred sentence on Begum for background reports until November. … -onto-a90/