Road irritants ...

:smiley: My eyesight is perfect thanks. It also did not cost me a penny.

:smiley: My eyesight is perfect thanks. It also did not cost me a penny.

:open_mouth: Sounds like it

i cant see the bloody road.

Rob K:

:smiley: My eyesight is perfect thanks. It also did not cost me a penny.

:open_mouth: Sounds like it

i cant see the bloody road.

PMSL :laughing: :laughing:

Ah selective quoting out of context, you should work for The Sun. :laughing: :unamused: :unamused:


Drivers who are trying to pull out, put half the car in the road and then just sit there staring in your direction with a stupid smile on their face (women on way back from school run take note)

And then thank you just before they move off, like you had a choice to let them block you… :unamused:

not really suffered this problem myself, as most car drivers soon realize I’m not slowing or moving over, so they tend to quick reverse, i have found its either taxi drivers or mail vans, either way I’m more than happy to rearrange their front ends :smiling_imp:

Lorry drivers parking at fuel pumps, then doing their weekly shop… :unamused:

Tractors that insist on staying on the road causing a 3 mile tail back even though they have passed half a dozen lay byes :angry: :angry:

Tractors that insist on staying on the road causing a 3 mile tail back even though they have passed half a dozen lay byes :angry: :angry:

With or without working lights and a trailer numberplate that matches the tractor?
Spreading mud…
Farmer on the phone…
Or driven by his teenage son…

Just a few from today.

7.5t driver who sat in lane 2 of the M1 from the M25 up to jct 10 causing chaos all around him.

Audi driver who comes storming up alongside me on the M1 and then as i’m preparing to pull out to overtake a slower vehicle, the audi driver decides that she no longer wants to drive at 70, she now wants to do 56 right next to my window.

Polish driver who pulls up 3 inches from my tailboard whilst i’m trying to load. Although he did move once i had made a few international hand signals.

Fred Sherwood’s driver who was doing 54ish up the A1, weaving abit, he came close to hitting me a few times while i was getting past. Once i got close enough i could see he was on the phone, which explained the weaving. I’m 3/4 of the way past him, he puts phone down, increases speed to match mine and leaves me out there for 4 miles or so.

[zb] the lot of em.

Just a few from today.

7.5t driver who sat in lane 2 of the M1 from the M25 up to jct 10 causing chaos all around him.

Audi driver who comes storming up alongside me on the M1 and then as i’m preparing to pull out to overtake a slower vehicle, the audi driver decides that she no longer wants to drive at 70, she now wants to do 56 right next to my window.

Polish driver who pulls up 3 inches from my tailboard whilst i’m trying to load. Although he did move once i had made a few international hand signals.

Fred Sherwood’s driver who was doing 54ish up the A1, weaving abit, he came close to hitting me a few times while i was getting past. Once i got close enough i could see he was on the phone, which explained the weaving. I’m 3/4 of the way past him, he puts phone down, increases speed to match mine and leaves me out there for 4 miles or so.

[zb] the lot of em.

Just another day on the road :smiley: But a bad day on the road is better than a good day in an office :laughing:

Fred Sherwood’s driver who was doing 54ish up the A1, weaving abit, he came close to hitting me a few times while i was getting past. Once i got close enough i could see he was on the phone, which explained the weaving. I’m 3/4 of the way past him, he puts phone down, increases speed to match mine and leaves me out there for 4 miles or so.

If that’s the Sherwoods that pull the waste trailers (yellow Volvo units) I’ve seen the same behaviour-when not being blinded by polythene sheets blowing off their trailers…


Fred Sherwood’s driver who was doing 54ish up the A1, weaving abit, he came close to hitting me a few times while i was getting past. Once i got close enough i could see he was on the phone, which explained the weaving. I’m 3/4 of the way past him, he puts phone down, increases speed to match mine and leaves me out there for 4 miles or so.

If that’s the Sherwoods that pull the waste trailers (yellow Volvo units) I’ve seen the same behaviour-when not being blinded by polythene sheets blowing off their trailers…

Yes thats them

All in all nothing tops the improper use of front fog lights.

Audi driver who comes storming up alongside me on the M1 and then as i’m preparing to pull out to overtake a slower vehicle, the audi driver decides that she no longer wants to drive at 70, she now wants to do 56 right next to my window.

Must be a common thing with women and audis, was on the A303 when this black A4 came tearing up the outside lane, only to slow til it was level with my trailer. Stayed there for a couple of miles with a que of cars stacking up, then it pulled in behind, so thinking it might be undercover plod I checked my speed, still it stays behind. Only when I got to a steep hill and dropped down to 30mph did it overtake, two women in the front and kids in the back.

Fred Sherwood’s driver who was doing 54ish up the A1, weaving abit, he came close to hitting me a few times while i was getting past. Once i got close enough i could see he was on the phone, which explained the weaving. I’m 3/4 of the way past him, he puts phone down, increases speed to match mine and leaves me out there for 4 miles or so.

This is when I hope that they come up behind a slower truck, I suddenly become an ignorant car driver and pretend I can’t see them indicating cos they want to pull out and pass the slower truck, so they have to back off and invite me for coffee :laughing:

Car drivers with a satnav stuck in the centre of their field of vision using day colours at night. Observe them as they squint cos they are blinded by their tom tom and craning their necks to see round the massive blind spot that their navigation co pilot has created.

Drivers, professional or otherwise, who think that being overtaken, giving way to anybody, or obeying speed limits equates to loss of face.


Saw some classic examples of things mentioned in this thread last night. Was travelling to Rugby down the M6. Visibility was very slightly reduced due to fog but not much, just a bit of a haze in the distance really. Still, this was a golden opportunity for the majority of cars to show off their fog lights. Then later on down the road when it actually did get really foggy there were people bombing past me (I was doing just under 70) with no fogs on at all.

The worst I saw was some muppet who missed his turn at Nuneaton and proceeded to reverse down the hard shoulder to get back to the slip road. In dense fog.

:laughing: I was on the M6 a fair bit last night, got fed up with turning the fogs on and off every few minutes though.

Erm, sure I’ll get shot for it but hgv drivers who overtake and come back to lane 1 missing your windscreen by about two feet! Wait ffs, I’ll flash when you’ve got a safe gap.

Car drivers who seem to think it’s acceptable to leave their high beams on because it’s a dual carriageway or dip them for the car in front and put them straight back on because lorries are just these big things that rumble along the roads, not realising there’s some poor sod driving the thing!

Or people who we deal with at our point of delivery/collection whocant speak english! Or those that can but wouldn’t “lower themselves” to talking to a driver!

People who drive 4x4’s and think they will somehow stop quicker - “cos its got 4-wheel drive innit”.

People who drive 4x4’s and think they will somehow stop quicker - “cos its got 4-wheel drive innit”.

oi shut ya face you i drive a discovery … god dam yer ■■■ … :imp: