Road irritants ...

Came home from work 2 weeks ago and mangaed to catch up and overtake 4 seperate cars doing 35mph on a 60mph limit a road, they were on the brake pedal everytime a car came the other way.

I had a weird one last night - followed somebody on my home, they were doing 30 in a 40 zone, then when the 30 zone came they did 40 :confused:

This week has been mainly foglights.

Because your average joe is too stupid to use them responsibly, the best blanket advice would be “turn them off”.

It has been very foggy on and off in some places, but where it is thick enough to warrant having the fog lights turned on is quite rare, and you generally drive through it quite quickly and be out the other side into thinner stuff, people just don’t seem to be able to find that switch a second time.

I have no real idea of the point of front foglights, to go under the fog I guess. I have maybe once or twice driven in fog thick enough to warrant using them. Most people just have them on during the day/early evening commute because they think it makes the car look cool.

Brings me on to high beams. Everyone should be able to drive along an unlit, well surfaced, well signed, single carriageway with cats eyes (primary route usually) on normal dipped beam. Far too many of the sheep bang the high beam on as soon as the street lights go out, and then don’t turn it off until the oncoming traffic has been blinded into submission. Which leads to me trying to pre-emptive flash at them, long before the corner or point where theirs will affect me. If I can somehow see the oncoming lights long before (and car or truck, I can), why can’t they see mine?

Average joe doesn’t bother looking much further than his bumper.

Again, blanket advice for high beam should be to turn them off. If you adjust to driving without them more often, everyone will be better off.

Apart from maybe the pedestrian who cops it because average joe “didn’t see you mate”. Still, can’t have everything.

Oh, and truck drivers who don’t move off promptly after getting back in their cab after filling up, getting paperwork, talking to gatehouse, yapping to forkie etc. They can see you waiting, but they have to faff about, put the coffee in the cup holder, tidy away their gopping clacks into position so as not to muss the carpeted floor. Draw the tassly curtains back into the “window block” position. Flick the dream catcher, adjust the name plate, tidy away the dvd player, enter new satnav destination, shuffle the paperwork, wipe the mirrors.

Just put down and ■■■■ off! :imp:

One thing that annoys the ■■■■ off me is drivers who edge forward at traffic lights which are on red. Even though they’ve only just changed they sit there burning their clutch away and wasting fuel just so they can nail it the instant the amber light comes on. Just so they can what, save 1 second or so.

Doesn’t directly affect me, just annoys me somewhat.

once again old drivers, and as said lots already them certain ■■■■ cough like cough dogmatix :unamused: who drive round with full beam on as you are comming towards them as they are 2 [zb] blind to see the road so they think its just fine to make you as [zb] blind on the approach as they are :imp:

rant over :unamused:

once again old drivers, and as said lots already them certain ■■■■ cough like cough dogmatix :unamused: who drive round with full beam on as you are comming towards them as they are 2 fng blind to see the road so they think its just fine to make you as f**g blind on the approach as they are :imp:

rant over :unamused:

Equally that class of wally who lack the wit to turn on high beam when there is nothing coming - learn to use the freaking dip switch.

An anuvver thing - there is a large group of car drivers who go everywhere at 40 mph - these are dangerous barstewards in town and thoughtless inconsiderate tw4ts outside of towns - boil them in oil.

I have no real idea of the point of front foglights, to go under the fog I guess. I have maybe once or twice driven in fog thick enough to warrant using them. Most people just have them on during the day/early evening commute because they think it makes the car look cool.

The only time front fogs are useful are on unlit roads in thick fog as they light up the edges of the road better. At all other times they are pointless as they don’t improve your visibility whatsoever.

Brings me on to high beams. Everyone should be able to drive along an unlit, well surfaced, well signed, single carriageway with cats eyes (primary route usually) on normal dipped beam. Far too many of the sheep bang the high beam on as soon as the street lights go out, and then don’t turn it off until the oncoming traffic has been blinded into submission. Which leads to me trying to pre-emptive flash at them, long before the corner or point where theirs will affect me. If I can somehow see the oncoming lights long before (and car or truck, I can), why can’t they see mine?

What annoys me with this is that even after you’ve appeared in their vision, they leave them on for another 2 or 3 seconds (or constantly) until they dip them. You can usually see the beam of the oncoming vehicle’s lights before they come into the view, so why not knock them off before cresting the hill or coming round the bend? [zb] ridiculous. :angry:


once again old drivers, and as said lots already them certain ■■■■ cough like cough dogmatix :unamused: who drive round with full beam on as you are comming towards them as they are 2 fng blind to see the road so they think its just fine to make you as f**g blind on the approach as they are :imp:

rant over :unamused:

Equally that class of wally who lack the wit to turn on high beam when there is nothing coming - learn to use the freaking dip switch.

An anuvver thing - there is a large group of car drivers who go everywhere at 40 mph - these are dangerous barstewards in town and thoughtless inconsiderate tw4ts outside of towns - boil them in oil.

And an awful lot of those drive Toyota Pious’. Are they driving so slow so we can all pay homage to the fact they’re saving the planet by driving an overrated brick on wheels?

once again old drivers, and as said lots already them certain ■■■■ cough like cough dogmatix :unamused: who drive round with full beam on as you are comming towards them as they are 2 [zb] blind to see the road so they think its just fine to make you as [zb] blind on the approach as they are :imp:

rant over :unamused:

Where did I say I drive around with full beam on? So I suggest you retract your comments made towards me, and learn to get the facts right.


If I can somehow see the oncoming lights long before (and car or truck, I can), why can’t they see mine?

When my dad had his VW golf, he was constantly forgetting they where on high beam because the rest of the dash illuminated in blue as well. I did point out that maybe he needed varifocal glasses so he could see his dash clearly as he is long sighted, in the last few years he started to wear his glasses when driving as his close up eyesight had started to get worse. Now he has an audi though where it has automatic headlights, although what strikes me as strange is why the computer in the car cant be programmed to turn the lights on when it is raining as well rather than just for darkness, it has auto wipers so it shouldnt be to difficult.

toyota prius drivers. for some reason any one who buys a prius is a [zb]. if im going round the north circular in particular or some other road around london. the one who can be counted on to cut me up or do something stupid is the prius driver. has any one else noticed this?

What annoys me with this is that even after you’ve appeared in their vision, they leave them on for another 2 or 3 seconds (or constantly) until they dip them. You can usually see the beam of the oncoming vehicle’s lights before they come into the view, so why not knock them off before cresting the hill or coming round the bend? [zb] ridiculous. :angry:
my take on this is i dont turn off my main beems until the other driver does.

he who dares wins.(rodney)

Pmsl@ Dogmatrix :unamused:

I agree with Lycanthrope, if you cant see the bl**dy rood get some glaseses, I know times are hard but eyesight comes first :unamused:

Am I just unlucky?
No one mentioned the driver parked on the motorway hard shoulder (in the Rover) who has stopped for some reason, and just flicks an indicator and TURNS RIGHT into lane one at 2mph instead of accelarating up the clear hard shoulder.
Happened to me 3 times in the last couple of years!

My other pet hate is a local one.

At Gildersome near leeds on the m62 westbound there is a slip on which they lengthened by 200 yds and signed it as such, probably at immense cost… so the car drivers come up the slip when it’s busy and stop at the first part of the giveway line, holding all following traffic up all the way down to the roundabout.
If they used the new slip they would get 50 vehicles in front of me!

Am I just unlucky?
No one mentioned the driver parked on the motorway hard shoulder (in the Rover) who has stopped for some reason, and just flicks an indicator and TURNS RIGHT into lane one at 2mph instead of accelarating up the clear hard shoulder.
Happened to me 3 times in the last couple of years!

My other pet hate is a local one.

At Gildersome near leeds on the m62 westbound there is a slip on which they lengthened by 200 yds and signed it as such, probably at immense cost… so the car drivers come up the slip when it’s busy and stop at the first part of the giveway line, holding all following traffic up all the way down to the roundabout.
If they used the new slip they would get 50 vehicles in front of me!

LOL. That second one always makes me chuckle as well, but this is the thing with most drivers these days, they are so stupid. Why jump in lane 2 of the slip road with an earlier merge point when the motorway is slow moving? It makes no sense as you just end up queueing for longer. As you say, lane 1 of the slip road goes on for around another 600-800 yards and there’s rarely anyone using it. Even when they do, as soon as the broken line appears they come to a halt, leaving the other 400 yards in front of them empty. :unamused:

What about the BMW/Audi/Mondeo sales rep that enters a motorway at 90mph and goes from slip road to lane three in under a second with no indication?

I always give him a cheery wave as I sail past in the ‘slow’ lane whilst everyone in lane 2 and 3 are crawling along at 40mph cos they can’t let go of the belief that lane 2 and 3 HAVE to move faster than lane 1.

Despite my earlier rants I’m happy enough as long as everyone is going faster than me

Pmsl@ Dogmatrix :unamused:

I agree with Lycanthrope, if you cant see the bl**dy rood get some glaseses, I know times are hard but eyesight comes first :unamused:

Right, with reference to not seeing at night there is an eyesight condition which means you can see better in certain light conditions than others, I forget what my optician calls it and yes I have it and yes I am perfectly safe to drive, I just struggle a bit at dusk but I’ll repeat Im perfectly safe.
An earlier posting referred to being cut up by a Toyota Prius - the times I go to London I find its usually the BMW/Mercedes/Audi/4x4/London blackcab/private hire drivers :wink:
I very nearly became a victim of a cyclist shooting through a red light - I was crossing on foot on a green at pedestrian crossing, should’ve pushed the [zb] off it :smiling_imp:

I always give him a cheery wave as I sail past in the ‘slow’ lane whilst everyone in lane 2 and 3 are crawling along at 40mph cos they can’t let go of the belief that lane 2 and 3 HAVE to move faster than lane 1.

That’s another hate of mine. Freaks who join the motorway in a traffic jam yet still muscle their way straight into the outside (fast :unamused: ) lane. Cos the fast lane is the fastest right. Bad luck moron, a few thousand other drivers had the same idea, who’d have thought it.

Lane changers in jams are another annoyance. I remember once I got stuck on the M5 on my way back from holiday in Paignton. We queued for many miles up to the scene of a 2 car crash and there was this people carrier swapping lanes every time another lane went faster. I pointed it out to my girlfriend and we just laughed at the idiot. About half an hour later just as I drove past the crash and sped back up to 70mph I looked in my mirror and he was about 5 cars behind me. Initially he was a few cars in front. His best efforts to jump the queue actually had the opposite effect.

I was overtakin a woman on the M56 earlier i was just past her and was going to get back into lane1 when the soft cow speeded up and undertook me.I gave her a full blast on the airhorns and flashed her but she kept going.So when she passed i pulled back in and let her know she was an idiot :imp: Then she slowed down again but another wagon was alongside me so i was stuck.When i turned off at my junction she was on the phone so i called her a f*****in idiot.I got back to the yard and my boss told me he had been called by this clown and she said i frightened her by blasting the airhorns and flashing my lights :open_mouth: I told him to stick his bollckin i wasnt accepting it.He said he would ring her back and tell her she was the one in the wron. :unamused: I wont hold me breathe :imp:

I was overtakin a woman on the M56 earlier i was just past her and was going to get back into lane1 when the soft cow speeded up and undertook me.I gave her a full blast on the airhorns and flashed her but she kept going.So when she passed i pulled back in and let her know she was an idiot :imp: Then she slowed down again but another wagon was alongside me so i was stuck.When i turned off at my junction she was on the phone so i called her a f*****in idiot.I got back to the yard and my boss told me he had been called by this clown and she said i frightened her by blasting the airhorns and flashing my lights :open_mouth: I told him to stick his bollckin i wasnt accepting it.He said he would ring her back and tell her she was the one in the wrong. :unamused: I wont hold me breathe :imp:

Sorry double posted dunno how to delete firstun :blush: