Road irritants ...

Sidelights - do you want to be seen or not ffs?

Car drivers who do not accelerate when coming onto the motorway when they obviously
have the power to do so, causing me to either slow down or pull out to the middle lane :angry: :angry: :angry: :imp: :imp:

… screw anyone else its no good if I cant see the bloody road.

Rob K:

Agree with Rob :unamused: :unamused: What a numpty, if you can’t see the road go get some bloody glasses and stop dazzling everyone else !! Bloody prats who drive around all day every day with FOG lights on for no reason, they are called FOG lights because they are for FOG, and the rule in the highway code is less that 100metres visibility, not more than a mile… If you can see further than 1 car infront of you then you don’t need them. Bloody Numpties !

Non-uniform days for schools irritate me when out on the road; How am I supposed to know which young ladies I can safely “toot-up” without being branded Gary Glitter’s ■■■■■■■ son? :open_mouth: :blush:

Just to clarify the fog lamp issue. The law states, where visibility is seriously reduced, vehicles travelling on a road must have their obligatory front and rear position lamps switched on. In addition, they must display either headlamps or a pair of front fog lamps (or both), and may display rear fog lamps.

In conditions of seriously reduced visibility, front fog lamps may only be used instead of headlights if each lamp is not more than 400mm from the edge of the vehicle.

Front and rear fog lamps may only be used in conditions where visibility is seriously reduced during the day or the night. It is illegal to use them at any other time.

Non-uniform days for schools irritate me when out on the road; How am I supposed to know which young ladies I can safely “toot-up” without being branded Gary Glitter’s [zb] son? :open_mouth: :blush:


Just to clarify the fog lamp issue. The law states, where visibility is seriously reduced, vehicles travelling on a road must have their obligatory front and rear position lamps switched on. In addition, they must display either headlamps or a pair of front fog lamps (or both), and may display rear fog lamps.

In conditions of seriously reduced visibility, front fog lamps may only be used instead of headlights if each lamp is not more than 400mm from the edge of the vehicle.

Front and rear fog lamps may only be used in conditions where visibility is seriously reduced during the day or the night. It is illegal to use them at any other time.

Exactly, in heavy rain at night then your visibility is seriously reduced, especially with spray as well.

Being dazzled by fog lights on during the day? behave you can hardly notice them on during the day.


No lights or sidelights only in poor visibility.

The last vehicle in a line of traffic not turning off their rear fog-light when another vehicle joins the line behind them.

People not using indicators on roundabouts when other road users are about.

People doing an indicated 50 mph in 50 limit average speed roadworks in lane 2 when lane 1 is empty.

Those things mildly irritate me.

People who merge way before the merge point when lanes are closing then get agitated at people who go beyond where they have merged so start playing at traffic cop.

That one irritates me more than the others.

Apart from that I can’t think of anything else which particularly bothers me.

Lets see now…maybe we should havw a thread for what actually pleases us on the road. Mine are definitely the muppets that break their necks to get past you and then ‘drive Miss Daisy’ through the road works, the taxis that nearly always insist on picking up/setting down fares right by a keep-left bollard(TOSSERS :smiling_imp: ),the muppets with dinosaur reactions at traffic lights(i.e. you kick a dinosaur up the arse and half an hour later it shouts ouch), but possibly the worst, or at least on a par with the worst, are the necromancers that insist on rubber necking at RTA scenes. I passed one such down in Essex last Sunday, someone had knocked a cyclist off his bike, it had only just happened, so there was the usual 2 or 3 stopped to render genuine assistance, another gent took it on himself to get the traffic moving, good on him, and then to my outrage there was 2 muppets parked up and filming it all on their mobile phones!!..just past belief, if I had anything to do with that I’d have made them eat the blasted phones :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:
There you go, what one person will tolerate another will absolutely not tolerate. All we can do is do as we would be done to, and not let the stress get to us. I’m so glad to be a night driver… :slight_smile:

Non-uniform days for schools irritate me when out on the road; How am I supposed to know which young ladies I can safely “toot-up” without being branded Gary Glitter’s [zb] son? :open_mouth: :blush:

PMSL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Non-uniform days for schools irritate me when out on the road; How am I supposed to know which young ladies I can safely “toot-up” without being branded Gary Glitter’s [zb] son? :open_mouth: :blush:

PMSL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Don’t get me started on the Berry ones…Halle Berry from behind, Chuck Berry from the front!

Or the BOBFOC ones…Body Off Baywwatch Face Off Crimewatch!

Rob K:


Non-uniform days for schools irritate me when out on the road; How am I supposed to know which young ladies I can safely “toot-up” without being branded Gary Glitter’s [zb] son? :open_mouth: :blush:

Or to quote the great Al Murray…“School girls dressing as prostitues and prostitues dressing as school girls…i dont know when to use sweets or money” :laughing: :laughing:

Partially sighted drivers annoy the Bejayzus out of me. It’s far more noticable in these dark nights, any stretch of unlit road and suddenly your following a car whos brake lights are resembling a cheesy 70’s disco. It’s become socially unacceptable to drink and drive, it’s getting that way with speeding, so when are we gonna see a crackdown who physically can’t see much more than 20 feet in front of them?

the maoster:
Partially sighted drivers annoy the Bejayzus out of me. It’s far more noticable in these dark nights, any stretch of unlit road and suddenly your following a car whos brake lights are resembling a cheesy 70’s disco. It’s become socially unacceptable to drink and drive, it’s getting that way with speeding, so when are we gonna see a crackdown who physically can’t see much more than 20 feet in front of them?

Came home from work 2 weeks ago and mangaed to catch up and overtake 4 seperate cars doing 35mph on a 60mph limit a road, they were on the brake pedal everytime a car came the other way.

Car drivers who do not accelerate when coming onto the motorway when they obviously
have the power to do so, causing me to either slow down or pull out to the middle lane :angry: :angry: :angry: :imp: :imp:

I find it less annoying by not pulling out or braking and keep on going. :smiling_imp: Let them brake :laughing:


the maoster:
Partially sighted drivers annoy the Bejayzus out of me. It’s far more noticable in these dark nights, any stretch of unlit road and suddenly your following a car whos brake lights are resembling a cheesy 70’s disco. It’s become socially unacceptable to drink and drive, it’s getting that way with speeding, so when are we gonna see a crackdown who physically can’t see much more than 20 feet in front of them?

Came home from work 2 weeks ago and mangaed to catch up and overtake 4 seperate cars doing 35mph on a 60mph limit a road, they were on the brake pedal everytime a car came the other way.

I had someone do that today on a dark country road, no where for me to pass them though.
However, just as i caught up with them they put their rear fog lights on. No idea what that was about :confused:

Cars on the other side of a dual/motoway that don’t bother to dip their headlights is really getting on my ■■■■. It seems to be increasing more and more.

They soon get the message when I turn on the “moon” lights (XF105)