Road irritants ...

Side lights with LOOK AT ME IVE GOT FOGLIGHTS :sunglasses:
If the vis is that bad, put the headlights on ffs.

Oh and Rover drivers
On the way to a garden centre :laughing:

Bendy busses
Women who use a pram to cross the road with

People who think that the whole flow of traffic must stop because they want to join from a sliproad
The “I slow down for horses” sticker posse- So what? Do you want a [zb] medal or something?
Same as above but “National Trust” Micra/Rover/Ancient Proton/Hyundai Accent drivers
Tractors that pass a layby the size of Oxford (but without the students) and don’t pull over
That sodding milkman that holds up the eastbound A40 anytime between 7am and 8.30
■■■■■■ parking on our weighbridge and then want a price for everything in the quarry
Traffic surveys- the ones where old people sit at the roadside (do they dig them up from the nearest cemetery?)
Driving instructors who stop the learner to do something, without checking for traffic behind
Women who brake, look round at their kids, and then swerve across the white line
People who don’t realise the speed limit went up 3 miles back
Speed bumps-spills my tea everywhere :smiley:

I used to work for a company that sent them out to work. They get paid really well for counting cars. Hee hee.

My biggest hate is people that do not indicate on round-abouts. How many times have you been sat waiting to join and then the [zb] thats coming round has no indication showing and then leaves at the exit before the one your coming out of. If the prick had flashed his little amber lights I would have been able to set off that little bit sooner.

People who stop at roundabouts when you dont need to, start looking early enough and there is no need to stop.
Driving instructors who stop on main roads in rush hour. Im wanting to get to work, dont get your [zb] student to stop on the main road so i have to stop, to then just get them to drive on, go to a side road and do it
The bin men in Burton Joyce who have to empty the bins at the busiest time of the day causing queues
Old people who drive oblivious to everyone around them going too slow or just pulling out
People who drive on side lights or with even no lights when its getting dark or it is dark. Everyone around you has lights on so why the [zb] dont you put yours on? Or arent you noticing that everyone in cars around you have lights on and when you look at your dash you cant see your speedo?
People that sit right on my back door when im in my car, honestly, its as fast as the car will move!!!

Similar but; Driving instructors who should obviously realise their pupil is ‘struggling’ and yet keep them on the main road. Get them onto a quieter road and teach them a bit more instead of destroying the tiny bit of confidence they might have.

my hates are:-
wagon drives who let you get up the side of them and then push it to 56+, god damm back off a second and let us by.
cars who approach the motorway use up all the slip road then slam on their brakes coz they dont think they can drive on white paint. if you wernt supposed to drive on the paint it would be a barrier!!

the worst offenders are the ones who come tanking it past you on the motorway just to pull in front of you to get onto the exit slip road,point in case early monday morning when we had the fog i was heading down the M40 for the oxford turn off,there was a artic behind me and we were both in the lane for the exit slip road,the signs were flashing to let the traffic know that there were queues at this exit,however a muppet in a white sprinter van came flying past me pulls straight in front of me and slams his brakes on because of the stationary traffic,this in turn made me brake hard and hit my flashers to let the truck behind know and he was forced to head over on to the hard shoulder all because of that one muppet… :imp:

Not a lot annoys me, I’m a truck driving instructor so I have thick skin, but car drivers overtaking our truck doing 40 mph in very dangerous manners does worry me for their own safety. I’ll be okay if they run into someone coming around the blind corner but don’t really want to see their dead bodies.

People not signalling, slow drivers, lost drivers doing unpredictable things, Asian taxi drivers that suddenly stop in the middle of the road to let a customer out, poor lane discipline from car drivers, car driver that shoots down your left side when
Your signaling to turn left but moving out for the tight turn, people that give way but then change their mind, drivers at mini roundabouts that have forgotten the give way proceedure, impatient car drivers, cyclist that ride two side by side, horse riders pulling along another horse, overhanging trees that bounce off my roof, people that serve towards me to avoid a puddle, xeon lights fitted to non-xeon headlamp clusters that are too bright and not designed for these bulbs, pedestrians that press button at pelican crossing then cross before green man and me have to wait like a numpty at red light when no one there, could think of lots more - just another day in the office.

chris mc:
my hates are:-
wagon drives who let you get up the side of them and then push it to 56+, god damm back off a second and let us by.

yeah they think they have right of way ,and they have !!

chris mc:
cars who approach the motorway use up all the slip road then slam on their brakes coz they dont think they can drive on white paint. if you wernt supposed to drive on the paint it would be a barrier!!

Ah !! Now thats cos you didn’t god damm back off a second and let them by !!

My road irritants are anyone who doesn’t know what they’re doing!!


chris mc:
my hates are:-
wagon drives who let you get up the side of them and then push it to 56+, god damm back off a second and let us by.

yeah they think they have right of way ,and they have !!

Are you sure?

Rule 168
Being overtaken.

If a driver is trying to overtake you, maintain a steady course and speed, slowing down if necessary to let the vehicle pass. Never obstruct drivers who wish to pass. Speeding up or driving unpredictably while someone is overtaking you is dangerous. Drop back to maintain a two-second gap if someone overtakes and pulls into the gap in front of you.



chris mc:
my hates are:-
wagon drives who let you get up the side of them and then push it to 56+, god damm back off a second and let us by.

yeah they think they have right of way ,and they have !!

Are you sure?

Rule 168
Being overtaken.

If a driver is trying to overtake you, maintain a steady course and speed, slowing down if necessary to let the vehicle pass. Never obstruct drivers who wish to pass. Speeding up or driving unpredictably while someone is overtaking you is dangerous. Drop back to maintain a two-second gap if someone overtakes and pulls into the gap in front of you.

NTSA. Don’t go there Jon. The last thread on this subject ran to ? :open_mouth: pages.

Tockwith Training:
Not a lot annoys me, I’m a truck driving instructor so I have thick skin, but car drivers overtaking our truck doing 40 mph in very dangerous manners does worry me for their own safety. I’ll be okay if they run into someone coming around the blind corner but don’t really want to see their dead bodies.

People not signalling, slow drivers, lost drivers doing unpredictable things, Asian taxi drivers that suddenly stop in the middle of the road to let a customer out, poor lane discipline from car drivers, car driver that shoots down your left side when
Your signaling to turn left but moving out for the tight turn, people that give way but then change their mind, drivers at mini roundabouts that have forgotten the give way proceedure, impatient car drivers, cyclist that ride two side by side, horse riders pulling along another horse, overhanging trees that bounce off my roof, people that serve towards me to avoid a puddle, xeon lights fitted to non-xeon headlamp clusters that are too bright and not designed for these bulbs, pedestrians that press button at pelican crossing then cross before green man and me have to wait like a numpty at red light when no one there, could think of lots more - just another day in the office.

Doesn’t sound like it. :laughing:

people doing 50 in lane two off a 2 lane road!!!

Middle lane hoggers

People who don’t use lights in fog

people with defected front lights ( somes times i think it is a motorbike coming past )

People that never look when coming to a junction ( Didn’t they get taught to make progress )

i could go on but i will be all day lol

Paul Gloria Meadows:

People who think that the whole flow of traffic must stop because they want to join from a sliproad
The “I slow down for horses” sticker posse- So what? Do you want a [zb] medal or something?
Same as above but “National Trust” Micra/Rover/Ancient Proton/Hyundai Accent drivers
Tractors that pass a layby the size of Oxford (but without the students) and don’t pull over
That sodding milkman that holds up the eastbound A40 anytime between 7am and 8.30
■■■■■■ parking on our weighbridge and then want a price for everything in the quarry
Traffic surveys- the ones where old people sit at the roadside (do they dig them up from the nearest cemetery?)
Driving instructors who stop the learner to do something, without checking for traffic behind
Women who brake, look round at their kids, and then swerve across the white line
People who don’t realise the speed limit went up 3 miles back
Speed bumps-spills my tea everywhere :smiley:

I used to work for a company that sent them out to work. They get paid really well for counting cars. Hee hee.

They need to be; Yours magazine subscription, Werthers originals, National Trust membership, keeping the Rover (just) on the road, new driving gloves and flat cap, holiday in Weymouth,etc :laughing:

Shows how much times have changed. If you’d have asked this question 4 years ago, we’d have featured quite high on the agenda. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The Highway Man:
Shows how much times have changed. If you’d have asked this question 4 years ago, we’d have featured quite high on the agenda. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

4 years ago. Wasn’t it just last year that someone started a thread on here trying to run you guys off the forum with pitch forks and flame torches? Lol. Remember the Big Jase thread. Lol

Yup everyone hates trucks. Can’t see past them when youre tailgating them and they are too ■■■■ slow at 56mph. Just today I got a coffee bean shaker signal, flashy lights and beepy horn cos it took me a whole 15 seconds to overtake another truck on a dual carriage way. I’m so inconsiderate :frowning: Just think what that merc driver could have done in those 15 seconds I stole from his life.

Just thought of a few more gripes

  • fog lights in the tiniest bit of mist when you can still see at least half a mile ahead.

  • no fog lights when you cant see 100m ahead

  • fog lights when it’s raining. Any excuse to press that little fog lamp button. After all, you paid for it, you may as well use it just like your gimicky folding in wing mirrors or reversing sensors/cameras on a 7 foot long mass produced car that you bought cos the advert suggested you were ‘smart’ you utter ■■■■■■ :angry:

  • no headlights in torrential rain. Just cos you can see ahead doesn’t mean I can see you in my mirrors. Sure you switch them on and flash main beam AFTER I pull out in front of you, but by then it’s a bit too late grrr

  • front fog lights cos you think it looks cool. It doesn’t. It just makes me think that I will see your suit hanging in the rear window when you pass. ■■■■ off and become a contestant on ‘The Apprentice’

  • drivers who think the central reservation barrier means they don’t have to dip main beam

  • generation iphone who cross the road whilst texting without checking it’s clear … ‘they’ve got brakes and who would want to run over someone as cool as me?’ ME! I want to run over someone as ‘cool’ as you so don’t tempt me! Go create another riot because us tax payers aren’t paying enough for you to ■■■■ your life away at university you scrounging ■■■■■

  • naz! traffic wardens … most are ok when they know you are delivering, but as always there are a few bad apples

  • BIGGEST gripe of all … People who park in loading bays “for a few minutes to buy a newspaper or a pack of ■■■■”. I used to park 3 streets away and add half an hour to my day, nowadays I just double park and block them in and tell them ‘won’t be long, only got to deliver 8 trolley loads of food, collect a cheque from customer, have a chat with them and accept and drink the free tea/coffee they are offering’

People who use their laptop/ipad at full volume on a train journey and secretly hope you are looking at them with jelousey thinking ‘wow i wish i had one of those’ instead of looking at them thinking ‘turn that ■■■■ off or I will insert it where it will never be a nuisience again to anyone except you’. Not related, but still a gripe of mine :wink:

I need anger management therapy, don’t I … :neutral_face:

edit and rover drivers :smiling_imp:

Rob K:


Rob K:

Don’t tar us all with the same brush! I hate middle lane hoggers too, and as a driver of many years including as an artic driver, I am very aware of what other drivers are doing/not doing around me and drive accordingly,including using all lanes as they should be used, in other words I am observing them and recognising potential hazards they may create and as for driving slowly, my Rover 75 goes like the proverbial [zb] off a shovel - ask Spanky, he’s driven it often enough. If Rover had promoted it properly when they were winning races with it (in America I think it was) they would still be going now.

Sorry but I will continue to “tar” as I see,

and what I see are Rover drivers driving like ■■■■.

In all honesty, I have yet to see one being driving sensibly - they are always being driven to the exact opposite of the road/traffic conditions.

Ah, now I see it’s not all Rover drivers. Thanks! I can only presume you are a perfect driver - or at least you think you are!

No, it is ALL Rover drivers. Nowhere have I said otherwise so please don’t put words into my mouth. You did get the bit right about me being a perfect driver though. :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t, please read your own follow on post! I’m still keeping my Rover, and if I see you I shall make a note to go at 57/58mph in the middle lane just to annoy the ‘perfect driver’ some more. Anyway, I can only assume you are not a big rig driver because if you were you should have a limiter on and they are usually set at 52 or 56mph.

Cruise Control:
Wasn’t it just last year that someone started a thread on here trying to run you guys off the forum with pitch forks and flame torches? Lol. Remember the Big Jase thread. Lol

Who can forget him! At least you guys have the decency not to paint all HATOs with the same brush. :wink: