Road irritants ...

People who cant drive in accordance with the highway code or the conditions or the ability of their vehicle.

Too many muppets with cornflake packet free gift licences . :imp:

Me , caus i cant get anywhere swiftly enough caus everyone else is in my way :laughing: :laughing:

Never used to bother me until I saw Stobarts Trucks & Trailers(bearing in mind I work for that outfit) drivers who have their curtains halfwaay across the window :imp: They want prosecuting in my eyes, very unsafe.

I could go on all day but my recent pet hate is cars/vans that sit behind lorries plodding along, usually one or two just following the truck like sheep, until you come up behind, pull out to overtake them and the lorry, they floor it, pull out in front of you leaving you stranded out in lane two :imp:

Either that or they wait til you’ve overtaken them and the slower truck in one epic overtake, and as soon as you pull back in out they come and whoosh off they go…only to pull back in behind the next lorry in front of you and carry on plodding, why do they do this■■? :imp: :unamused:

Rob K:

Nissan micra drivers,
pic explains it all

PMSL :laughing: Had a ‘WTF?’ moment yesterday morning actually. The cars outside were covered in a fairly thick opaque ice (rather than white frost) and needed a good chiseling with a scraper or de-icing. The guy with the Vauxhall comes out to his, starts it up, pulls out a scraper then makes two small 6" square “holes” on his windscreen, gets in and drives off. Didn’t bother doing the rest of the screen or any of the other windows. :angry: I felt like stopping him as that is ULTRA dangerous to drive like that :angry: .

On my way to work on Monday I came across two complete morons who hadn’t bothered to clear the ice off their windows, both pulled out in front of me from side roads and proceeded to crawl along between 15-20mph while weaving all over the road, this was about 5am so luckily there was not alot of traffic about, honestly is it really worth the risk? :imp: :imp:

I could go on all day but my recent pet hate is cars/vans that sit behind lorries plodding along, usually one or two just following the truck like sheep, until you come up behind, pull out to overtake them and the lorry, they floor it, pull out in front of you leaving you stranded out in lane two :imp:

Either that or they wait til you’ve overtaken them and the slower truck in one epic overtake, and as soon as you pull back in out they come and whoosh off they go…only to pull back in behind the next lorry in front of you and carry on plodding, why do they do this■■? :imp: :unamused:

Someone will be along any moment now to say they do it to save fuel by slip-streaming the truck in front. There is of course some merit in that if you get close enough, but my reply to that would be sell the [zb] car and catch a bus if the running costs are that much that you can’t afford the fuel. :unamused:

Makes me laugh when i read a BMW forum and I see posts from people who have bought a 330 petrol and then complain about the running costs 'cause they only do about 25 to the gallon. Er, hello folks, wakey wakey… :unamused:

I bought my car to save fuel by slip-streaming the truck in front :laughing: :laughing:

yours affectionately ,

Cyril Smith :grimacing:

Surely any fuel saving they’ve gained by slipstreaming is instantly wiped out when they nail it back past me though??

Blue chip companies who limit their trucks to 52 mph,people who move then signal

Rob K:



  • People who bumble down the sliproad at 50mph, get to the broken white line and then (and only then) look over their shoulder to see whats there.

  • The above who beleive that its their right of way and you should jump out into the middle lane and let them on, even though they have adequate time and space to have done so.

  • Elderly people who think they are “being safe” by doing 30mph in a National Speed Limit area.

  • People who want to turn right, across the traffic who don’t use the turning lane marked on the road specifically for this purpose and leave their ■■■ hanging out, stopping the traffic the lane is specifically designed to keep flowing.

  • People who don’t indicate at roundabouts, until they are at least 40yards off the roundabout.

  • All drivers of Rovers.


Because they’re all driven by people with no observation skills or hazard perception and either stay in lane 1 fluctuating between 55-58mph getting under the feet of the truckers, or are middle lane hogs. :angry:

Don’t tar us all with the same brush! I hate middle lane hoggers too, and as a driver of many years including as an artic driver, I am very aware of what other drivers are doing/not doing around me and drive accordingly,including using all lanes as they should be used, in other words I am observing them and recognising potential hazards they may create and as for driving slowly, my Rover 75 goes like the proverbial [zb] off a shovel - ask Spanky, he’s driven it often enough. If Rover had promoted it properly when they were winning races with it (in America I think it was) they would still be going now.

People who stop at roundabouts when you dont need to, start looking early enough and there is no need to stop.
Driving instructors who stop on main roads in rush hour. Im wanting to get to work, dont get your [zb] student to stop on the main road so i have to stop, to then just get them to drive on, go to a side road and do it
The bin men in Burton Joyce who have to empty the bins at the busiest time of the day causing queues
Old people who drive oblivious to everyone around them going too slow or just pulling out
People who drive on side lights or with even no lights when its getting dark or it is dark. Everyone around you has lights on so why the [zb] dont you put yours on? Or arent you noticing that everyone in cars around you have lights on and when you look at your dash you cant see your speedo?
People that sit right on my back door when im in my car, honestly, its as fast as the car will move!!!

Nissan micra drivers,
pic explains it all

Jeez!!..thats a big hailstone

Don’t tar us all with the same brush! I hate middle lane hoggers too, and as a driver of many years including as an artic driver, I am very aware of what other drivers are doing/not doing around me and drive accordingly,including using all lanes as they should be used, in other words I am observing them and recognising potential hazards they may create and as for driving slowly, my Rover 75 goes like the proverbial [zb] off a shovel - ask Spanky, he’s driven it often enough. If Rover had promoted it properly when they were winning races with it (in America I think it was) they would still be going now.

Sorry but I will continue to “tar” as I see, and what I see are Rover drivers driving like ■■■■. In all honesty, I have yet to see one being driving sensibly - they are always being driven to the exact opposite of the road/traffic conditions.

Car and van drivers who TRY and cut me up on roundabouts

Love it when they have to stop because they realise they are gonna end up under my trailer ■■■■■■■ idiots :grimacing:

people that go from lane three right accross two lanes and over the white lines to leave the motorway.

I was coming up to the back of the usual M5 to M6 interchange queue a while back just as a Wagon and Drag overtook me in the middle lane. He’d just gone past the exit and saw the queue. He then slammed the brakes on and swerved across the inside lane, hard shoulder and white lines to get off.

Madness :open_mouth:

Those stupid people who change lanes without indicating!!! or even better those who indicate then just pull out regardless after their lights have flashed at least once maybe twice if your lucky :imp: The people who won’t move over to let a emergency vehicles pass, really can’t understand what reason they may have to remain oblvious to the presents of blue flashing lights & sirens, selfish gits!

Rob K:

Don’t tar us all with the same brush! I hate middle lane hoggers too, and as a driver of many years including as an artic driver, I am very aware of what other drivers are doing/not doing around me and drive accordingly,including using all lanes as they should be used, in other words I am observing them and recognising potential hazards they may create and as for driving slowly, my Rover 75 goes like the proverbial [zb] off a shovel - ask Spanky, he’s driven it often enough. If Rover had promoted it properly when they were winning races with it (in America I think it was) they would still be going now.

Sorry but I will continue to “tar” as I see,

and what I see are Rover drivers driving like ■■■■.

In all honesty, I have yet to see one being driving sensibly - they are always being driven to the exact opposite of the road/traffic conditions.

Ah, now I see it’s not all Rover drivers. Thanks! I can only presume you are a perfect driver - or at least you think you are!

Those stupid people who change lanes without indicating!!! or even better those who indicate then just pull out regardless after their lights have flashed at least once maybe twice if your lucky :imp: The people who won’t move over to let a emergency vehicles pass, really can’t understand what reason they may have to remain oblvious to the presents of blue flashing lights & sirens, selfish gits!

On the other hand, those who see an emergency vehicle and then stop dead, or pull over where the road’s too narrow for the vehicle to pass. Sometimes (if near a dual carriageway) it’s better to keep going and they’ll pass you at a safer opportunity


Rob K:

Don’t tar us all with the same brush! I hate middle lane hoggers too, and as a driver of many years including as an artic driver, I am very aware of what other drivers are doing/not doing around me and drive accordingly,including using all lanes as they should be used, in other words I am observing them and recognising potential hazards they may create and as for driving slowly, my Rover 75 goes like the proverbial [zb] off a shovel - ask Spanky, he’s driven it often enough. If Rover had promoted it properly when they were winning races with it (in America I think it was) they would still be going now.

Sorry but I will continue to “tar” as I see,

and what I see are Rover drivers driving like ■■■■.

In all honesty, I have yet to see one being driving sensibly - they are always being driven to the exact opposite of the road/traffic conditions.

Ah, now I see it’s not all Rover drivers. Thanks! I can only presume you are a perfect driver - or at least you think you are!

With reference to an earlier post of mine, Rover (normally a 45 or in rare cases one of those coffin dodger-mobiles 213s of the 80’s (the high booted ones, though I would guess most owners have now been buried with them) +National Trust sticker= 2 mile queue.

it has to be the idiots that enter a 50 on a motorway sitting in the middle lane at 40 10 foot behind the other ■■■ doing 40 in lane 1, blocking both lanes for those who can actually read the sign that says 50.


Rob K:

Don’t tar us all with the same brush! I hate middle lane hoggers too, and as a driver of many years including as an artic driver, I am very aware of what other drivers are doing/not doing around me and drive accordingly,including using all lanes as they should be used, in other words I am observing them and recognising potential hazards they may create and as for driving slowly, my Rover 75 goes like the proverbial [zb] off a shovel - ask Spanky, he’s driven it often enough. If Rover had promoted it properly when they were winning races with it (in America I think it was) they would still be going now.

Sorry but I will continue to “tar” as I see,

and what I see are Rover drivers driving like ■■■■.

In all honesty, I have yet to see one being driving sensibly - they are always being driven to the exact opposite of the road/traffic conditions.

Ah, now I see it’s not all Rover drivers. Thanks! I can only presume you are a perfect driver - or at least you think you are!

No, it is ALL Rover drivers. Nowhere have I said otherwise so please don’t put words into my mouth. You did get the bit right about me being a perfect driver though. :stuck_out_tongue:

My hate is trolley dolls that sit at 35mph on single carriage ways with half the country behind them then go like a scolded cat on dual carriageways leaving everything in there wake
People who put full beam on at night when they pull out from behind your trailer and blind you
Oh and Rover drivers