Road handling

Something i keep meaning to ask about for ages…When driving a Scania…roads wet or dry…the road handling is perfect…You can feel the road…just like your car…You don’t slip and slide…You can go around a bend without slowing down to a crawl or having to check you undies later…Where as with other manufactuers…in the wet the steering can feel dead light…you feel like your gliding along… like your on an ice rink…Your not gripping the road

Why is this■■?..What standard design do the Scania folks and car manufactuers follow…that the other truck manufactuers can’t seem to■■?

To me it doesn’t make any sense…in all weathers…with the weight being carried…you need to be able to feel the road…be at one with it…

(Before anyone say’s it…i don’t go speeding around in the wet…you can even tell at low speeds that the grip is not quite there…although at the same time Scania’s are a bit heavy to reverse at low speeds)

i know what you mean. Scania are dead on.
Daf, are ok. you can live with it.
MAN. an accident waiting to happen.

ive never liked the handling in scannys. i get a better feel in a daf.

Must be something wrong with mine then as soon as you touch the accelerator its wheelspining goin round corners makes me wish i had my old actross back, it is a opticruise thing maybe something to do with it cuz my mate has a older manual and that is great!!!

i did have the misfortune to have a 4 series scania for a short period(3 series was the last truck scania made i think :wink: ),and i suffered from a lot of brown pants moments,it was more than frightening,it was dangerous,never in any truck i have driven did i feel as scared in my life.

try looking at your tyre’s different Treed patterns etc they all handle differently not all trucks come with the same type of tyre or pattern and size

it shouldn’t matter what motor you drive it should feel different full or empty or on good/bad roads otherwise you’ll never alter the way you drive

Not having a go Smiley and I know this has been covered before, but you should really make it a New Year’s resolution to ditch the dots…

Not having a go Smiley and I know this has been covered before, but you should really make it a New Year’s resolution to ditch the dots…

I’m…glad…that…i’m…not…the only…one that finds…it…annoying!!!

Ditch the Dots…NEVER :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

They are the SuperSmiley trade mark :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Give me a MAN over the Scania we have any day, bloody piece of crap!

Merc 814 with cheapo steers isnt good in the wet :open_mouth:

Please justify to me what the hell a MAN has over a scania…other than more room for squatting…if ya living in it…and i mean squatting…it a ■■■■ hole digs

Scania’s ain’t got a cheap and nasty cab…the exterior doesn’t look like a cardboard box on wheels…bit’s don’t just fall off in your hand…the steering wheel doesn’t remind you of the London Eye…they leave you with a sore lower back for days on end… due to Hitlers to arm chair…come to that matter i reckon Hiltler had a better stereo in his motor…it’s F-ing joke…speakers in the centre of the dashboard…what kind of caveman thinking is that… :imp: :imp: :imp: …and before anyone say that the new one has loads of speakers…with a fancy Sub…sorry but like everything else they’ll just be…CHEAP and NASTY!!!

Scania’s aint perfect…but to prefer a MAN is embrassing :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

R series have the worst seats ever

the p series is totally underpowered

Give me a MAN over the Scania we have any day

Sounds like brokeback mountain but with truck drivers :laughing: :laughing:

i drive a 59plate MAN tgx xxl and i would swop it for a scania any day!
and back to the original question i think its down to the axles most scanias and dafs have twin steer and mans, mercs and volvos don’t, i find mercs are realy bad in the tramlines and bends and i think thats down too the width of the axles.(the lift/2nd axle is narrower than the first axle)

Get some decent bogie drives, double drives to you I think.


Give me a MAN over the Scania we have any day

Sounds like brokeback mountain but with truck drivers :laughing: :laughing:

Yeah, i could have worded that better :laughing: :blush:

The Scania we have is like driving a transit van, it’s so small and has no room inside for anything.

Why do some people think Scanias are a good truck? I own a Saab when they were a proper company NOT vauxhalll. anyway, scannys have always been ■■■■■ since the days when other companies caught up. XF all the way. ■■■■■■■■ to the crash helmet cab. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes Daf all the way, all the way onto the hard shoulder!. Never late with a V8!