Riddle me this:

Someone was telling me today that it’s a legal requirement on new wagons to have one of them DHL pre recorded computer voices telling you when you ain’t got the seat belt on & you open the door with the hand brake on? Is that true? Can’t be can it?

The hand brake one is fair enough but I’m going to take a hammer to the fuse box if he tells me to put me seat belt on one more time when I’m trying to reverse the ■■■■■

I mean you wouldn’t mind if he started bleating about it above 30mph cuz you’re on the road & yeah mate I did forget to put it on so I’ll do it now. Not bloody 1mph when I’m trying to concentrate on not killing lunatics who are trying to chuck themselves under your wheels. I mean WTF? He don’t just say it once either he’s on repeat, the ■■■■■

Usually I plug it in & sit on it to shut the ■■■■ up which kinda defeats the whole point of the gobby ■■■■■

I’ve met the guy in charge of safety at DHL & he seemed to know what he was about so anyone on here work for DHL tell him to ■■■■■■■ sort it & he should take notice.

Scania one waits till 20 mph odd at least but that’s no good if you’re pounding round a Tesco airfield either is it?

I’ll not be taking part in debate about wether you should or shouldn’t wear one. I know you should but…

Oh & by the by head safety geezer at DHL, thanks for the lush alu SB components catwalk, loves it I do, boom.

Just go to a scrapyard and buy a spare buckle. We used to have loads when chauffering as quite often the people we carried didnt want to wear one.

I’ve heard of buckles being nicked in trucks, didn’t believe it but I do now.
Ps-dhl is a ZB company to work for, too much red tape…!

I’ve heard of buckles being nicked in trucks, didn’t believe it but I do now.
Ps-dhl is a ZB company to work for, too much red tape…!

To be honest pimp, that may be the case about the red tape

(I’m a free spirit too who wasn’t born to follow (saw that on the back of a UK hard charger green euro curtain boys motor (still some left then!?!!■■!), raised a grin!)) rather than allowing even more left ■■■■■■ foreign team over (I ain’t racist I’d be doing the same believe me) continue to pin ball them poor uneducated car buggers around the M25.

I mean this is one of the most regulated countries in the world apart from the Jerry’s maybe for HGV movement & then they let Pavlov over (I know a lot of them know what they’re doing but some of them couldn’t pilot a tricycle let alone a truck & they’re pasting innocents on Satan’s road every day, side note while I’m ranting: they wanna get on with that extra Dartford crossing & the free flow toll don’t they, Dave just should tell them at Highways to stop dicking around & get it sorted… Might actually vote for him then, I’ve always been a leftie but I can tell Dave is a stand up guy in my opinion & don’t even get me started on his wife, what a diamond!

While you’re at it DAVE sort the bloody pot holes out, Jesus I spend half my day trying to protect my suspension…

I’m not sure about Ed other than he seems a bit odd, why the unions didn’t vote in his electable brother is beyond me but then I ain’t a politician… Perhaps he wouldn’t of bent over for them, not saying Ed does, I dunno, I don’t pay much attention to be honest… Never voted in my life.


but I get the impression DHL actually give a toss about the drivers welfare & our impact on society, now I know that’s just PR BS as they’re a business looking for more of the green stuff by any means necessary so them green JLR trailers waxing lyrical about the environment are just a blag to get the public to think they’re hippies so we’ll ■■■■■ on a Jag or a Landy (do TATA in India have an A1 environmental record I WONDER?) but for whatever reason at least they’re not tying to get your pants down & bend you over like most of the other ruthless ■■■■■ out there so respect where it’s due.

I still feel they (& Winc et all) are ■■■■■■ the haulage industry by getting all the decent jobs & saying, yeah we’ll do it it for cheap as were minted & can out last all these others to the bottom & we’ll just take our bit & sub it to these boys who can do all the hard work & who will be happy to take the crumbs from our table for the sake of still being able to love the road.

Think of all them honourable knight of the road firms out there (mostly gone now) with Templar geezers running them who have been & who are continuing to get pasted by Eddie & his mates.

I was T’s number one delivery on time haulier for 5 years owning that job for them & the dishonourable ■■■■■ got rid of me at the drop of a hat at the start of the recession in 2009 just cuz Eddie started moaning like a ■■■■■.

I at least got a weeks notice from the absolute Warrior Joanne Richmond (DHL),

Daryl Berryman was a Warrior too (now T Lichfield).

They at T told Jo to not even give me a days notice after Crimbo 2008 I think but Jo told em to ■■■■ off, she had tears in her eyes when she put the bullet in me bless her.

After me rolling the dice spunking 200 grand on new deckers with no contract (I know but when I go, I go hard) to do the job
properly, you should have seen some of the death traps they let run out of there just cuz they had a 2nd deck…

Thanks for that by the way, it’s been emotional…

Can you tell, I’m telling it like its is from here on out? Feels bloody ace.

T are paying £400 a day to them rapists at BW to do there dirty work for them, I ain’t working for that firm. I tried quoting the chap at Lichfield £500 thinking my record & website would speak volumes & he started asking me if I knew my costs, I mean WTF?

I know my costs mate but I ain’t dicking about with metro store deliveries for that money & having ■■■■■■ up ■■■■■ chucking themselves at the motor, no way.

I might e-mail T soon for the Crimbo apocalypse & say yeah mate it’s a grand a day or it can stay in the warehouse & I’ll show myself the door come Jan 1st.

Have that. :slight_smile:

Have that. :slight_smile:

O-k, still a zb outfit matey:lol:

You not have that, I think you’re ok, world HAVE THAT.

I usually keep under the radar on here as I’m petrified of them VOSA boys taking the road from me for what I say on here but you know what I just don’t care anymore, they can have the road here, it’s ■■■■■■ anyway & I’ll emigrate & do my Art somewhere I’ll be bloody appreciated a bit more.


Have a left, then a right & a nut for good measure. Peace.

It might not be a requirement for the voice thingy but I know the Mercs we have on hire give a voice alert for everything. “NOT WEARING SEATBELT” does my frickin head in as it comes on even when you’re reversing where you don’t have to/don’t want to be wearing a seatbelt.

The park brake one with open door is a good one though in my opinion. I’m sure we’ve all got out the cab when coupling up a trailer and forgotten to put the park brake on at least once in our careers especially at the end of a shift when you’re maybe not as switched on as you should be.

I think there was a lot of alcohol involved in this thread.

Who was the comedian that did a gag about this ?

It went something like …
A driver sits in the driving seat
alarm - door not closed (driver fixes it)
alarm - seatbelt off (driver fixes it)
after a few more alarms for this and that the driver is now set to move off when …
alarm - boot open !!

I was told that wearing a seatbelt while reversing wasn’t a legal requirement. I drove an MAN on a couple of occasions, it would start freaking out if you didn’t have your seatbelt on when traveling over 15 MPH. That being said it just feels so strange to be a vehicle and not be wearing a seatbelt when in motion.

Definitely a 10 out of 10 for that rant.

Left hand down!:
I think there was a lot of alcohol involved in this thread.


SS, the seat belt alarm doesnt work under 20mph if its not clicked in, and it doesnt work if you take it off and use reverse.

SS, the seat belt alarm doesnt work under 20mph if its not clicked in, and it doesnt work if you take it off and use reverse.

It does on the Mercs. The DAFs, Ivecos and Renaults we have don’t but the bloody Mercs do as soon as the wheels turn.

I should have said, what i wrote applies to DHL FHs, all our 13 and 63 reg’s do this.
Not sure about the new shape ones we have, im not privellaged enough for that information.

I take it someone has closed the medicine cabinet then ?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: . He was on a proper roll Tuesday night. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Is this what a nervous breakdown looks like?

I think it’s Trucknets verson of drunk texts to an ex.

Love the fact potholes got in there. Every good rant should include potholes.

Never voted in my life.

Then you can’t complain! You give up all right to moan if you don’t go to the ballot box… and don’t give me that “they’re all the same” crap because they only get away with it because the majority (like 70% or something) do absolutely NOTHING and then say “Look what we got”!

Still, don’t let them grind you down eh?