Richard Thorne

Sorry Gavin, Johnny Neville was one of those names that I heard mentioned but I can’t put a face to him or ever remember running with him. I have a feeling that I once met Richie Thorns brother, I think he was called Sammy and at the time I was with Peter the Plater.
I also seem to remember that Richie had two trucks from 1980/87, one was a Volvo F12 but I can’t remember him having a Mack. I remember O.H.S, ran Macks but as regards owner drivers, Black Billy who wore a Mack baseball cap and a guy I met in Baghdad once had the only two American trucks that I can remember at the moment. Come to think of it the guy in Baghdad I.I.R.C. had a White Road Commander with a west coast cab, he came from Yorkshire and had a number plate on the front which said ■■■ Machine.

Thinking about it now, didn’t Black Billy have the Mack and the guy from Yorkshire have the White, I do remember the date as it was New Years Day 1984. Noddy Bob who was on for Fred Archer at the time was also there waiting for diesel from the Bogy men. I also seem to remember that Richies brother Sammy once slipped off a cobbled road in Czecho one winter into the side of a house.

Regards Steve.

hes probably on the ■■■■ with chamberlain…ha ha dont tell him i said so, i remember being in the windmill…and a driver had parked his erf up cos it was broke, but richie was on his way out to recover it…cut a long story short, my black volvo at the time was crabbing, and doing tyres…so i swapped them with the old erf…anyway…just as i was leaving…richie was pulling in…thank god for that…

Richie had a dark blue forward control 6x4 Mack .
And here is Richies Volvo at Kaf, Saudi, driven by Johhny Neville.

Stewart Jeffries old MADA Merc behind. What a trip that was, Stewart went missing in Hungary on his way out, for a week. Me and John kept going and Stewart caught us up in Kuwait.
Heres a pic of me and Black Billy (Bill Hall) at Oktay in Istanbul one Easter on our way home from Doha.

And here is Billy’s White at the Londra, when he was pulling for Pan Express.

Me and Billy parked up in Doha.


hes probably on the ■■■■ with chamberlain…ha ha dont tell him i said so, i remember being in the windmill…and a driver had parked his erf up cos it was broke, but richie was on his way out to recover it…cut a long story short, my black volvo at the time was crabbing, and doing tyres…so i swapped them with the old erf…anyway…just as i was leaving…richie was pulling in…thank god for that…

Oi Bobby
I think ive got some pics of us bowling in Istanbul, I will dig them out and post them.
Do you remember when we used to play against the Viking,s !!
Some good money used to change hands didnt it, and we had a proper trophy which was in the restaurant at Oktay. It was funny because one of my groupage loads to Doha had bowling trophies on it, so I nicked one.


Oi Dave
No body has answered the post about Richie Thorne! They must be too scared eh!
I used to get on well with Richie, I wasn’t afraid of him but when he was drinking and was getting close to the boiling point, I used to slip away back to my truck befor the sparks started to fly.often in the Londra or Oktays

Or the Telex, Richie and Mickey Chinnock + Efes = Polise. :cry:

The last time I saw Mickey was down in Porto a few years ago. He was doing Portugal regularly .

Had Mickey recovered from his holiday !! in Istanbul ?

Hey G.S. that will be great to see the old photos again…what happened to black billy… and how come you got a photo of him without his berry !!..
i know neville ended up working for himself in Rainham…cos when i was on for Roy Bradford, we used to take the trucks there sometimes…
Mick certainly finished his holiday in Istanbul…nice set up so i hear …thanks to him i got a nice holiday too…i heard hes up in Hull near Joe 90…
What about jimmy the taxi heard he got shot…all in the same set up i believe…
what happened to Roger Rabbit…last heard he was doing the sellers run…and what are you doing now ■■ still skiving…ha ha ha

Truckyboy, who hasn’t been on the Pevo with Dave Chamberlain :question:

The last I heard of Chaimbo was about 12 years ago and it was only a rumour.
It seems that Dave and a few British drivers were waiting in a very long queue at the Rumo/ Bogy border. A thieving Rumo tried to steal something from Daves truck, so Dave shot him in the arse. All the Brit drivers ended up in the Rumanian jail

Did anybody hear anything about this or, was it just a rumour. :confused:

Can any body tell me about Mickey’s holiday in Istanbul. :question:

Hey Mushy…great to hear from ya fella…send us over a shrimp for the baaarby.
ha ha …i heard that Dave chamberlain was all finished with the international work…sold his old red scanny…and was working for tesco…but i also heard the same about Roy Axle…where do these rumours start ■■?
I also heard about the shooting in Rumo, it was at Georgiu…you know what the queues were like waiting to cross the bridge…and we all had to have our eyes wide open cos of the gipsy kids…theiving ■■■■■■■■■
Anyway…what ya doing in that foreign land…

GS… forgotten your name…(alzheimers)…but sure do recognise ya…nice photos too…did we ever beat the vikings at bowling…did ya see my stickers of the galleria…fame city…oh those memories…the fights in the Londra…in Oktay…the drinking sessions…we should have a reunion…invite richie…ha ha

Mushroom man
Which Steve are you I’m sure I know but you know how it is, hard to figure out who is who on here sometimes.
What are you doing in OZ, still driving?

My name is Gavin by the way.
The Galeria !! Ice skating and then bowling, what a laugh eh !
We used to get down there firm handed didn’t we.
Drinking those great big jugs of Efes on draft.
We used to beat the vikings regular. I used to rush back from Doha to get to Istanbul, looking forward to bowling and a couple of days off!! Trouble was it was hard to get going again. There was a night club next to the Galeria wernt there, that was always a good crack, loads of brasses, but it nearly always ended in a ruck outside.its all a bit vague but I’m sure it wil slowly come flooding back. I seem to remember a fight outside one night,I think Young Phil and Dennis the Swede were there, losing a watch ( one of those mickey mouse Rolex that you could buy by the kilo), a shooter being pulled and a getaway in a cab !! Happy days.And let’s not forget the trailer parties, I remember cooking for 26 people one time in the Londra. Richie was there with Kate, when he first met her. Did you see the cartoon that I posted last year of one of the parties? Johnny Neville drew it. It just sums it all up really.

Bloody hell…Gav…you sure have got a good memory…yeah remember the nightclub, and the nice ladies…we all loved to get to the Londra or Oktay…talking of young phil, he ended up marrying a girl from the containers,…anyway i remember when he phoned roy from istanbul on friday night, and said he was just leaving…anyway …sunday morning…he phones roy up and tells him he was in dover.;.roy went ballistic…told him if you wanna kill yourself…do it…but dont use my truck to do it…those were the days eh mate !
I wonder where all the old crowd is today…like i said i met neville at rainham…saw old phil working for the post office, after hed been set up in spain with drugs…phil wilmott is my son in law…roy bradford retired…fred his partner works for a rumo company…chris hooper is still doing doha from italy, egg on legs died a few months ago…im working for Solstor..although ive been off sick for 8 weeks, and just got another 6 weeks…might not go back though…may retire gracefiully…if only…ha ha only 3 yrs to go anyway…i gotta think about some of the others…remember the singing around the camp fire, with the banjo…and me on the drums…ha ha …laugh a minute…what a job…what a crack…(craic)…

[,…anyway i remember when he phoned roy from istanbul on friday night, and said he was just leaving…anyway …sunday morning…he phones roy up and tells him he was in dover :unamused:

Yeah truckyboy, thats why I never smoked those hubble bubble pipes and other things. :slight_smile:

Who mentioned purple hearts then…stay awake for how long??..ha ha

My first meeting with Chamberlain was when we had loaded dried Prunes from Yugo for Montrose and the senile old bugger had left his passport with the guard :wink: I thought I was doing him a favour as he had driven up to near Tompa before he realised. The air was blue when we finally did meet up and he thought I had nicked his passports.

Eventually he understood and kept me plied with beer all the way home :smiley: I nursemaided his driver Moss when Dave went to the TT. We parked in Evzoni and this “lady” broke into Chamberlains trailerbox. When she realised Moss was driving the truck she gave the food back and told us that DC owed her money :smiley:

That reminds me too, what happened to Steve Chambers? “great life, no wife”

I remember leaving Kapik after midnight with him and a pallet of Efes (24cans), dodgin the empties cos he had a right hand drive and he would throw the cans over the cab, and arriving at the TIR Polis Kontrol at Silivri, before Istanbul and the pallet was empty.
4.5hr drive if you were heavy, which we always were.
That man could sink a beer.
Where are you now Dave.
Best regards, Gavin.

Steve Chambers? “great life, no wife” correction.
Should read Ace life, No Wife

Where did he end up ■■ I remember that he bought a second truck but then the memory faded, Steve large as life Chambers.
We were parked up one night in Hungary, at Sekesferherevar and after we had finished eating and the music started, he did the old Rubber Johnny over the head and blow it up trick, well the Hungarians hadnt seen anything like it, so the rest of us done it too. Caused a riot of laughs. Then he crouched down at the edge of the big heavy wooden dinner table, bit the corner, and just stood up straight with the table in his mouth with all the drinks still on it !!! sticking out straight in front of him.
No one gave us any trouble in there that night…

This was taken in Londra Camp, Dave’s Scania.


Hi Dave
I got your PM.
Nice pic of Chaimbo’s motor,it did look well.
That looks like Roy Haxells F89 in the background and ROO 108W in the corner plus a dropped trailer, all Lawrabian.
That was during my time on for Lawrabian.

And just behind daves scania is one of roys outfits, it was either mick hawkins, or roy axle…wasnt mine cos i had twin stacks up the back…nice pictures though…heres another name…Alan Woods…last i heard he was working for a swedish company…

now ive had this pic for ages on my computer so did anyone on here take it gs is it one of yours