Reversing poll

Since Scanny won’y back down, I’ll ask the question

When reversing (eg onto a bay etc) what do you mostly use■■?

If you use another option, please post to say what it is

I voted mostly mirrors, 90% of the time I would say. Head out the window, in combination with the mirrors, on the other occasions.

:smiley: I voted this time because there was one that fit me :smiley: :wink:

A combination of BOTHmirrors and window :wink:

I voted combination :wink:

however you didn’t give us the braille option of reversing - keep going till it goes bang :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Denis F:
I voted combination :wink:

however you didn’t give us the braille option of reversing - keep going till it goes bang :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Edited, see first post

I’m not to good on polls (1st time) there should have been an “other” catagory but cocked up

I’ve gone for the combination, although I should point out that that combination doesn’t include a camera!

strange but i use both head out and mirrors :laughing: :laughing:


I use both mirrors and head out of the all depends how much space you have,how tight the bay is etc? Some places i go to i just use mirrors,big empty yard and onto a bay with nothing either side of it.a certain place i go to has trailers parked around a foot apart on 1 side of the yard,and bays around 2 ft apart dead between is just enough space to straighten up.if theres any units attached to the trailers then you’ve gotta be inch,you have to crank the unit around to nearly 90degrees,and try n straighten up whilst edging into a gap or on a bay.if u can do it in 1 then you’re doing very well.i’d like to see somebody do that with mirrors,its all down to where you normally go and what sort of work you do.

I voted both because it depends on the situation. If it’s bent too far to see the trailer in the mirrors, it makes sense to poke head through the glass.

I use both head out of window and mirrors

Mirrors mainly

Head out and mirrors.

Why hasn’t scanny voted then :confused:

:laughing: :laughing:

Oh and sem…

Youv’e missed out the most obvious choice (as bad as scanny you are)

option 5… LUCK, CURSING, SHUNTING and SWEATING oh and a combo of mirrors and head out :wink:

Since Scanny won’y back down, I’ll ask the question

i had nothing to back down to. had i decided to play games, i would have changed the poll to ‘could you reverse a truck with a central seating position, yes/no’ but i didnt think it was worth it :unamused:

I voted combination that of head out and mirrors. Our vehicles have them camera thingies but I find them more of a distraction as they have a fish eye lens and everything looks further away than what it is

Why hasn’t scanny voted then :confused:

:laughing: :laughing:

Oh and sem…

Youv’e missed out the most obvious choice (as bad as scanny you are)

option 5… LUCK, CURSING, SHUNTING and SWEATING oh and a combo of mirrors and head out :wink:

No I havn’t, that would come under option 5


i voted for mirrors, but i’m only a class 2 driver.

I’m aware that reversing a class 1 vehicle is a completely different kettle of fish. The mirrors can become obsolete if the trailer obstructs the view or something…

i, i would have changed the poll to ‘could you reverse a truck with a central seating position, yes/no’ but i didnt think it was worth it :unamused:

I’ve done a lot of reversing in vehicles with a central seating position :wink: doesn’t cause any problems :sunglasses:

I was asked to write a paper (Options Report) on ‘Safer Transport Operations’. It was mostly based on ‘driving forwards’ and we looked closely at a Carmicheal Airport Fire & Rescue vehicle, in which the driver has a central seating position.

The advantages revolved around the change/reduction of blind spots, the advantages for cross-channel driving (in either direction) i.e. LHD v RHD and the ability to seat more passengers/crew. The vehicle we looked at comfortably seats a passenger either side of the driver in a slighlty raised and readward position.

The big disadvantage was the lack of usefull rearward vision when ‘driving backwards’. Maybe not too much of a disadvantage in a rigid vehicle but if the vehicle in question were required to pull a trailer, reverse manouevering would be too difficult for the average driver to complete accurately.

Final decision - not a viable option.

In answer to the original question - combination of both!

I voted for a combination, although it depends on the weather. If it is persisting down I use mirrors. If it is dry I will stick my head out. Really it just depends on where and what the reverse is.

Not worth another poll, but I discovered when talking to another driver in our yard that we both turn the radio down when reversing. Anyone else do the same/