Reversing poll

Not worth another poll, but I discovered when talking to another driver in our yard that we both turn the radio down when reversing. Anyone else do the same/

yes :wink:

Not worth another poll, but I discovered when talking to another driver in our yard that we both turn the radio down when reversing. Anyone else do the same/

No, I turn it off.

I turn mine off aswell, same can be said for when entering a building site or quarry.

Radio off for me as well, and window open as well so I can hear the scream as I run over someone.

Pop Larkin:
I voted both because it depends on the situation. If it’s bent too far to see the trailer in the mirrors, it makes sense to poke head through the glass.

Don’t you cut yourself doing that? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

This poll is too complicated.

You only need two options:

  1. Head out the window
  2. Mirrors

Simple really. :stuck_out_tongue: :unamused: :laughing:

Mirrors and head out But

like Dennis BANG am i on then

Radio off and BOTH windows open. I’m more likely to not see someone on my blind side so would like to hear them shout first wherever they are. This is of course weather permitting. If it’s cold, wet or windy comfort takes priority over safety.


Pop Larkin:
I voted both because it depends on the situation. If it’s bent too far to see the trailer in the mirrors, it makes sense to poke head through the glass.

Don’t you cut yourself doing that? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

You know, I think you’ve got something there. I’ll try opening it next time and see if it hurts less.

… If it’s cold, wet or windy comfort takes priority over safety.

Only mirrors in your yard then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

having only been driving class 0ne for a month i still use both unless as stated earlier its a nice straight reverse.

and yes i mute the radio and open the window. probably so i can hear the scream if i run someone over :wink:

I use my ears, if i hear bangs or scraping noises i stop :smiley:


I very often find i turn the radio off (& open the window) on leaving the motorway.