Reported a jumper


Freight Dog:
I never clocked that you were a mod tachograph. Have you always been one or is it recent? Genuine question not being rude. It probably sailed straight over me :blush:

Itā€™s recent and I never thought you was being rude :wink:

Freight Dog:
Suppose it could be anyone thatā€™s complained maybe any job not a driver. No one on the thread looks offended, just discussion

It wasnā€™t anyone whoā€™s posted on this thread.

With the greatest of respect to the mods, are you seriously saying itā€™s got to the stage that someone who has no input to a discussion/debate/argument can try to silence people because they either donā€™t like what they have read, canā€™t scroll down or just bugger off?.?.?
Iā€™m embarrassed for the complainant, if they are offended, come on here and explain why, maybe try to educate people to a different point of view.
Adonis clearly has no tact, thatā€™s his issue and we can all see that, it hasnā€™t stopped me agreeing with some of the sentiment if not the content. I posted my issues with the problem and I donā€™t see any complaints?
Whoever complained to a mod without any input should be ashamed, trying to shut down debate that way is spineless.
I demand Carryfast joins in as I feel my liberty and freedoms have been suppressed :laughing:



There has been a report about some of the remarks in this thread which are obviously going to be offensive to some people, weā€™re all adults on this site and should be capable of discussing this subject without being overly offensive towards other peopleā€™s misfortune.

Iā€™d appreciate it if we could keep this thread a little tactful.

Ok some of the comments are a bit ott.
But reporting :open_mouth: ? wtf is that all about.
Why not have a go at or pm the perpetrator,.
I did not realise some truckers were such delicate little violets.
Yeh weā€™re all adults, some of the old women variety by the sound of this.
How things change ehā€¦ apparentlly. :unamused:

Yep, welcome to mumsnet.

Snowflake world!

Often a subject that can polarise views and thatā€™s understandable I guess. If you can relate to the subject in some personal way then I think youā€™d perhaps look at it differently than someone who doesnā€™t. Thing is, when people are at rock bottom we donā€™t know whatā€™s going on in their head as itā€™s something that isnā€™t scripted. Cut your wrists? Electrocute yourself? Hang yourself? ā€¦ these are generally slow and painful ways to die and not always successfulā€¦ jump off a bridge/ building, onto a train line, in front of a fast moving object, that will generally do the trick and end of day youā€™re dead so why worry about the consequences?

In my experience, it is actually the worrying about the consequences (for those left behind) that has stopped a lot of people from killing themselves. Those that went past that point and went through with it, like I say, are in a really bad place in their mind.

I think this is a case of keyboard warrior mode. I bet Adonis wouldnā€™t spout off his views if he wasnā€™t behind a keyboard.

With the greatest of respect to the mods, are you seriously saying itā€™s got to the stage that someone who has no input to a discussion/debate/argument can try to silence people because they either donā€™t like what they have read, canā€™t scroll down or just bugger off?.?.?
Iā€™m embarrassed for the complainant, if they are offended, come on here and explain why, maybe try to educate people to a different point of view.
Adonis clearly has no tact, thatā€™s his issue and we can all see that, it hasnā€™t stopped me agreeing with some of the sentiment if not the content. I posted my issues with the problem and I donā€™t see any complaints?
Whoever complained to a mod without any input should be ashamed, trying to shut down debate that way is spineless.
I demand Carryfast joins in as I feel my liberty and freedoms have been suppressed :laughing:

I was with you all the way until I read your last sentence.
Anything but that. :neutral_face:

im one of those who like to get on with the job , but if itā€™s the difference between saving someoneā€™s life or not Iā€™ll sit there as long as it takes , they can book the load in for later / next day for me

Suicide is always a tricky subject for me, mainly as its a very dry area for innuendo.

But I was once of the mindset that anyone who commits suicide is selfish, plain and simple. Anyone wishing to take their own life and involve others is even worse.

That opinion has changed and now Iā€™m thinking how can someone be selfish if they are in such a bad place that rational thought is out the window.

This leads onto the topic of depression, not oh Iā€™m feeling miserable so will post something attention seeking on facecloth.
I mean real depression, where your at such a bad place that functioning throughout the day is virtually impossible. A state of mind thatā€™s almost impossible to understand unless youā€™ve been through it.

As mentioned there are viewers of this thread who may have been touched by suicide so no whimsy from me.

Itā€™s a subject that needs looking deeper into and my heart goes out to those affected by it. Never think itā€™s something your immune from.

Iā€™ll be completely honest here -

Iā€™m going to the funeral of my daughter in the 11th of this month. She committed suicide on the 15th December. No warning signs, no note, nothing.

I havenā€™t read anything I find offensive in this thread. Itā€™s just opinions nothing more, nothing less.

TBH they arenā€™t even views I can completely disagree with at this moment. Any of them.

The only thing I can hand on heart say - is even if they do it without effecting someone else (she did it privately) in the act - itā€™s never without effect.

Itā€™s destroyed my wife, her sister and I.

Ironically it sounds like I was about 5 mins ahead of the OP on the M5 heading south but I saw nothing untoward.

Very sorry to hear about your Daughter mate. Best wishes for the New Year.


Didnā€™t say it for any reaction - but just disagree with people being outraged by proxy and like I said, however bluntly put by certain posters, they have a grain of truth in what they say, I think.

And in the grand scheme of things itā€™s just pixels on a screen.

I know you were not looking for a response fella, but as a Father to two Daughters myself, I feel for you. Top respect to you for contributing your experience.

Sort of brings it home how trivial our day to day truck driving issues are. Best of luck to you and your family.

Fair play for sharing and im so sorry for your loss. Im also a father of 2 daughters and christ it must be like having your heart ripped out.

No words of comfort excist when the loss is still so raw all thats left is to pull together as a family and get through it. Time will not heal this pain but together it can become more bearable.

Iā€™ll be completely honest here -

Iā€™m going to the funeral of my daughter in the 11th of this month. She committed suicide on the 15th December. No warning signs, no note, nothing.

I havenā€™t read anything I find offensive in this thread. Itā€™s just opinions nothing more, nothing less.

TBH they arenā€™t even views I can completely disagree with at this moment. Any of them.

The only thing I can hand on heart say - is even if they do it without effecting someone else (she did it privately) in the act - itā€™s never without effect.

Itā€™s destroyed my wife, her sister and I.

Ironically it sounds like I was about 5 mins ahead of the OP on the M5 heading south but I saw nothing untoward.

That is truly bloody awful mate.
I take on board that you didnā€™t post this for a reaction or for sympathy, I aint the type of bloke who respond to those who do tbh.
I genuinely feel for you and your family. I donā€™t know you, but I can only empathise as a Dad of 4 myself.

The positive thing is, you come across as level headed and practical, so you must be a great strength to your family who obviously also feel the loss.

Good luck bud.


Life does go on. Itā€™s just different.

And as for ā€œlevel headed and practicalā€ I still whine like a four year old when given a crap start time! Still a driver after all.

Kjw also coming from a father of 2 girls I can only offer my condolences.
I myself have just his last week lost my wife. She died in a horse riding accident she was only 38.

Jeepers Lash. It looks like your family has had it rough too.

Similar respects to you also mate.

Sorry to hear that. All you can do is be there for your kids.

Life is a bit cruel but it just makes you stronger. Trick is not to let you become bitter.


Fair play mate. From reading the article your doing exactly as she would have wanted.

It sounded like you had one of the good ones in life. The way I deal with it is I view myself to be lucky to have shared however long I did with my daughter. Sounds like you were just as lucky with your wife.

Itā€™s just been a lot shorter time than it should have been.

I hate the fact that everything can be going well in life and in a split second it just comes tumbling down for a reason we normally have no control over.

Thanks for that. Usually Iā€™m a very private person but my wife was prob the opposite of me. I only even joined Facebook in October. I used to bitchxbthat it was full of kittens and people posting pics of their dinner.
Itā€™s been a godsend this past month though as my wife had family in America