Reported a jumper

There has been a report about some of the remarks in this thread which are obviously going to be offensive to some people, we’re all adults on this site and should be capable of discussing this subject without being overly offensive towards other people’s misfortune.

I’d appreciate it if we could keep this thread a little tactful.

You sir are a total ■■■■ of the highest degree.

Until you’ve been in that situation you don’t know what goes on .

I have to admit after the break up of my marriage with the loss of everythingI you can’t see forward.
It’s a very dark place to be in.

I didn’t stand on a bridge, I didn’t want to be seen or hurt , I just wanted to end the pain of having everything stripped from my life.

So crawl back in to your nice cave and pray to god you never get placed in that position .

You know nothing of me, what I’ve done or where I’ve been.



:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Adonis you think you are funny and quite possibly you may well
Be the funniest on here. But
From the bottom of my heart I think you are a total prick.

Adonis you think you are funny and quite possibly you may well
Be the funniest on here. But
From the bottom of my heart I think you are a total prick.

Aye, I’d go along with that TBH.
The typical forum ■■■■■■■■■.

There has been a report about some of the remarks in this thread which are obviously going to be offensive to some people, we’re all adults on this site and should be capable of discussing this subject without being overly offensive towards other people’s misfortune.

I’d appreciate it if we could keep this thread a little tactful.

Ok some of the comments are a bit ott.
But reporting :open_mouth: ? wtf is that all about.
Why not have a go at or pm the perpetrator,.
I did not realise some truckers were such delicate little violets.
Yeh we’re all adults, some of the old women variety by the sound of this.
How things change eh… apparentlly. :unamused:

To me seems completely stupid moaning that someone should be more considerate topping themselves. A contradiction. It does prove as humans we can’t get our heads around some concepts.

Think about it, if you’re so destroyed in your thought processes you’re about to self destruct then it is quite feasible thought for others isn’t possible :unamused: ?. A bit like screaming at rocks. I’d like them to be thoughtful, I think it’s crap they make others suffer. It’s not emotion, it’s science. Scream all we like but machines break down completely

It’s science. What is emotional and Lilly livered is lacking the foresight to realise that functioning beings such as a human being can fail to such an extent the only way we could comprehend what that would feel like would, by logic mean we would be shortly dead ourselves. We acknowledge some nutters are murderers yet year on bloody year like imbeciles we still struggle that humans can pop enough to do them selves in.

Ok some of the comments are a bit ott.
But reporting :open_mouth: ? wtf is that all about.
Why not have a go at or pm the perpetrator,.
I did not realise some truckers were such delicate little violets.
Yeh we’re all adults, some of the old women variety by the sound of this.
How things change eh… apparentlly. :unamused:

I’m not having a go at anybody, suicide is an emotive subject and there are people on this board who have been affected by it, some of the language in this thread has been unnecessary and a bit repugnant.

In-spite of there being a complaint about some of the phrases used I’ve stayed out of it, all I’m asking is that people be a little tactful while discussing such an emotive subject, there’s no need for anyone to go out of their way to make remarks that will obviously be offensive to people who have been affected by suicide.


Ok some of the comments are a bit ott.
But reporting :open_mouth: ? wtf is that all about.
Why not have a go at or pm the perpetrator,.
I did not realise some truckers were such delicate little violets.
Yeh we’re all adults, some of the old women variety by the sound of this.
How things change eh… apparentlly. :unamused:

I’m not having a go at anybody, suicide is an emotive subject and there are people on this board who have been affected by it, some of the language in this thread has been unnecessary and a bit repugnant.

In-spite of there being a complaint about some of the phrases used I’ve stayed out of it, all I’m asking is that people be a little tactful while discussing such an emotive subject, there’s no need for anyone to go out of their way to make remarks that will obviously be offensive to people who have been affected by suicide.

I never clocked that you were a mod tachograph. Have you always been one or is it recent? Genuine question not being rude. It probably sailed straight over me :blush:

Ok some of the comments are a bit ott.
But reporting :open_mouth: ? wtf is that all about.
Why not have a go at or pm the perpetrator,.
I did not realise some truckers were such delicate little violets.
Yeh we’re all adults, some of the old women variety by the sound of this.
How things change eh… apparentlly. :unamused:

Delicate violets sums it up well.


Suppose it could be anyone that’s complained maybe any job not a driver. No one on the thread looks offended, just discussion

Freight Dog:
I never clocked that you were a mod tachograph. Have you always been one or is it recent? Genuine question not being rude. It probably sailed straight over me :blush:

It’s recent and I never thought you was being rude :wink:

Freight Dog:
Suppose it could be anyone that’s complained maybe any job not a driver. No one on the thread looks offended, just discussion

It wasn’t anyone who’s posted on this thread.


Freight Dog:
I never clocked that you were a mod tachograph. Have you always been one or is it recent? Genuine question not being rude. It probably sailed straight over me :blush:

It’s recent and I never thought you was being rude :wink:

Freight Dog:
Suppose it could be anyone that’s complained maybe any job not a driver. No one on the thread looks offended, just discussion

It wasn’t anyone who’s posted on this thread.

Ok, congrats then chief!


Ok some of the comments are a bit ott.
But reporting :open_mouth: ? wtf is that all about.
Why not have a go at or pm the perpetrator,.
I did not realise some truckers were such delicate little violets.
Yeh we’re all adults, some of the old women variety by the sound of this.
How things change eh… apparentlly. :unamused:

I’m not having a go at anybody, suicide is an emotive subject and there are people on this board who have been affected by it, some of the language in this thread has been unnecessary and a bit repugnant.

In-spite of there being a complaint about some of the phrases used I’ve stayed out of it, all I’m asking is that people be a little tactful while discussing such an emotive subject, there’s no need for anyone to go out of their way to make remarks that will obviously be offensive to people who have been affected by suicide.

You picked me up wrong mate, I did not suggest that YOU were having a go at anyone.
I was referring to those that were ‘offended’ :unamused: …who rather than ‘tell the teacher’’ they would have been better having a go at, or the perceived perpetrator (s).
To be fair a couple did just that.

Put it this way if somebody genuinely offended me, on here, or in real life for that matter, the last thing I would do would be get some element of authority to sort it for me, I would much prefer to do that myself.

If this thread gets locked for a minority opinion, it says a ■■■■ lot.
If some do not like the subject matter…DON’T ■■■■ READ IT, simples. :bulb: :bulb:

Coffeeholic has the right idea about bridge jumpers.

If some do not like the subject matter…DON’T [zb] READ IT, simples. :bulb: :bulb:

the amount of people who cant just ignore something they dont like and move on is amazing. Just because someone finds something in bad taste they appoint themselves as moral guardians and decide that anyone who doesnt share their view is wrong and report it rather than just roll their eyes, tut and move along to something more suited to their tastes

Coffeeholic has the right idea about bridge jumpers.

I obviously missed that one what was his idea ■■ :blush: :blush:

Hes maybe gone about it like a bull in a china shop but Adonis does have a valid point.


There has been a report about some of the remarks in this thread which are obviously going to be offensive to some people, we’re all adults on this site and should be capable of discussing this subject without being overly offensive towards other people’s misfortune.

I’d appreciate it if we could keep this thread a little tactful.

Ok some of the comments are a bit ott.
But reporting :open_mouth: ? wtf is that all about.
Why not have a go at or pm the perpetrator,.
I did not realise some truckers were such delicate little violets.
Yeh we’re all adults, some of the old women variety by the sound of this.
How things change eh… apparentlly. :unamused:

Yep, welcome to mumsnet.