Reported a jumper



Hopefully not, the ignorant, selfish scrote should have drank bleach and made toast in the bath rather than incovience thousands of people doing their job or visiting family or whatever it is people do.

No time for them.


You’re quite a charmer aren’t you?

There was me thinking what a [zb] :laughing:

Total agreement from me,well said!!


Hopefully not, the ignorant, selfish scrote should have drank bleach and made toast in the bath rather than incovience thousands of people doing their job or visiting family or whatever it is people do.

No time for them.


Ever thought of joining The Samaritans bud. :smiley:

I do see your point mate tbh, although even I would have put it more tactfully.

Why involve other people, especially the poor guy whose passenger seat they end up on as they smash through his windscreen. That could affect someone innocent for life.

If someone is genuinely wanting to top themselves there are plenty places that do not involve others.
Sorry to be harsh and if it offends some, I know it’s all very sad and tragic and if it was one of mine I’d be devastated, but I’m a trucker not some kind of qualified counsellor.

I agree with you Rob and I am studying psychology which will lead to me being a therapist. I do believe that people can make a rational decision to end their own lives. None of us chose to be born but we can choose to end it and not necessarily because of some terminal disease

bald bloke:
A habit of mine is looking up at every bridge I go under so as I was trundling south on the M5 between J22 and j23 at about 05.00 this morning I glanced up at a bridge I was about to pass under and spotted a person perched the wrong side of the railings so pulled over a few hundred yards up the hard shoulder and called it in, a sad incident considering the time of year that someone’s head must be in such a state to contemplate such a thing.

I hope it turned out ok in the end .

you think Adonis’s attitude is wrong then what about this,my bruv has 33+ yrs on the London underground as a train operator,he said once that in all the years he’s operated a train he’s never had one under,i asked why he would want that,he replied 3 months off with full pay,great stuff he said

you think Adonis’s attitude is wrong then what about this,my bruv has 33+ yrs on the London underground as a train operator,he said once that in all the years he’s operated a train he’s never had one under,i asked why he would want that,he replied 3 months off with full pay,great stuff he said

Same should be for a trucker… in actual fact it should be more then three months!!

bald bloke:


Don’t think it ended too well if this is the same one.

Bloody hell could be :open_mouth:

was it around the same time or within the hour you called,if so then it’s a possibility


you think Adonis’s attitude is wrong then what about this,my bruv has 33+ yrs on the London underground as a train operator,he said once that in all the years he’s operated a train he’s never had one under,i asked why he would want that,he replied 3 months off with full pay,great stuff he said

Same should be for a trucker… in actual fact it should be more then three months!!

in a way I agree,train operators never see the result of a suicide under their train,HGV drivers don’t have a choice once they stop the vehicle and jump out,probably screws their mind big time when they see the damage to the body



you think Adonis’s attitude is wrong then what about this,my bruv has 33+ yrs on the London underground as a train operator,he said once that in all the years he’s operated a train he’s never had one under,i asked why he would want that,he replied 3 months off with full pay,great stuff he said

Same should be for a trucker… in actual fact it should be more then three months!!

in a way I agree,train operators never see the result of a suicide under their train,HGV drivers don’t have a choice once they stop the vehicle and jump out,probably screws their mind big time when they see the damage to the body

Also another valid point a HGV driver is more exposed… for example how many people jump out in front of a train… not many I should think… Where as people jump out in front of a truck frequently…


Just trying to get my own head around the idea that someone whose head is so totally [zb] that they are even contemplating suicide should somehow be expected to be “considerate” to others.

My thoughts exactly, it beggars belief there are so many heartless people about. When it comes to it would they egg them on or try and help, I’d suggest they’d grow a pair and try to help the poor sod.

I agree,i think to myself that I couldn’t give a ■■■■ really but common sense would kick in and I would more than likely stop same as anyone with a heart and try and talk to him/her and hopefully get through to them before the emergency services arrive and take over,as I allways say you get crap in your life but things can allways get better,no reason to kill yourself,life’s too precious as it is,you only have it once

Hopefully not, the ignorant, selfish scrote should have drank bleach and made toast in the bath rather than incovience thousands of people doing their job or visiting family or whatever it is people do.

No time for them.


You sir are a total ■■■■ of the highest degree.

Until you’ve been in that situation you don’t know what goes on .

I have to admit after the break up of my marriage with the loss of everythingI you can’t see forward.
It’s a very dark place to be in.

I didn’t stand on a bridge, I didn’t want to be seen or hurt , I just wanted to end the pain of having everything stripped from my life.

So crawl back in to your nice cave and pray to god you never get placed in that position .

bald bloke:
A habit of mine is looking up at every bridge I go under so as I was trundling south on the M5 between J22 and j23 at about 05.00 this morning I glanced up at a bridge I was about to pass under and spotted a person perched the wrong side of the railings so pulled over a few hundred yards up the hard shoulder and called it in, a sad incident considering the time of year that someone’s head must be in such a state to contemplate such a thing.

I hope it turned out ok in the end .

Twice I’ve stopped as you did, unfortunately the 1st time was after I had gone over the body in the truck.

I was back behind the wheel 48hrs later I had to or I don’t think I would be driving.

Glad you reported it BB i seen a jumper once on the M6 jumped in front of a scania topline and it was not pretty.I think it was a paddy motor the driver was a mess never want to see that again.

Hopefully not, the ignorant, selfish scrote should have drank bleach and made toast in the bath rather than incovience thousands of people doing their job or visiting family or whatever it is people do.

No time for them.


Thats really quite heartless. Do you have the same lack of respect for those with physical health issues?

Captain Caveman 76:
Thats really quite heartless. Do you have the same lack of respect for those with physical health issues?

I like to throw sticks and try and get them between the spokes of wheelchairs, sport of kings that is.


Glad you reported it BB i seen a jumper once on the M6 jumped in front of a scania topline and it was not pretty.I think it was a paddy motor the driver was a mess never want to see that again.

Later that day a woman fell from a motorway bridge a few miles up the motorway not sure if it’s related though, the woman lived apparently.


Captain Caveman 76:
Thats really quite heartless. Do you have the same lack of respect for those with physical health issues?

I like to throw sticks and try and get them between the spokes of wheelchairs, sport of kings that is.


I know that aint very PC mate…, but I did find it funny. :smiley:
I’m imagining a Monty Python type sketch, an Olympic event, with javelin athletes trying to get through the spokes of a paralympian in a passing wheelchair on a track.

I would sure as hell bet the wheelchair para guys would find it funny if they were told this also, and have a bloody good laugh.
The only ones who would be ‘‘offended’’ by your suggestion would be the lefty right on types who make a full time activity of being ‘‘offended by proxy’’ at any oppotrunity or anything slightly off the wall. :unamused:

+1. If I am ever unfortunate enough to end up in a wheelchair, I expect the same degree of banter/insults levelled at me.

Plenty ex Afghan lads/girls do not expect to be treated like poor and sad cases along with many other disabled folk.

I too found Adonis’ " wheelchair spokes javelin " remark funny, and I am sure the majority of disabled folk would too :slight_smile:


Captain Caveman 76:
Thats really quite heartless. Do you have the same lack of respect for those with physical health issues?

I like to throw sticks and try and get them between the spokes of wheelchairs, sport of kings that is.


Trying to back peddle and make a joke of things now eh …

Your still a ■■■■ …


Just trying to get my own head around the idea that someone whose head is so totally [zb] that they are even contemplating suicide should somehow be expected to be “considerate” to others.

My thoughts exactly, it beggars belief there are so many heartless people about. When it comes to it would they egg them on or try and help, I’d suggest they’d grow a pair and try to help the poor sod.

Couldn’t agree more.

Trying to back peddle and make a joke of things now eh …

Your still a ■■■■ …

Back peddling? No, I still think any [person] who wants to do themselves in should do it alone instead of ruining other people’s lives.

It would also be “you’re”, you illiterate chode.
