Refugee crisis


…best of luck to anyone not of the right faith when the balance of percentages starts to tip in the other direction…

Not quite there yet.

If I was the worrying type and got worried about things well beyond my control that may or may not happen hundreds of years into the future, I’d be more worried about a volcanic winter or a big rock dropping out of the sky.

I voted YES because I live in the here and now.

A few thousand refugees will make no difference to my life, no difference to that pie chart and all the difference to the refugees.

Percentages are a very perplexing yardstick. On the one hand, 5% of what I presume to be a global guesstimate generates so much disproportionate carnage and disruption. Another example, say 14% of a nation’s voters garners miniscule national representation. Just another form of manipulating numbers.
I’m waffling. It’s getting late, and I want to go home! Unfortunately, I’m in Stoke - on Trent, and home is over 4 & a half hours drive (another bloody 45 on top). :imp:

Percentages are a very perplexing yardstick. On the one hand, 5% of what I presume to be a global guesstimate…

The pie chart was produced with data from the 2011 England & Wales census. Less than 5% of the population of England & Wales are Muslim.

I voted no,the picture of the little boy did not upset me at all,why because children all over the world are dying everyday and none of us can stop it happening,if the government want to stop this situation lets all get together and form a European army with the help of the US and hit ISIS with everything we have at our disposal inc tanks,destroy every I S to a man once the refugees countrys are safe again[Syria/Libya] they can go back and live the life they had before safely,i believe that’s the only way,i may well be wrong but that’s my opinion

We should’ve left Saddam and Gaddafi where they were. Yes they suppressed free speech, the free speech of those nutters who now form IS.
No wonder the powers that be have left Assad where he is.

Voted yes for several reasons…
1 - If I was in that mess I’d like to think someone would help me
2 - a lot of them will end up working anyway
3 - I don’t buy the ‘stealing our jobs and our children’s jobs’ thing; in my experience people who want to work find work. Not everyone finds a job they like, and some might be too proud to do some jobs, but that’s a different issue.


The refugees are human beings fleeing from a war that western governments started when they invaded Iraq , in the same way I would stop to help a driver with a broken down lorry on the side of the road I would help the refugees too .


…best of luck to anyone not of the right faith when the balance of percentages starts to tip in the other direction…

Not quite there yet.

If I was the worrying type and got worried about things well beyond my control that may or may not happen hundreds of years into the future, I’d be more worried about a volcanic winter or a big rock dropping out of the sky.

I voted YES because I live in the here and now.

A few thousand refugees will make no difference to my life, no difference to that pie chart and all the difference to the refugees.

Contraflow…you have the right name. The poll above shows the level of animosity to mass muslim immigration. A nation wide poll in the media this morning says the whole nation is against it.

Re your simplistic pie chart figures. They are misleading, and do not show the true picture of the situation. Just s snap shot. You, and other people should be aware that the birthrate amongst us Brits is declining, which is pretty obvious to most people. On the other hand, there is constant increase within the muslim sector. So whilst you can take some smug satisfaction from these figures, you are conveniently forgetting that the muslim birthrate before that census and after is 6.7% annually. Far, far higher than the indigenous population…i.e you and me.
What this means, if you extrapolate from the known figures is that the muslim population will be 8% in 2020. Then, assuming the status quo remains, it will be 28% in 2040…and then finally, in 2050, muslims will represent over 50% of the demographic.
Good luck with that. There has always been a strong under-current of appeasement in this country. The Americans saved us in WW2. Who will save us from this invasion…and from so called do-gooders.
Re, the drowned child. What parents would get in a play dinghy to cross a major waterway, without even a life-jacket? The west coast of Turkey is perfectly safe, they had no need to do that. It does not show the level of desperation…it just shows the level of stupidity. The same stupidity that makes them all blindly follow the teachings of the koran…the same lemming type stupidity in the nay-sayers here that says let them in, and the same stupidity that will finally bring GB to its knees.

I would like to request that everyone who votes qualifys their vote with a post, whether you do or not is your choice.

I voted No in this poll for a few reasons.

We have families here who rely on foodbanks, children living below the poverty line, people working full time and still needing a helping hand in benefits to survive. Charity begins at home, when we no longer have our own children needing donated food and we no longer have pensioners freezing to death in winter by the truck load, then maybe we can think about helping out some foreign strangers who have nothing to offer our already crowded country.

Britain is one of the most generous countries in the world when it comes to foreign aid, 0.7% of our GDP goes on it. That is already far more than enough and far more than many other nations, we are doing our bit already for a problem that is not ours.

To further the above point £100m has just been cut from the NHS budget for cancer treatment, specifically 23 life-lengthening drugs. Aid to Syria has been increased by, you guessed it, £100m. So if you or a loved one were to get that awful news and one of those drugs may not cure you, but give you a quality of life that would allow you to live out the rest of your days with a bit of dignity cannot be prescribed, you know why and you know where that money is going.

A picture of a dead child motivates the chattering classes to open the flood gates to all and sundry but doesn’t motivate the men of these countries to grow a pair, stand up and sort their countries out.


nothing to do with religion or race
as Denis says they are innocent victims of war

And don’t most of refugees go back after?

My father was a refugee… lost friends and family in 55

We’re a small already over populated country that’s already over the limits of what our economy and land space can provide for.In addition to which we’re dealing with alien,often hostile,cultures in which integration is just counterproductive for all sides.In this case it’s time to say enough we’ve already subjected the country to too much immigration over the years and now it’s time for Africa and Asia,and Eastern Europe to look after themselves and their own.

Contraflow…you have the right name.

Yes I know, I chose it very carefully.

nothing to do with religion or race
as Denis says they are innocent victims of war

And don’t most of refugees go back after?

it would appear that they don’t go back in the masses they stay have their families brought here as well as breed like rats

tommy t:

nothing to do with religion or race
as Denis says they are innocent victims of war

And don’t most of refugees go back after?

it would appear that they don’t go back in the masses they stay have their families brought here as well as breed like rats

you saying my dad a rat?

I would be in favour of letting in a lot more PEOPLE because that is what they are if they could have it impressed upon them that they HAVE to Westernise themselves.This means no burqua no honour killings and women are to be educated.

and follow our laws and not theirs

We’re a small already over populated country that’s already over the limits of what our economy and land space can provide for.In addition to which we’re dealing with alien,often hostile,cultures in which integration is just counterproductive for all sides.In this case it’s time to say enough we’ve already subjected the country to too much immigration over the years and now it’s time for Africa and Asia,and Eastern Europe to look after themselves and their own.



tommy t:

nothing to do with religion or race
as Denis says they are innocent victims of war

And don’t most of refugees go back after?

it would appear that they don’t go back in the masses they stay have their families brought here as well as breed like rats

you saying my dad a rat?

wasn’t aimed at any one in particular, it was a general observation of what really happens based on the facts that most of em have large families lots of kids hence the saying they breed like rats or rabbits if you don’t like rats

tommy t:


tommy t:

nothing to do with religion or race
as Denis says they are innocent victims of war

And don’t most of refugees go back after?

it would appear that they don’t go back in the masses they stay have their families brought here as well as breed like rats

you saying my dad a rat?

wasn’t aimed at any one in particular, it was a general observation of what really happens based on the facts that most of em have large families lots of kids hence the saying they breed like rats or rabbits if you don’t like rats

I think he knew that and was just trying to make a typically bs pro immigration point.

The fact that not many of the immigrant based groups wish to join the indigenous community in saying enough and the very real procreation rate difference.Suggests deliberate intentional dilution of the indigenous population with the aim of eventual local and/or wider spread non indigenous demographic takeover of the country in the long term.Indigenous in this case being in the literal jus sanguinis sense not jus soli.

A Qualified Yes. I have no problem in taking people in from the refugee camps in the countries surrounding Syria. These countries are struggling to cope with the numbers. However if we freely accept people from the Calais camps then we are encouraging them to make the dangerous crossing across the Med which will surely lead to more bodies tragically washing up on the beach.

merkle’s actions have already done that, and most of them in calais from what i have seen are not refugees

tommy t:
merkle’s actions have already done that, and most of them in calais from what i have seen are not refugees

agree there in a way. economic migrants are totally different to refugees