Refugee crisis

The media are reporting a public outcry to accept more refugees due to the success of the petition that was set up after the photograph of the brothers on the beach was published. The number that have signed it is over 250k and now Cameron in giving in to pressure and agreeing to take more in. Spain, Hungary and others are not quite as willing. The Daily Mail have a poll that is running at 76% saying no and reading the comments on their website I’d say it is more like a public outcry not to let them in. It would never happen but if we got the chance to vote on this matter how would you vote?

Best advice for anyone.

Do not listen to, watch or read the mainstream media news and current affairs output, it’s a bought and paid for propaganda machine.

Try it for just a month, no news no current affairs no newspaper no radio news, i guarantee that by the end of the month you will be able to think for yourselves again independently, not be browbeaten into thinking the way they want you to.

If you must get your fix, balance it by reading or watching the same amount of output of an alternative news service ie 1 hour of BBC propaganda then 1 hour of Al Jazeera or Russia Today or 1 hour reading the many online blogs out there, such as OldRightie or Orphans of Liberty or Anna Raccoon or Longrider or Breitbart etc etc.
They each have their own agenda, just like the Beeb etc.

I have voted yes and im not ashamed to admit it.
Why, because to give it the bigun on social media sites is one thing to look an immigrant in the eye and say your not welcome here is another.

I do have a spare room so could put my money where my mouth is and take one in, whether I would is a whole different matter.

Im no better or worse than those pro immigrants flooding the tinternet but my humanity calls me to do something as to do nothing will just add fuel to the hatred already playing out and that will play out in years to come.

All I can do is try and make the world a better place for my childrens children and one things for sure I cannot do that through hate or selfishness due to a fluke of birth that put me in a first world country.

I would like to request that everyone who votes qualifys their vote with a post, whether you do or not is your choice.

No enough is enough!

Sign here >

We are full, because we never send them back once there safety in countries of origin can be proven, they breed and claim to be British we have given more aid than other EU countries,

Sign here >


No enough is enough!

Sign here >


I have voted yes and im not ashamed to admit it.


…and rightly so; you should never be ashamed of not being a selfish “I’m alright Jack” mouth-breather like most of TruckNet’s readership.


I have voted yes and im not ashamed to admit it.


…and rightly so; you should never be ashamed of not being a selfish “I’m alright Jack” mouth-breather like most of TruckNet’s readership.

It’s interesting that you use the word “selfish” in your post. Is it selfish to abandon these folk to their plight? I’d say 100% yes it is selfish. Is it also selfish to bequeath our children and grandchildren a country that will be unrecognisable as the same place we were brought up? Again I’d say 100% yes. So we have a quandary really.

the maoster:


I have voted yes and im not ashamed to admit it.


…and rightly so; you should never be ashamed of not being a selfish “I’m alright Jack” mouth-breather like most of TruckNet’s readership.

It’s interesting that you use the word “selfish” in your post. Is it selfish to abandon these folk to their plight? I’d say 100% yes it is selfish. Is it also selfish to bequeath our children and grandchildren a country that will be unrecognisable as the same place we were brought up? Again I’d say 100% yes. So we have a quandary really.

Why would it be unrecognisable? Because we’ll have a few more brown faces knocking about? I didn’t think hysterics were your thing Maoster?

Not hysterics mate, happily I’ll probably have long shuffled off this mortal coil (that was histrionics though :smiley: ) before this change comes to pass. If you can dispassionately look at what is happening to countries like Sweden then as sure as night follows day it will eventually happen here.

Islam is the biggest threat that the Western world is and ever has faced.

the maoster:
Islam is the biggest threat that the Western world is and ever has faced.


Islam is an interesting case.

Their more vociferous supporters are always bleating on about it, most reasonable people do not have the slightest problem with it…we’ll ignore their own preachers of hate for the time being just like our leaders and betters did for years, though to be fair they encouraged non assimilation preferring multiculturalism to show their progressive values off.

It’s when demographics change that the true nature of the beast shows its head, best of luck to anyone not of the right faith when the balance of percentages starts to tip in the other direction, and those preachers (backed by their supporters) of hate climb the greasy pole just like our own political noise makers have.
No freedom of expression nor worship nor multiculturism in fully Islamic countries, you do as your told, dress as told, behave as told and know your place or else.

You think it can’t happen here? get your head back in the sand

I voted No.
Why, because this Country should carry on being the 2nd largest aid donor(behind the US) to the refugee camps in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon. To mop up those that have fled through Turkey (a safe country) to cross into Europe is to defeat the purpose of asylum, that being to be a safe haven to those under threat, through War and political turmoil in their own country.

Germany and other EU countries would do better to match our countries financial contribution to the refugee’s who have stayed in the region (which is more than all other EU countries put together), rather than open the borders to economic migrants putting money in the pockets of the people traffickers in the process.

As sad and heart wrenching, the sight of that poor child laying lifeless face down on a Turkish beach is, He is only the embodiment of all the children already killed in the Syrian blood bath. It is wrong to react now, just because of this photo. If the sight of a dead child means that a reaction is called for, then the knowledge of all the dead Syrian children, or other migrant children that have gone before, should have forced a reaction sooner. Cameron has proved He’s a weak leader, or more a follower.

The Syrians aren’t the only immigrants illegally entering Europe, what are the Government going to do with all the sub Saharan Africans that are crossing from North Africa, they too, in many cases are fleeing persecution(but persist in passing through safe havens), are they just seeing the streets paved with gold in Europe, it will come to pass that civil rights lawyers will force the Government to accept these people to.

The flow wont stop :unamused:

Islam is an interesting case.

Their more vociferous supporters are always bleating on about it, most reasonable people do not have the slightest problem with it…we’ll ignore their own preachers of hate for the time being just like our leaders and betters did for years, though to be fair they encouraged non assimilation preferring multiculturalism to show their progressive values off.

It’s when demographics change that the true nature of the beast shows its head, best of luck to anyone not of the right faith when the balance of percentages starts to tip in the other direction, and those preachers (backed by their supporters) of hate climb the greasy pole just like our own political noise makers have.
No freedom of expression nor worship nor multiculturism in fully Islamic countries, you do as your told, dress as told, behave as told and know your place or else.

You think it can’t happen here? get your head back in the sand

Well said.
and as for this line

You think it can’t happen here? get your head back in the sand

Some times there seems little difference in the Fascist Islamic regimes of the Middle East, than that of the fascist political regime that was ■■■■ Germany, and I’m sure that the civilised people off 1920’s Europe, wouldn’t have thought that such an evil regime could have ruled one of Europes most important Counties :open_mouth:

Yep heads in sand. its happened before :unamused:

…best of luck to anyone not of the right faith when the balance of percentages starts to tip in the other direction…

Not quite there yet.

If I was the worrying type and got worried about things well beyond my control that may or may not happen hundreds of years into the future, I’d be more worried about a volcanic winter or a big rock dropping out of the sky.

I voted YES because I live in the here and now.

A few thousand refugees will make no difference to my life, no difference to that pie chart and all the difference to the refugees.

I would be in favour of letting in a lot more PEOPLE because that is what they are if they could have it impressed upon them that they HAVE to Westernise themselves.This means no burqua no honour killings and women are to be educated.

When you look beyond the MSM & the percieved message that a photo journalist can command. I find it interesting that the 3yr olds family had been in Turkey since at least 2012.

The father (who survived) even had a steady job there !

Now, for what reason were they on the move to Europe I ask myself?

I would be in favour of letting in a lot more PEOPLE because that is what they are if they could have it impressed upon them that they HAVE to Westernise themselves.This means no burqua no honour killings and women are to be educated.

But they wont westernise, because once here they have human rights, and one off those is freedom of expression.

Voted no.
Unless we cherry pick the useful refugees who would actually benefit us and by that I don’t mean washing cars and selling kebabs.