RED Fuel Cards Price Hike

Price last week - 88.33ppl (+VAT)
Price this week - 91.08 (+VAT)

I’m sorry but 2.75ppl in ONE week? They are having a giraffe surely? Phone call planned for tomorrow methinks! :imp:

Anyone else had such a severe jump in such a short space of time?

hey I’m impressed, they gave you the same price as I got !! thought everyone got different prices :wink:

my other cards jumped about the same !

Smartdiesel 90.59 to 92.75
Bayford Keyfuels 90.99 to 92.99
Fce 89.19 to … they don’t email the price till tomorrow morning :unamused:

edit : FCE 91.49

bp 89.00 to 90.5

Blimey Denis thats quite shocking, my smart diesel price has gone from 88.30 to 90.99 this week, which is significantly cheaper than the figures you have been quoted.

And likewise Denis/hammer my red cards have gone from 88.02 to 90.58 this week.

How can they justify different prices to different users? would it be possible that they charge differently for the more fuel you draw?

tc trans:
Blimey Denis thats quite shocking, my smart diesel price has gone from 88.30 to 90.99 this week, which is significantly cheaper than the figures you have been quoted.

they haven’t emailed me recently, I got that price from the website

How can they justify different prices to different users? would it be possible that they charge differently for the more fuel you draw?

that’s the reason they give ! although another one is how often you use the card, if you use one every time the price will creep upwards ! that’s why I have several - keeps them on their toes :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Looks like I’m not the only one with cause for complaint. :frowning:

Roll on April - 2 more pence for Mr Brown and his Darling. :imp:

They all play the game on Monday, ‘Hi it’s Toyah from Smart diesel’ etc.
Either they employ idiots or I’m missing something… they always ask if I’ve had my other prices and they always beat the imaginary price I tell them I’ve had from ReD or vice versa. :bulb:
They must sell at break even or loss some weeks just to Roger the other team down the road in Ipswich.
Just as an aside, ‘Croft’ have mysteriously been VERY competetive in the last 2 weeks, which is as rare as a good looking Scottish bird. :smiley:

The only one that is a waste of wallet space was Abbey, and they’ve gone the way of Morgan’s plastic nasty…ie/ in the woodburner. :smiling_imp:

The moral of this story is; lie like a ■■■■■ to Smart and ReD about the other and stand back in amazement as the ‘oh we’ve had a sudden dip in the market’ story comes up next morning.

:imp: :imp: :imp:

Yep, your right about Abbey Madders, they constantly ring me to ask why i dont use them, and then they always say we will see what we can do, but it only ever lasts a week or so, never consistant, their cards are about cut up now anyways.

They make good ice scrapers on these cold mornings I’ve found. :smiley:

Red 91.48 !!
My god, they are ripping me off !!!

If you want to feel the pain, check out BP Bunker. HMMM! Botty time. :open_mouth:

Filling up at Boroughbridge Morrisons is often fairly pleasant using the company credit card.

Just a thought chaps.


Madders. :smiley:

at last i’m top of the league table for somthing, Red uk diesel price for week commencing 17.2.08 95.57ppl. and they’ll probably expect my to buy some when i’ve stopped laughing!!!

at last i’m top of the league table for somthing, Red uk diesel price for week commencing 17.2.08 95.57ppl. and they’ll probably expect my to buy some when i’ve stopped laughing!!!

you need one of THESE

Denis F:

at last i’m top of the league table for somthing, Red uk diesel price for week commencing 17.2.08 95.57ppl. and they’ll probably expect my to buy some when i’ve stopped laughing!!!

you need one of THESE

Your dead right with that one Denis F.
luckily ,at the moment, local Morrisons is quite competative on price, plus they have a double points promo which gives you a fiver each time you fuel up.
Should have my new cards from Croft & Smart Diesel by next week hopefully.

Sorry, but I take top honours (for now)


96.68!!! beat that!!! :astonished:

time to get the truck down to CVA .

little Elf:
Sorry, but I take top honours (for now)


96.68!!! beat that!!! :astonished:

most pump prices are lower than that :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

do they seriously expect you to use that card

( btw - that’s the same lot I have a keyfuels with ( used to be Bayford) they’ve been 2-3 p higher than my other cards for more than 12 months now)

little Elf:
Sorry, but I take top honours (for now)


96.68!!! beat that!!! :astonished:

they have quoted me this week at 94.69p

I fail to understand how just a few different o/d’s can have such a price fluctuation from these various companies, either they have a “fixed weekly price” as they all quote or they just make it up as they go along :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Just had my bill in for last month.

Gone up again,with current rate of exchange 0.6581 pence per litre.Net of vat of course. :laughing:

Denis F:

little Elf:
Sorry, but I take top honours (for now)


96.68!!! beat that!!! :astonished:

most pump prices are lower than that :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

do they seriously expect you to use that card

( btw - that’s the same lot I have a keyfuels with ( used to be Bayford) they’ve been 2-3 p higher than my other cards for more than 12 months now)

Maybe they don’t Denis - I know a lot of these banks etc are panicking about giving people too much credit etc. Maybe thats what their up to?