RED Fuel Cards Price Hike

If you want to feel the pain, check out BP Bunker. HMMM! Botty time. :open_mouth:

Filling up at Boroughbridge Morrisons is often fairly pleasant using the company credit card.

Just a thought chaps.


Madders. :smiley:

Specially if you’ve got a Morrisons loyalty card too :sunglasses:

and again :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Week Commencing 25/02/2008
ReD 92.97
ReD BP Bunker 94.27
Fuelcard Express 92.99

Red last week - 91.08
Red this week - 92.47

2.75p last week, 1.39p this week and 2p come April…I’m going for a drink. :imp: :frowning:

I get emailed price notification from BWOC and Red fuels on a friday teatime, how come, every week without fail, there prices are within 0.02p of each other? Is there some form of price fixing cartel going on? If this was BA and Virgin there,d be an inquiry!!

The magical pound a litre is upon us.Red fuel price w/c 09/03/08 99.68.Are they on something or what■■?

BP cards via Truckhaven £1.007 !!! Company vVisa time me thinks!!

Price of Oil has just gone up again

The price of crude oil has set a fresh record at $109.20, its fifth day in a row of historic highs.

This is depressing, u must be paying a fortune for yer diesel, how can you pass on yer costs when its rising every day ? Cant see many getting a weekly increase in their rate. Doom and Gloom the lot of it and its all created by fellow man!

Price of Oil has just gone up again

The price of crude oil has set a fresh record at $109.20, its fifth day in a row of historic highs.

This is depressing, u must be paying a fortune for yer diesel, how can you pass on yer costs when its rising every day ? Cant see many getting a weekly increase in their rate. Doom and Gloom the lot of it and its all created by fellow man!

Simple answer is we don’t - in fact the quarry were delighted to tell us that we are all imagining making less profit that before because their ‘computer model’ says we are actually doing the same as before. :imp: :imp: :unamused:

January 07’ - 76ppl + VAT
Febuary 10th 08’ - 88.33ppl + VAT (16.2% rise in 13months :open_mouth: )
March 9th 08’ - 94.73ppl + VAT (7.2% rise in 28 DAYS :imp: and a whopping 24.6% increase on January 2007’s price.)

At that rate (by my calculations) we will be paying 117.5ppl (+VAT), thats 138ppl at the pump, by next May and how much of the is tax? If it wasn’t so serious it would be funny! :imp:

Sorry to be a little ray of sunshine :blush: :blush: :blush: :frowning:

and its Budget Day tomorrow, final nail me suspects… for some :frowning:

Jut out of interest is there anybody on here who managed to pass on any of the increases ?

Jut out of interest is there anybody on here who managed to pass on any of the increases ?

Oh Yes :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Into my bulk tank 5000litres 12 march 97.45ppl, i should ring around but i dont want to pay COD it hurts the cash flow,thank god I got a week off at Easter.
Does anyone think the wholesale closing of petrol stations has played into the oil companies hands,we get uproar around here if the village pub or post office closes but these filling stations have gradually disappeared without a fuss,and some of the supermarkets have either banned trucks or made it awkward to get in. The guys using cards in our quarry struggle to get fuel some days :frowning:

Jut out of interest is there anybody on here who managed to pass on any of the increases ?

oh yes, main customer I work for lives in the real world thankfully