charlie one:
So did I. That guy must have made a fortune out of us eh!!
Blimey charlie one, all this takes me back a while.
Straight 40s, 80s, 120s, and 240s with upper and lower sidebands, DV27s and DXs, dipoles and silver rods. I haven’t used those words in ages.
The name for the pair of aerials we used to have on the mirror arms has gone missing from wherever I store such info.
Does anybody remember what they were called??
Tony Febland is still in business in Blackpool, they import Italian furniture and the like. I believe he sold the yard in Novara to Edmonsons from Morecambe.
the yard was in via wild. where my house stands now. did anyone ever take the old girl who lived in the yard paracetomal tablets ■■. swore blind she ate them for breakfst dinner and tea. insatable appetite for them. what about the resturant in via wild. anyone eat there ■■. also franco and his gorgeous daughter with the big headlights at fmc.
Diesel Dave Wrote - The name for the pair of aerials we used to have on the mirror arms has gone missing from wherever I store such info.
Does anybody remember what they were called??
Wer’nt they called ‘TWIN TRUCKERS’ If i remember correctly? I used to have some on my old motor in the 80’s but they were never any good - purely just for show I always thought the best 'Twig’ was a ‘K40’ as they were quite easy to get the SWR right, without spending half the day adjusting the ■■■■ things!
Does anyone remember a CB called a ‘Sharps One Hander’ I had one in the 80’s and hav’nt seen or heard of them since.
Tony Febland is still in business in Blackpool, they import Italian furniture and the like. I believe he sold the yard in Novara to Edmonsons from Morecambe.
That sounds right acd1202, Edmondsons were very often loading / clearing in Via Bovio at the same time as me.
The name for the twin aerials still hasn’t come back to me, although you guys have probably hit the right answer.
Human memory is a strange thing---- especially mine
Yes Edmondsons did buy the Via Bovio yard. Do your remember the Kangeroo rail trailers febland operated they sent by rail from Dover West to Novara. I will post some pictures
How about Twin Firesticks? Great big thick things with the wire wrapped round to the top and covered in white plastic, the whole thing topped off with a red cap.
They were called co-phased antennae and were supposed to give a better all round signal. Still got one propped up against my gate post here just in case I take to the airwaves again someday - can’t remember what happened to the other one though.
How about Twin Firesticks? Great big thick things with the wire wrapped round to the top and covered in white plastic, the whole thing topped off with a red cap.
They were called co-phased antennae and were supposed to give a better all round signal. Still got one propped up against my gate post here just in case I take to the airwaves again someday - can’t remember what happened to the other one though.
That’s it– — Firesticks nice one propping up my failing memory like that Spardo. Thanks for that
Always rely on Spardo to come up with the right answer.I was just about to give the same reply but you beat me to it ! I’ve still got an old am rig in my garage. A Ham Major sidebander.Sometimesif im at a loose end I Drag my tool chest outside an stick a magmount on to get some ground plane.
Well I said that I would relate my one and only meeting with Tony Febland.
It was summer about 1971’ish and I was on my way home with a load of washing machines from Bergamo. My master cylinder had gone on my clutch and I was starting in gear and changing gear with great difficulty as you know in a Scania. Just past Milan the traffic got horrendous due to an accident or something so I pulled onto the hard shoulder. In a while a Febland truck stopped and the driver called Andy asked if he could help out . I told him the problem and as he was on his way back to the depot he would pull me through the traffic jam as far as Novara if need be. During this proccess we were stopped by a young long haired denim clad chap in an MG Roadster. I’m Tony Febland he said and we dont tow with our trucks. He made the driver remove the chain and left me there. Anyway I made it home safely without any further assistance. ( More to Follow)
TIR Original:
I’m Tony Febland he said and we dont tow with our trucks. He made the driver remove the chain and left me there. Anyway I made it home safely without any further assistance.
What a rotter
The terrain is flat for miles around there-- I don’t understand what his problem was
His truck though.
O.K. Was called for my dinner but delayed it.
The Febland saga. EPISODE 2.
Must have been about a year later and I was on my way to Italy. The sun was out, God was in his heaven and all was right with the world. Well it was until I pulled into Macon services for a coffee or three. There was only one truck in there and yes you guessed it, Febland (A Foden I Believe). The truck had a blowout and for some reason they could get nothing done in France. The load was dead urgent and should have been there yesterday. The driver was told to beg a spare off someone and get going as soon as poss. I had 1 on the unit and 2 on my ex middle east trailer but when I related episode 1 to the driver he understood that I wasnt gonna help. He wanted me to speak to Tony but just for the laugh. He told him of my 3 spares and handed me the phone, to be told by Tony that I could pick my spare up from Novara or he would have it dropped off to Southampton.Then came the crunch 'cause I then related to him episode 1 and said “You dont tow with your trucks and funnily enough I dont lend spares” and put the phone down. Well I thought the driver was going to p*ss himself. I then “cracked on from Macon” with a grin on my face as wide as the windscreen. Poetic justice!!! I really do hope you’re reading this Tony and if not maybe someone can print it off and show you.
P.S.)… Many thanks for the Ancona jobby!!!
charlie one:
How about running trailers from Italmondo on the Via Espinasse to the railhead. That was a regular job for me on Wednesdays.Paid very well.I then used to buy as many am cbs as I could afford.Smuggle them into Southampton and knock them out to all the boy racers.Oh happy days eh Nobby.
Not sure whether I was ever a boy racer, but bought a few of them rigs from a dubious source
President Someone with Super Dooper Sideband and 5 kc shift, whatever that was