Hi TB according to the oracle VOLVO A835 went to Barry from Norfolk ,VOLVO WBV went to Fred from Norfolk , although not related, but just very good friends, Barry took A835 to Alleleys and ran it to Italy under the guise of AIT , Barrys past turned up at Alleleys yard from Fontainebleau and when he left, the truck A835 went into the pool of drivers and slowly degenerated, shame it was an exceptional vehicle .Hi,
Fred, I couldn’t remember his name the other day, IIRC they both came from the Hunstanton area. They only drove the F12s for the last 12 months or so before Europa finished. I only ever recall seeing one of the F12s when AIT/Alleleys had them and that was across the AutoRoute. A635 HWM was again new from Lancashire Trucks, January 1984, which was after the launch of the Higher cabbed models, hence the square tank. A635 also had the longer 3.4 wheelbase and a heavy duty drive axle. When new it was allocated to Byron Grimshaw, replacing a Volvo F10,UFY 548V, who cherished it, and was a little deflated when he was given a 112 6x2.T.B
Barry Carr and Fred Chapman both proper characters, chalk and cheese , good to be in their company when together , taught me nowt .
Barry Carr and Fred Chapman both proper characters, chalk and cheese , good to be in their company when together , taught me nowt .
The’re the fellas. I don’t remember Fred very well, I think he started after Barry, just before I finished. I remember Barry, Norfolk accent, thick set with big side burns
Most all, of Tony Feblands trucks were given a name ,Volvo A635HWM was " Hai V Kayam " I was told it means, go with angels trumpets blaring, when Alleleys had it ,twas a different trumpet blowing
Most all, of Tony Feblands trucks were given a name ,Volvo A635HWM was " Hai V Kayam " I was told it means, go with angels trumpets blaring, when Alleleys had it ,twas a different trumpet blowing
Most of the units were named, by Tony, in Hebrew. Which reminds me, there was a Volvo F10, RFV 968X. Someone told me this went to Alleleys, do you recall this one?
Would any of the old Febland drivers/subbies be interested in meeting up with the Irish subbies McKinleys(Robert,Nigel) Masseys(Nick,Donald) at Victors Top of cenis maybe March of this year 2018 (This is a taught■■?)
Donald(Dinger,young massey) cycled over cenis last year and was talking to the woman that is running Victors now and she is interested in all the old storys and photos she still has book that people used to sign when they were there.She would love to meet anyone that used to use victors in years gone by.
Neill McKinley(Roberts Son)
Hi Neill, I worked for your father a long time ago, had an F12, JZG718, it was a fill in job for both of us, he had that truck sat in Cherbourg with no jockey and I wanted a couple of months work while I waited for a start at another company. It was 1990 I think, nice fella your Dad, money was always right and on time and the old F12 was in good shape, he did offer me a 3300 Daf if I was staying on, but the job I was waiting for was too good to turn down. It’s a long time ago now, so he may not remember me, but send him my regards. Mark Lee.
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March a little early for Cenis to be open I think
Hi Mark my Dad can just about remember you but as you said its been along time he send his regards.Its good to hear from lads that worked for him there was quite a few over the years
Hi John yea they were kind of thinking that it maybe a bit early but they were trying to get an idea if anyone would be on for it at some stage so no time set as such
Hi Neill, I remember Nick and Nigel from late 70s. I might come along if there is enough interest, I last went over Cenis with my late wife about 7 or 8 years ago
John M you have a private message.
Saddened to read that Tony Febland has passed away recently, I worked for Febland Europa for four years in the 80s and he always treated me like a member of the family. There is an article on the Furniture News website.
Here is a link to the article: RIP Anthony Febland, 1936-2019 | Furniture News Magazine
Sorry to hear of this. Never met Tony myself, but I was a good friend of the late Arthur Gardner.
Hi does anyone remember Febland Europa from Blackpool they ran to Italy in the 70/80s and had depots in Folkstone and Novara Italy. Also had some Southern Irish subbies running trailers between Calias and Novara
Hi does anyone remember Febland Europa from Blackpool they ran to Italy in the 70/80s and had depots in Folkstone and Novara Italy. Also had some Southern Irish subbies running trailers between Calias and Novara
Yes mate, I remember them.
Via Bovio, Novara was the Italian end of their job.
There was a lady called Antonella, who worked in the office and spoke really good English .
They also had a spot-on fitter/mechanic called Franco. He also spoke excellent English.
There was also a caretaker on site who’d let you in if you arrived a bit late, if there was room in the small yard. I can’t remember his name, but he also spoke excellent English, having been a driver for Raleigh cycles (Nottingham IIRC) years before.
There was another lady who worked as a book-keeper in the office, her English wasn’t quite as good as Antonella’s, her name escapes me just now.
I remember a young guy who drove the FLT and did some loading, his name has gone in the mists of time
I remember the Irish subbies too. The one name that comes to mind is Pat.
I never did anything involving Folkestone for them, I always ran to their place in Blackpool, and was often met by Tony himself.
I’ve got a photo somwhere…
Happy days
Can anybody fill in the gaps for me
Hi Premier,I reckon many of us remember Febland for one reason or another.
The first and only time I met Tony Febland is a long story but I’ll leave it until later. However back in the early 80’s I accepted a load to Milan and it was begining of August. Everyone knows you ain’t gonna get nothing back to here in August. I took the load on at a good rate though and took the missus with me to have a bit of a holiday around the lakes. Anyway I did go round to Feblands depot, Novara to ask if I could park the trailer for a couple of weeks. The manager agreed but said he was in the cart (due to holidays) and asked if I could take a tank down to Ancona and load it with I believe Argon gas. Good earner I thought as we set off with a tank full of their diesel and a pocket full of up front money. Completed the job, got paid in full and had a few glorious days round lake Como etc. before loading for home. Don’t think they exist any longer though.
TIR Original:
Hi Premier,I reckon many of us remember Febland for one reason or another.
I sometimes provided Tony with “assistance” in the way you described
It wasn’t my motor, so my boss was in on it too. A nice little earner
How about running trailers from Italmondo on the Via Espinasse to the railhead. That was a regular job for me on Wednesdays.Paid very well.I then used to buy as many am cbs as I could afford.Smuggle them into Southampton and knock them out to all the boy racers.Oh happy days eh Nobby.
charlie one:
How about running trailers from Italmondo on the Via Espinasse to the railhead. That was a regular job for me on Wednesdays.Paid very well.I then used to buy as many am cbs as I could afford.Smuggle them into Southampton and knock them out to all the boy racers.Oh happy days eh Nobby.
I never did that one charlie one, I might have missed a trick there
I did do the CB trick though, but I used to buy them from Campogalliano
So did I. That guy must have made a fortune out of us eh!!