Ralph Davies

i would work for them given the chance. like someone has said if you get weekended in the uk how hard is it to jump on a coach or get a lift home, or even a hire car. it couldnt be that difficult surley.

3-4 weeks away wouldnt really bother me, it might bother the wife though :laughing: :laughing:

but then again if she is off work she could come with me for a week and then get the train home.

all th gear is top notch, from what i have seen, and it always looks clean. and to be honest not many people slag the firm off apart from the time away from home but you either want the job or you dont. if you have an understanding family then go for it.

Myself and a Dutch driver were weekended in Reutlingen, Southern Germany…we hired a car on Friday evening and went to his home town in Appledoorn to some festival and proceded to drink the weekend away. Soberly late Sunday night we made our way back to Reutlingen…never again…I should have stayed weekended with a Tom Clancy novel and the US military broadcast from K.town on the radio for company :blush:

I used to work for ralph,

for 2 years, i left about 5 years ago,

home every weekend except when abroad (very rare to go abroad)

i always ran straight, which meant some deliveries were late

money in bank every month without fail (salaried so not paid for w/ends

offered to do scanner work but turned it down (easier on fridges)

took truck home (lived too far from yard)

i never drove a lhd always a rhd

i was single at the time which made being away easier

a friend of mine was working for ralph he loved it didnt go over the water till he had done 6 months for him and he was away 2 weeks at a time but when he was close to home he used to park the truck up on an industrial estate and walk home and that was 2 / 3 times a week job wasent bad but he left for personal reasons and as far as i know money was always in the bank on time every time

Ive been to Denmark a few times this year, and as ive come off the boat at Rodbyhavn ive seen RD trucks, usually in 2’s or 3’s heading back down for the boat to Germany, so there is something that they seem to do reasonably regular, im guessing the whisky job maybe. Nearly every truck ive seen of theirs is now RHD, i beleive they buy them from Hanbury Riverside, stick alloy wheels on 'em and paint 'em up and put personal reg plates on 'em.

He got a number of 55-plate FH12s from Hanbury but the latest batch of FH16 tagaxles all came brand new. I think these are all on the scanner job. There is a rumour that he has some of the new-styyle FHs on the way, recession permitting of course.

Thanks for your replys bit of a mixed bag of replys , only one way to find out what its like there i suppose and thats to get down and see them ,

I think these are all on the scanner job. .

whats that all about sounds like quite a cushy number.

Used to meet up with RD lads in Milan years ago(80s-90s), one I remeber was a small German guy, good chap. He had some Magnums with the Mack engine in.
Good to see he’s still around, nearly went for a job myself once…

I used to work for ralph,

for 2 years, i left about 5 years ago,

home every weekend except when abroad (very rare to go abroad)

i always ran straight, which meant some deliveries were late

money in bank every month without fail (salaried so not paid for w/ends

offered to do scanner work but turned it down (easier on fridges)

took truck home (lived too far from yard)

i never drove a lhd always a rhd

i was single at the time which made being away easier

What is he like as a boss?

The only thing that would put me off is Salaried pay. Is it a basic salary with overtime on top or just a salary and that’s it?

Is he cool with you taking the unit home when your not working? I live quite a way from Cheltenham and it would be handy to be able to take the rig home when off.

What size trucks has he now got? I know he has FH12’s, what’s all this about FH16’s? What BHP are his motors?

Is he cool with you taking the unit home when your not working? I live quite a way from Cheltenham and it would be handy to be able to take the rig home when off.

What size trucks has he now got? I know he has FH12’s, what’s all this about FH16’s? What BHP are his motors?

As I understand it, that would be in breach of the O licence if it happened on more than a very occasional basis.

Harry Monk:

Is he cool with you taking the unit home when your not working? I live quite a way from Cheltenham and it would be handy to be able to take the rig home when off.

What size trucks has he now got? I know he has FH12’s, what’s all this about FH16’s? What BHP are his motors?

As I understand it, that would be in breach of the O licence if it happened on more than a very occasional basis.

Not if your on a weekend rest away from base… :slight_smile:


I used to work for ralph,

for 2 years, i left about 5 years ago,

home every weekend except when abroad (very rare to go abroad)

i always ran straight, which meant some deliveries were late

money in bank every month without fail (salaried so not paid for w/ends

offered to do scanner work but turned it down (easier on fridges)

took truck home (lived too far from yard)

i never drove a lhd always a rhd

i was single at the time which made being away easier

What is he like as a boss?

The only thing that would put me off is Salaried pay. Is it a basic salary with overtime on top or just a salary and that’s it?

Is he cool with you taking the unit home when your not working? I live quite a way from Cheltenham and it would be handy to be able to take the rig home when off.

What size trucks has he now got? I know he has FH12’s, what’s all this about FH16’s? What BHP are his motors?

Stand up to him and he will respect you, no dishonesty

Salary is salary mate!

He used to let lads take trucks home IF it was in HIS interest, i.e. there is a customer nearby where you can tip or load, also operating centre rules come into it.

Mostly 460 globey XL’s…in years gone by it was profitable to run 520 FH16’s to and from spain fully freighted to gain up to a shift advantage over average trucks…hearsay

good luck

Thanks for the info, cheers mate… :smiley:

no probs…is TESCO RDC not an option mate? you could walk to work, or am i way off the mark, apologies if it is :wink:

chris did you work for him ■■ if so are the same chris from van bentums

no mate, different bloke, but remember the chris you mean, we were on the ACS&T contract together

Do RD still do a lot of bannanas out of pompey ?. Always struck me that everyone who did that job ended up going skint.

do ou remember gary the pipe and andy used to drive the scania before flash

Not if your on a weekend rest away from base… :slight_smile:

That’s right, but if it was every weekend then it would be being kept away from base. We have had all of this ourselves.