Radar detector..

…anyone use one? Currently using a Snooper in conjuction with Waze/ target blue eye but looking for another jammer (current one removed) which doesnt throw error codes. looking for real world usage rather than googling so called recommendations which may/may not work. Btw- before im jumped upon, i am aware of legislaton re useage ie perfectly legal to buy/fit but only for use as door openers ect…

Edit= 23.47, should have worded it slightly differently. NOT looking for admission of use, just purely ‘heresay’ recommendations and thats all… :stuck_out_tongue:

Loads of cd’s across the screen… I have it on the best authority (TNCSI) that it works.

I have a speed camera detector within my dashcam.I’ve been advised that it will cost me a huge fine if I am caught using it in France or Spain although I’m not sure how I will be caught apart from a vehicle check but I’ve never had one of them in a car.Normally I don’t drive fast enough anyway but I have been flashed at by some of the sneakier French ones.I could always sell the little woman into white slavery to pay the fine.

Oops!Calm down!

I’ve taken out the duplicate posts. :smiley: Colingl


Could you repeat that?

i had a snooper s3 and a road angel same time but the radio signals from other stuff not speed camera related drove me nutz! be driving along and itd suddenly be chiming like a good un but nothing anywhere but open roads . iv a feeling that cop cars with anpr give out signals that travel over the horizon . Not once did it chime when a cop was pointing a radar gun at me . i sent it into snooper for a check up /update which was a performance in itself ,it came back still the same . i sold it on Ebay

what worked for me is one of the chinky satnavs that speaks the words over and over “youre over the speed limit” if im over . my speed drops and im aware a lot more too , due to the nagging

I drive along where a tinfoil hat. I tend to find that stops the radar beams from interfering.

In real life though I don’t have a jammer, just the warnings on my satnav which turn off automatically in France.

You mention radar jammer, which is a completely different animal to a radar detector.

A jammer is supposed to confuse the return signal and throw an error code on the radar gun being pointed at you, that is how they work, which is all fine and dandy and if it happens once then the operator may well just assume a genuine error, however this is serious business because someone could be looking at a perverting the course of justice charge here and the powers that be take it seriously as time will be served on conviction.

About the only defence for a radar jammer in the UK would be if you had a set of gates or garage doors at home that have electronic control, (so several £thousand investment reqd to proof oneself for a lorry, and even then they might well take it to court anyway), which you can show your bit of kit opening to prove it’s fitted for a genuine reason and you never dreamed it would interfere with govt equipment, not sure how far the coppers on the continent would go on this.

I’m not even sure how effective a jammer would be on something as large as a truck, fitted in the grill of a car there isn’t much of a target for the radar pointer, but nothing to stop the operator moving the laser up and getting a reflection from the trailer, vice versa if you mounted the thing on the wind deflector, he could re-aim at the radiator grill.

By all means use a detector, i never found them a great deal of use in the past, but you’ll have to put up with the myriad of false warnings which annoy so much you reduce the sensitivity on settings and then the one time a laser is pointed the machine may not pick it up.
I’m a bit out of date on this subject, i still have an all singing all dancing Beltronics unit somewhere, and t be fair things might have moved on.

I used to have a Snooper thingymabob years ago but it constantly chattered like a typing pool full of premenstrual women as it picked up signals from automatic doors, traffic lights etc. I finally figured that as I wasn’t actively engaged in running weapons or moonshine that it was far easier and less stressful to merely turn it off and obey the speed limits.

AFAIK Radar detectors/Jammers are illegal here in the UK, getting caught using one or in possession of one could get you in big trouble, whether they are illegal in Espania and France I dunno, but I’m guessing the guardia National and Gendarmerie won’t be so politically correct as their English counterparts if they find one.
iirc there was a story a while ago where someone used a Jammer, and was caught when the racer the cops where using didn’t return a proper signal, so the cops pulled him for an inspection.

I know vendors in the USA of such equipment, won’t ship them to the UK,

I have a Uniden which I only use in the car, it picks up signals 160 degrees in front and any cops following me through the back window.
The cop’s radar range here are 500mts and the Uniden detects 1km, constantly scanning.
It picks up false signals, shop doors etc. but you press a button on it and next time you pass that shop, it won’t go off.
It also lets you know when approaching an area that cops frequently sit, in wait.
Mine has saved me getting tickets about 6 times in the last 12mths, but, I got caught the first time I forgot to switch it on.
The Uniden cost me $180, the ticket was $347.

Quick thought ,would a jammer have any effects on other vehicles with AEBS■■?

Quick thought ,would a jammer have any effects on other vehicles with AEBS■■?

They don’t affect any system on motor.

System detects radar burst, returns a bursts, then shuts down for 10-30 seconds. Mr plod receives error code, then fires again, you’ve slowed down. Trouble is the error code only comes up because of a jammer/garage door opener.

I’ve got a blinder system, works really well, removed it from my last car, haven’t re-fitted it, plod are getting wise to them.

To fit them on a truck you need extra heads becauseof the frontal area needing coverage

You mention radar jammer, which is a completely different animal to a radar detector.

Indeed it is - but you then go on to apparently confuse laser speed cameras with radar. Again, two quite different animals. A radar jammer (or detector for that matter) will have SQRT(FA) effect where a laser speed camera is in use, and a radar speed gun doesn’t need to be accurately aimed to get a return (or indeed to be affected by a jammer).

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk


You mention radar jammer, which is a completely different animal to a radar detector.

Indeed it is - but you then go on to apparently confuse laser speed cameras with radar. Again, two quite different animals. A radar jammer (or detector for that matter) will have SQRT(FA) effect where a laser speed camera is in use, and a radar speed gun doesn’t need to be accurately aimed to get a return (or indeed to be affected by a jammer).

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

Its possible to get jammers designed and sold (anyone’s guess how well if they work) as being effective on both radar and laser guns, it would be difficult to say how well these things perform, one is hardly likely to call in Trading Standards should the machine not foil the gun and a speeding charge arrives in the post.

I’ve used detectors for a number of years, the best was the valentine, then the snooper, lots of false readings, in the end gave up using them, you cannot bet the fixed cameras with any form of technology, the hand held ones and mobile vans can be jammed using a laser jammer.
Get caught using a jammer and your done for perverting the course of justice.

A jammer is supposed to confuse the return signal and throw an error code on the radar gun being pointed at you, that is how they work, which is all fine and dandy and if it happens once then the operator may well just assume a genuine error, however this is serious business because someone could be looking at a perverting the course of justice charge here and the powers that be take it seriously as time will be served on conviction.

Quite so.
dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … meras.html

For us in lorries, in England and Wales at least, they’re probably not worth bothering with now the single carriageway speed limit is up to 50mph.


A jammer is supposed to confuse the return signal and throw an error code on the radar gun being pointed at you, that is how they work, which is all fine and dandy and if it happens once then the operator may well just assume a genuine error, however this is serious business because someone could be looking at a perverting the course of justice charge here and the powers that be take it seriously as time will be served on conviction.

Quite so.
dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … meras.html

if he hadnt fingered the camera several times and attracted attention then he would never have been caught,plus he didnt get caught with the jammer,he got accused of having one, admitted to using it and became a victim of his own big mouth.
had he binned the jammer and denied it,then he would never have got done.



A jammer is supposed to confuse the return signal and throw an error code on the radar gun being pointed at you, that is how they work, which is all fine and dandy and if it happens once then the operator may well just assume a genuine error, however this is serious business because someone could be looking at a perverting the course of justice charge here and the powers that be take it seriously as time will be served on conviction.

Quite so.
dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … meras.html

if he hadnt fingered the camera several times and attracted attention then he would never have been caught,plus he didnt get caught with the jammer,he got accused of having one, admitted to using it and became a victim of his own big mouth.
had he binned the jammer and denied it,then he would never have got done.

According to the report he did bin it, and also denied it. At least to begin with - but once his lies began to unravel he admitted what he had done.