Racist Comments on this forum.. am I surprised ? NO

Jeez orys you must be the most bullet headed, myopic prat I’ve ever encountered. Your posts in short say - I’m right your wrong. You never concede a point do you. You mentioned you might leave truck net. I really hope that’s true.

I will be coming back, especially for you :slight_smile:


Orys… I am really getting bored with this…
So to put it simply - racist comments will always be removed if spotted or reported- xenophobic comments including those you have made will be judged within the context of the thread they are made in- the admin team will make a judgement if any comment should remain- the admin work within a fairly strict guidelines that they themselves have drawn up and adapted over the years.

You may believe you have a valid claim. and on certain posts you would be correct and when reported those are acted upon- but in general we don’t find your accusation of racism valid. Just because the moderators don’t uphold your view doesnt mean they are wrong, it just means within the boundaries set by this forum the post hasn’t stepped beyond what is acceptable,
now our standards and yours may be different- and you may object(as you have quite vocally) but you do not set what is acceptable here, the volunteer team do.

There is one person solely responsible for ensuring all content remains within the laws of this land- that would be me- I get paid a lot of money (when I say a lot of money- just incase the Boss is reading-a small amount of money barely enough to feed the children - please think of the children) to differentiate between opinion and abuse, I also spend a lot of money getting legal advice- in well over 10 years we have never been successfully sued- although some have tried- simply because we have always been able to prove the difference between opinion( valid comment) and not allowing abuse.

It is a very fine line we tread, especiually since we are still working under arcane laws that are based on printed media, But trust me Orys, like it or not we know where the limits are and just how much freedom of opinion we can give- just because you don’t like that opinion ( and in many cases neither do I ) doesn’t make it illegal

people say nasty things at times, if you have never heard that before you have lived a very sheltered life- I have lost count of the personal threats I have received off this forum, guess what mate, not one person has confronted me in person.

Life isn’t nice, there is a lot of bad feeling out there- ignoring or censoring it isn’t going to make it go away and the forums cannot ignore it.

What we can do is dispel myths- debunk blatent untruths, but when the very community we are tying to help indulges in the very actions/comments they complain against it becomes so much harder.

And when some one posts in the manner they are complaining against- and cannot see they have committed the exact crime they accuse everyone else of, we tend to switch off- because there is no persuading people who are so focused that they cant accept their own shortcomings

All credit to you Rikki, you have infinitely more patience than I have for what is basically a very small storm in a very big teacup :unamused:

Piston broke:
All credit to you Rikki, you have infinitely more patience than I have for what is basically a very small storm in a very big teacup :unamused:

I have made many many mistakes in running these forums over the years, perhaps the biggest one is not listening. TruckNet is not Primark-we don’t have a one size fits all- and that means most weeks we will ■■■■ someone off- we try to achieve the middle ground in an arena that has hugely diverse opinions- by doing so we make very few folks totally happy- but keep the majority on board

Its a concept that few manage to get- but this site is not ruled by its owners, but is run by members of the forums themselves, all the admin team are volunteers - from the forums, and I am sure they will gleefully tell you the owners (via me) do almost no intervention onto the discussions , you guys run this yourselves, the owners don’t-my input is ether a personal view point- or the buck stops with me type post- If I screw up and post something insentitive- trust me we don’t need the members here to tell me I got it wrong- the admin team will . and do, tell me in no uncertain terms

Trucknet is on course for 1 million (1,000,000) page views this month I don’t create that- or make that - you all do, its your content that people are reading- the admin team are simply custodians to ensure our content is suitable for all

If you want to give any credit- give it to the team who keep this site so huge and going each and every day-for little or no thanks- credit? give it the guys who deserve it

So what else? Reporting posts he considers abusive? I just did exactly that today. I got a link to that thread viewtopic.php?f=2&t=106769#p1602325 in a PM message along the lines “Don’t you think it’s too much, I wanted to report it but decided that I better check it with you first” from English member of that forum. Of course I agree with the guy who sent it to me, so I reported it. I got a message that report is closed and, as you can see, nothing happened.

You can think that mods are here to keep order and protect you from abuse… WRONG AGAIN.

Orys, you need to get a grip. The post you reported…

Just off the bus from Poland/Lithuania/Bulgaria/Spain/Portugal etc…delete as required!

Was directed at someone driving on the right hand side of the road. There are reminders coming out all the ports across the country "please remember, drive on the left ", why you think they put that reminder there? Now consider the post you reported. Abusive? Really ? Come on, its a toungue in cheek comment you didn’t like thats the reality of it. Its certainly not abusive or racist.
Hopefully i like to think we stop anything abusive. We can’t guarantee you will not be offended by anything though.
On another note it sad to hear your phone was abused, i learnt to keep my cards close to my chest when posting after someone contacted my employer to get me in trouble for my posts here. There’s no accounting for human nature.
Somehow you’ve chosen this thread to vent all your anger, your phones abused, everyone here is slagging off Poles, its not acceptable etc etc…
As smart as you are you don’t appear to understand a simple concept. You can’t make everyone like you, and you won’t like everything that other people do.