Racist Comments on this forum.. am I surprised ? NO

I am most probably going to get a lot of abuse and negative comments on what I am about to say and some people will most ask why or what I want to be done or what I hope to achieve, and to be honest I don’t know if anything can be done to be honest but I feel something needs to be said…

I just want my feelings and views to be known to hopefully the minority on here, that what some people write on here could offend other people on here…

I dont come on here very often now because the last couple of times I asked a question or wanted some advice, I got abuse for the standard of Royalmail drivers because I work for them…

Yesterday, there was a racist comment made on the ’ worst drivers on the road ’ thread and somebody wrote Aficans and Asians…
I commented that it was a racist comment and no one really responded to my views on the the racist comment
1 person did respond directly after the racist comment was made, that he thought it was racist as well…

I also put a lengthy comment in the ’ Royal Mail drivers ’ thread about the type of rubbish that is written on this so called ’ professional ’ forum and again ive had no real response…
I also have to say that Royalmail also get a lot of abuse on here…

I can understand the negative crap and abuse that’s written about Royalmail, because some people on here have nothing else better to do…

Racist comments ? Ummm…
I also understand that again as well, because that again points to the low level of intelligence and mentality of some of the people on here…

The racist comment that was made was referring to the worst driver’s on the road and somebody mentioned Africans and Asians. …

I am half african…

Just to let you know, I take more offence to the fact that more people on here haven’t said anything about inappropriate comments, racist or otherwise on here…

Perhaps it seems normal to some people on this forum. …

The silence is deafening…


Now awaiting to be shown the Royal mail videos again,

For my sins…

Good job you ain’t a tipper driver most on here think there the lowest of the low.

You’re boring postman pat away go and play wae your black and white cat. How come you dont just hit the report button or pm a mod then the fella will be pre modded or banned.

The report button is stop stop drama queens like you clogging up the board now away go and rip someones mirror off.

I don’t think racist comments are acceptable. I also don’t necessarily think discussions about various ethnic groups natural aptitude for different things is in itself racist but is probably impossible to discuss without degenerating into such.

I suspect ethnic groups are happy to accept positive stereotypes like fast runners, well hung etc. but only complain about the negative ones. I personally think if what was said, is as stated, it was probably racist but if it was backed up by a factual statement that minority groups take more goes to pass practical driving tests it wouldn’t be but others that enjoy using political correctness to pretend they’re not racist would disagree.

Everyone is racist, to some degree, political correctness means some people pretend not to be. The difference for me is whether people choose to use it as grounds for a personal attack on someone.

Royal Mail drivers are still ■■■■ poor BTW and no-one likes a whiner of any ethnicity, ■■■■■■■■■ or background.

Good job you ain’t a tipper driver most on here think there the lowest of the low.

You sure you’ve time to waste posting here shouldn’t you be tear-arsing to get the next load whilst blowing your train horns to any other tipper you frequently pass from the same quarry/yard?

postman pat:
I am most probably going to get a lot of abuse and negative comments on what I am about to say and some people will most ask why or what I want to be done or what I hope to achieve, and to be honest I don’t know if anything can be done to be honest but I feel something needs to be said…

I just want my feelings and views to be known to hopefully the minority on here, that what some people write on here could offend other people on here…

I dont come on here very often now because the last couple of times I asked a question or wanted some advice, I got abuse for the standard of Royalmail drivers because I work for them…

Yesterday, there was a racist comment made on the ’ worst drivers on the road ’ thread and somebody wrote Aficans and Asians…
I commented that it was a racist comment and no one really responded to my views on the the racist comment
1 person did respond directly after the racist comment was made, that he thought it was racist as well…

I also put a lengthy comment in the ’ Royal Mail drivers ’ thread about the type of rubbish that is written on this so called ’ professional ’ forum and again ive had no real response…
I also have to say that Royalmail also get a lot of abuse on here…

I can understand the negative crap and abuse that’s written about Royalmail, because some people on here have nothing else better to do…

Racist comments ? Ummm…
I also understand that again as well, because that again points to the low level of intelligence and mentality of some of the people on here…

The racist comment that was made was referring to the worst driver’s on the road and somebody mentioned Africans and Asians. …

I am half african…

Just to let you know, I take more offence to the fact that more people on here haven’t said anything about inappropriate comments, racist or otherwise on here…

Perhaps it seems normal to some people on this forum. …

The silence is deafening…


Now awaiting to be shown the Royal mail videos again,

For my sins…

It doesnt matter how good your driving is , you will always get flak from drivers here if you drive for a big concern that has taken on a lot of questionable drivers in the past, and possibly now, especially some who got their licences in the other end of europe in the past and I would not let drive a toy in the garden …personally I do it too , IN fun and jesting , not at any driver personally in any vindictive way. As for racism …not by me , but comments made at drivers from foreign companies that come here and perform cabotage stealing our work , because of their cheaper rates and questionable practices and health and safety performance make peoples blood boil…mine too , its taking away our living…so when a foreign driver wearing sandals gets out on site and gets away with it as he doesnt speak English I get mad…it should not happen BUT IT DOES.
I earned less money in 2010 than I did in 1996 …All due to these practices…So I for one wish we would quit Europe and throw the foreign trucks and driver out, So my fellow truckers can make a living.
And if this post offends you I suggest you try being an OD now…or Go away and dont bother coming back ! As I bet a lot of guys sympathise with these feelings.

Own Account Driver:
I don’t think racist comments are acceptable. I also don’t necessarily think discussions about various ethnic groups natural aptitude for different things is in itself racist but is probably impossible to discuss without degenerating into such.

I suspect ethnic groups are happy to accept positive stereotypes like fast runners, well hung etc. but only complain about the negative ones. I personally think if what was said, is as stated, it was probably racist but if it was backed up by a factual statement that minority groups take more goes to pass practical driving tests it wouldn’t be but others that enjoy using political correctness to pretend they’re not racist would disagree.

Everyone is racist, to some degree, political correctness means some people pretend not to be. The difference for me is whether people choose to use it as grounds for a personal attack on someone.

Royal Mail drivers are still ■■■■ poor BTW and no-one likes a whiner of any ethnicity, ■■■■■■■■■ or background.

so people can write just what they like on a forum without any comeback or reaction ■■?

so i am also a whiner as well eh ■■?

i work for royal mail AND i am also half african…

well i deserve everything i get on here then…

Not on a Friday night I’m at home not like some sad tramper panicking will he be able to get back Friday night or will he have his weekend ruined running in on Saturday :smiley:

Your dealing with knuckle dragging lorry drivers mate not left wing fair trade coffee drinking media types who read the guardian

Your dealing with knuckle dragging lorry drivers mate not left wing fair trade coffee drinking media types who read the guardian

thats the problem…

im not wasting any more of my time or life on a forum like this…

postman pat:

Own Account Driver:
I don’t think racist comments are acceptable. I also don’t necessarily think discussions about various ethnic groups natural aptitude for different things is in itself racist but is probably impossible to discuss without degenerating into such.

I suspect ethnic groups are happy to accept positive stereotypes like fast runners, well hung etc. but only complain about the negative ones. I personally think if what was said, is as stated, it was probably racist but if it was backed up by a factual statement that minority groups take more goes to pass practical driving tests it wouldn’t be but others that enjoy using political correctness to pretend they’re not racist would disagree.

Everyone is racist, to some degree, political correctness means some people pretend not to be. The difference for me is whether people choose to use it as grounds for a personal attack on someone.

Royal Mail drivers are still ■■■■ poor BTW and no-one likes a whiner of any ethnicity, ■■■■■■■■■ or background.

so people can write just what they like on a forum without any comeback or reaction ■■?

so i am also a whiner as well eh ■■?

i work for royal mail AND i am also half african…

well i deserve everything i get on here then…

That is how quite a lot of forums work TBH and considering a prolific poster was drummed off for homophobic remarks (which were unacceptable even though he was provoked to the extreme) I would say most things too off colour are not really put up with.

So you report the post and it’s moderated and disappears forever do you think the person that made it has changed their view?

As far as Royal Mail goes you could always move to one of many other operators where the general standard of driving is better. One with a fairly rigorous assessment might be a good place to start. Avoid Stobarts if you don’t want to get massively offended all over again reading things on here.

Alternatively, you could just let stuff on internet forums wash over you. People say stuff anonymously they wouldn’t say in real life but it’s probably closer to what they really think. So what’s better, a world where everyone’s actually racist but never actually says anything racist or a world where most people aren’t and you ignore the idiots that do say racist things?

You’re boring postman pat away go and play wae your black and white cat. How come you dont just hit the report button or pm a mod then the fella will be pre modded or banned.

The report button is stop stop drama queens like you clogging up the board now away go and rip someones mirror off.


If you find comments PERSONALLY offensive, report them. If nothing gets done about it then leave and forget about us “knuckle draggers”
If you are offended on behalf of others, or because you feel you SHOULD be offended - ■■■■ off and leave us alone.
My two pennorth thrown into the ring…

There are a lot of ethnic minority operator licence holders featured in the ‘‘who has been a really naughty boy’’ section in the CM VOSA public enquiry reports.

@postman pat
Wow someone mentions an ethnic minority in a negative context and you scream racism.it’s not racism it’s a generalisation ,you need to understand the difference .the thread you refer to is all about generalisations .I notice you haven’t complained about sexism or ageism .You need to stop looking for racism everywhere because with that outlook in life you will undoubtedly find it whether it is there or not ,and you will have a sad life too.

Pat do you really think your ethnicity makes any difference in this environment, twice you have mentioned your half African and whether you are or not is irrelevant.

I noticed on the thread you are talking about that you also became quite insulting about another member of this forum, I fail to see what you hope to acheive here and in my opinion over sensitive folk who play the race card simply make things worse and see racism where there is none or at worst harmless flippant comments.

We can all only truly embrace a multicultural society when we stop walking on eggshells and feel able to openly discuss matters without fear of upsetting somone with a wrong word or two.

That said if you do feel offended by any comments have you reported them to the moderator/admin team (click the little icon on the top right of each post). Or even PM’d the member that made the coments.

If it helps put my post in context for you I’m white and have an African son in law and a beautiful mixed race grand daughter.

I can’t see why it is racist to form an opinion that from what someone has seen, they think the worst standard of driving comes from one ethnic group or another.

If someone thinks the worst standard of all drivers comes from one part of the world, how do they say it? It isn’t the race which is the problem, it’s the driving after all.

As for the comments about you and who you work for, no - there is no reason for it at all and I agree with you there. There is no need to personally attack someone without knowing them, basing an opinion purely on the fact you work for a big company or you have asked a question many think you should already know the answer to. This Forum is full of that though, I’ve never read a Forum like this one where people are almost poised waiting for the next topic they can run down by humiliating the author of it or anyone who dare say/ask the wrong thing.

@postman pat
Wow someone mentions an ethnic minority in a negative context and you scream racism.it’s not racism it’s a generalisation ,you need to understand the difference .the thread you refer to is all about generalisations .I notice you haven’t complained about sexism or ageism .You need to stop looking for racism everywhere because with that outlook in life you will undoubtedly find it whether it is there or not ,and you will have a sad life too.


you dont know me, but you say i look for racism everywhere and i ill have a sad life because i will undoubtedly find it whether its there or not…

if i looked for racism everywhere i would now be doing time…

i am talking about THIS forum…

i didnt come on this forum to take abuse myself or expect negative crap to be written regardless of race, ■■■,ageism etc,etc…

i am also very happy but could be happier if i dont come on forums like this…

I saw the comment on the other thread and the first thing it reminded me of was the Men In Black film.
They are chasing the alien and find a beaded seat cover on the floor “quick, he’s in a cab”
I don’t see that as racist in the same way the poster wasn’t trying to be racist, but a but tongue in cheek.

As for RM, I work for them and have a clear conscience when it comes to my driving. Recently agency staff have been getting their driving assessed which hasn’t happened for a long time so maybe a few more bad drivers may be weeded out soon. There is also some good agency drivers. The problem is that people have been turned against the post service over the past 15 years so already have a negative attitude towards the company. It only takes one occasion in such a recognisable liveried vehicle to make a bad impression and that’s all some people remember.

I completely agree with Owner Account Driver’s view and thought his first post was spot on. It seems to me that you are actually purposely looking for racist views when someone just simply said “Africans and Asians” and you come across as that person who plays the racist card when there really is nothing in it. The only thing worse than a racist biggot is someone who cries “racist”.

Its all just stereotypical anyway which mostly has some underlying truth apart from odd exceptions:

White people have no rhythm
White people can’t run
Black people can’t swim
Black people have big willys
Asians can’t drive