Racist Comments on this forum.. am I surprised ? NO

Pat do you really think your ethnicity makes any difference in this environment, twice you have mentioned your half African and whether you are or not is irrelevant.

I noticed on the thread you are talking about that you also became quite insulting about another member of this forum, I fail to see what you hope to acheive here and in my opinion over sensitive folk who play the race card simply make things worse and see racism where there is none or at worst harmless flippant comments.

We can all only truly embrace a multicultural society when we stop walking on eggshells and feel able to openly discuss matters without fear of upsetting somone with a wrong word or two.

That said if you do feel offended by any comments have you reported them to the moderator/admin team (click the little icon on the top right of each post). Or even PM’d the member that made the coments.

If it helps put my post in context for you I’m white and have an African son in law and a beautiful mixed race grand daughter.

yes agreed, perhaps it wasnt right to mention my race, because all i am getting is im playing the ’ race card ’ which is tottally untrue and wrong…

perhaps the point i am trying to make is that only one other person complained about the racist comment…if i had not mentioned my colour perhaps it would have got this far because all i am doing now is trying to defend myself for having the views i have…

I completely agree with Owner Account Driver’s view and thought his first post was spot on. It seems to me that you are actually purposely looking for racist views when someone just simply said “Africans and Asians” and you come across as that person who plays the racist card when there really is nothing in it. The only thing worse than a racist biggot is someone who cries “racist”.

Its all just stereotypical anyway which mostly has some underlying truth apart from odd exceptions:

White people have no rhythm
White people can’t run
Black people can’t swim
Black people have big willys
Asians can’t drive

hang on a second…

i didnt come on this forum to look for racist stuff…

i came on here, read something i did’nt like…

and told people on here i thought it was wrong…

my only ’ mistake ’ was to mention my race…

because now everybody says im now playing the race card, which is totally untrue…

@postman pat
Wow someone mentions an ethnic minority in a negative context and you scream racism.it’s not racism it’s a generalisation ,you need to understand the difference .the thread you refer to is all about generalisations .I notice you haven’t complained about sexism or ageism .You need to stop looking for racism everywhere because with that outlook in life you will undoubtedly find it whether it is there or not ,and you will have a sad life too.

  • 1…Well spoken…

Why is it a racist comment FFS.
Just because its Asians/ Africans quoted as being the worst drivers
What if it was English/Irish or Scottish, Would that be ok
Any Excuse to spout Racist

postman pat:

You’re boring postman pat away go and play wae your black and white cat. How come you dont just hit the report button or pm a mod then the fella will be pre modded or banned.

The report button is stop stop drama queens like you clogging up the board now away go and rip someones mirror off.



This is all totally wrong !
Everyone with 10% brain power knows the worst drivers are the Belgians !!!

On a serious note - saying African/Asian drivers are the worst is I’m afraid a tad racist. For a start Africans and Asians couldn’t be more different If they tried. !

And on the subject of Royal Mail drivers - yes they have some right nobs driving for them. Like most firms !

I Think that nowadays due to everbody wanting to show that they are NOT racist and ARE politically correct people are being more offended by things which are ‘‘perceived’’ rather than factual.I lived for 30 yrs in Holland and even speaking Dutch as a native was still referred to as ‘‘the Englishman who speaks Dutch’’.Up here in Lappland i am often referred to as ‘‘the Englishman who lives in KattÃ¥n’’,or just shouted to ‘‘hey English’’.Am i to take that as racism,i’m just happy they talk to me.
We had a half African working in the mine,most people could not pronounce his name so just called him chocolate.Also we had an A lgerian guy,no one could pronounce his name which was Mahdid so everyone called him Hassan.They were both ok with that as they were accepted by the guys they work with.
We all remember when a guys name was often partly due to his ethnicity or cultural backround.i know guys called ‘‘black Billy’’,Geordie,Chinky etc.They are quite proud of their names.Mike

I Think that nowadays due to everbody wanting to show that they are NOT racist and ARE politically correct people are being more offended by things which are ‘‘perceived’’ rather than factual.I lived for 30 yrs in Holland and even speaking Dutch as a native was still referred to as ‘‘the Englishman who speaks Dutch’’.Up here in Lappland i am often referred to as ‘‘the Englishman who lives in KattÃ¥n’’,or just shouted to ‘‘hey English’’.Am i to take that as racism,i’m just happy they talk to me.
We had a half African working in the mine,most people could not pronounce his name so just called him chocolate.Also we had an A lgerian guy,no one could pronounce his name which was Mahdid so everyone called him Hassan.They were both ok with that as they were accepted by the guys they work with.
We all remember when a guys name was often partly due to his ethnicity or cultural backround.i know guys called ‘‘black Billy’’,Geordie,Chinky etc.They are quite proud of their names.Mike


Just read through this.

5 minutes of my life I won’t get back.

Certain folk should drive properly, and they wouldn’t get a reputation. THE END

I have a foreign name, get quite a bit of stick for it, despite my dad having been here since 1946, due to the fact he was born here, after his folks moved over after helping defeat Hitler.

Get over it, or leave the forum, or the job

Just read through this.

5 minutes of my life I won’t get back.

Certain folk should drive properly, and they wouldn’t get a reputation. THE END

I have a foreign name, get quite a bit of stick for it, despite my dad having been here since 1946, due to the fact he was born here, after his folks moved over after helping defeat Hitler.

Get over it, or leave the forum, or the job


I haven’t read the comment on who is the worst that your referring to. However from your description of the comment I don’t think it was a racist comment at all. it was stereotypical YES, but not racist, the word racist implys hatred and there is no sign of that in that comment.

People like yourself who obviously make things out to be racist when they are evidently not make my ■■■■ boil stop looking for something that isn’t there. I think in the most part racism is long gone, its not tje 50’s where we have gollywogs on jam jars any more, or black and white kids don’t socialise together, totally the opposite.

I arks you.

postman pat:

Pat do you really think your ethnicity makes any difference in this environment, twice you have mentioned your half African and whether you are or not is irrelevant.

I noticed on the thread you are talking about that you also became quite insulting about another member of this forum, I fail to see what you hope to acheive here and in my opinion over sensitive folk who play the race card simply make things worse and see racism where there is none or at worst harmless flippant comments.

We can all only truly embrace a multicultural society when we stop walking on eggshells and feel able to openly discuss matters without fear of upsetting somone with a wrong word or two.

That said if you do feel offended by any comments have you reported them to the moderator/admin team (click the little icon on the top right of each post). Or even PM’d the member that made the coments.

If it helps put my post in context for you I’m white and have an African son in law and a beautiful mixed race grand daughter.

yes agreed, perhaps it wasnt right to mention my race, because all i am getting is im playing the ’ race card ’ which is tottally untrue and wrong…

perhaps the point i am trying to make is that only one other person complained about the racist comment…if i had not mentioned my colour perhaps it would have got this far because all i am doing now is trying to defend myself for having the views i have…

I would say the same thing if you were a white person saying it was racist because it is what it is, a generalisation of different sectors of the community. Spend a day driving around Sothall and then say that a certain sector and gender of the population are good drivers, its a sweeping statement.

I’m not Polish but apparently I work for Turners of Poland because of the amount of Pole’s that work there again a generalisation not racism, you have to learn to see the difference.

■■■■■■■ pc crap gone mad

To the OP.
I’m English (white, if that’s relevant :unamused: ). Try spending 23 out of 25 years in various Scottish Army Units without losing the nut/crying racism/generalisation/abuse/discrimination/shouting PC & EO crap from the rooftops/curling up in a ball in the corner of a room and crying your eyes out. I did. I grew a set. I suggest you do the same.

You sure you’re not an 86 year old pensioner on the Parish Council who’s got nowt better to do than sit in your conservatory of an afternoon, enjoying your cup of tea and sticky bun, thinking of things to complain about?
PC pish rant over.

Racism goes both ways.Be honest…i’ll bet your mum is white, and your dad is black.It is very rarely the other way round because black and asian males don’t let their women date white blokes.Thats racism to me.

Racism goes both ways.Be honest…i’ll bet your mum is white, and your dad is black.It is very rarely the other way round because black and asian males don’t let their women date white blokes.Thats racism to me.

Depends where you’re from really and if it’s a mixed community with regards to races, I’ve had a few black birds and mixed race birds but yeah your right the principal still stands and your right it is normally the other way round.

Am I still a racist if I dislike everyone else equally?

Mind you to be fair l live in an area. With a big African community and work in an area with a big Pakistani/Bangladeshi community and the driving in general is shocking in these community’s.
I don’t think it’s a genetic thing though.


It’s certainly a deep serious subject which will always get a few controversial views, whether its in a pub, work place or on a forum like this…

But everybody is entitled to their opinion and hopefully I’m entitled to mine…

But because of my opinion, ive been accused of being a bigot, playing the race card and looking for racism ’ everywhere ’ by people who dont even know me !
Nothing could be further from the truth !

I aint going to lose any sleep over silly stuff like that, lifes too short.

I haven’t pointed any negativy or any abuse towards the person who wrote that comment, but ive had plenty of negativy towards myself because I voiced an opinion on something which I thought was wrong…
I think im entitled to say that because, over 50 % of the stuff I read on here is either abuse or crap wheather its stobarts, tipper drivers or royal mail, due to the fact that ive come on here before and asked what I thought was a valid question and instead of having some advice, I got shot down in flames because I work for Royalmail !

I came on this forum…

Read something I thought was wrong…

Said I thought it was wrong…

Do I really deserve all this negativy directed towards me…

Racism is wrong and to openly do it here is disgusting. Those that have been open are restricted, good riddance. :confused:

postman pat:
Do I really deserve all this negativy directed towards me…

Yes, now do as you said earlier and cancel your account of the forum on your way out.