Racist Comments on this forum.. am I surprised ? NO

Well it looks like he’s finally gone, he threatened to often enough,… but kept coming back :laughing: ,

SSHHHH!!! He still might return…

Interesting read this was i guess his gone to deliver some post :laughing:


He hasn’t gone anywhere.

postman pat
Last visited: Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:38pm


He’s spying :slight_smile:.

To be honest I think the OP more highlighted the fact that no one else has posted (bar one other, Karl) their disagreeance with it as if the forum was openly accepting what he considered to be a racist jibe. The issue with that however, is that everyone’s interpretation is different (as demonstrated in previous responses) and therefore most won’t have seen it as a racial slur, rather in-keeping with the generalisations. It happens on a daily basis in every industry, I’m almost certain.

The unreliable / unemployable generally are lazy, white Brits that believe most work is beneath them and can siphon from the state. Being a not-so-lazy white Brit, I think I’m within my rights to say that.
The guys that used to bulk-buy sale trainers from me every three months when I was in retail were always African because they would send them to their families to be sold at a profit.
And most recruitment consultants within agencies are scum of the earth. Point well taken!

Just because the OP believes there’s a post that falls outside of what’s acceptable doesn’t mean he should expect everyone to support / discuss his views and often it will be read without a second thought. If anyone read / replied to every post on this forum, they wouldn’t have time to be doing much else.

This ^^^^ is true.

People have views that can be seen to br racist, sexist, homophobic, intolerant of whatever and where does it all come from?

Interpretation of passages (that suit them) on a book written 2000yrs ago, that’s where :open_mouth:

People do not choose to be black, white or yellow, or gay or straight, just as they have no choice in being short or tall, or male or female.

In most parts of the World there is a certain belief or way of life and that is that. Take a child born in Islamabad, that child will be dark skinned and a Muslim, not a lot of choice there.

It will be indoctrinated into the Muslim way of life and will inherit the prejudice of its forefathers and their interpretation of that book.

You’re boring postman pat away go and play wae your black and white cat. How come you dont just hit the report button or pm a mod then the fella will be pre modded or banned.

The report button is stop stop drama queens like you clogging up the board now away go and rip someones mirror off.

You cant say that you gotta say Rainbow Cat

postman pat:

Your dealing with knuckle dragging lorry drivers mate not left wing fair trade coffee drinking media types who read the guardian

thats the problem…

im not wasting any more of my time or life on a forum like this…

So your just going to walk away and let the bullies win :unamused: :unamused: ,if you have beliefs stand up and fight your corner,don’t run away mate.
But if you do feel you have to just remember we’re all not like 99% on this thread,there are a few decent lads on here,take care.


postman pat:

Your dealing with knuckle dragging lorry drivers mate not left wing fair trade coffee drinking media types who read the guardian

thats the problem…

im not wasting any more of my time or life on a forum like this…

So your just going to walk away and let the bullies win :unamused: :unamused: ,if you have beliefs stand up and fight your corner,don’t run away mate.
But if you do feel you have to just remember we’re all not like 99% on this thread,there are a few decent lads on here,take care.

You’re a bit late, don’t think he’s listening anymore.


postman pat:

Your dealing with knuckle dragging lorry drivers mate not left wing fair trade coffee drinking media types who read the guardian

thats the problem…

im not wasting any more of my time or life on a forum like this…

So your just going to walk away and let the bullies win :unamused: :unamused: ,if you have beliefs stand up and fight your corner,don’t run away mate.
But if you do feel you have to just remember we’re all not like 99% on this thread,there are a few decent lads on here,take care.

And what is he supposed to do? Trying to discuss and put these stereotypical bs where it belongs does not work. It only annoys everyone when discussions are getting too long (been there, done that, got carried away too far on several occasions, mea culpa).

So what else? Reporting posts he considers abusive? I just did exactly that today. I got a link to that thread viewtopic.php?f=2&t=106769#p1602325 in a PM message along the lines “Don’t you think it’s too much, I wanted to report it but decided that I better check it with you first” from English member of that forum. Of course I agree with the guy who sent it to me, so I reported it. I got a message that report is closed and, as you can see, nothing happened.

You can think that mods are here to keep order and protect you from abuse… WRONG AGAIN.

Over last few weeks I was getting abuse on my mobile number that I made available to trucknet members. 5 years ago I made that offer and it was pinned in Euro forum in case that someone needs some help or advice with all things Polish. You would be surprised how “popular” I was, helping with translations, interpreting and advice not only about haulage related things but also to people who were going there for holidays, to see a dentist of just from guys who seeked some advice about Polish cinema or how to pick a Polish girl… Some of these people would never admit on the public forum that they were asking me for a favour, and I helped them despite of what they were writing publicly in hope that they will change their opinion about Eastern Europe and Eastern Europeans.

Recently though, I started to receive some abusive text messages. I was suspecting that it was from trucknet so I posted that stupid joke about “how many Britons you need to change the bulb” to check it, and now I am sure that it is someone from here, as one of texts was refering to it. I deleted my number from the post (replacing it with XXXXXX) and I wrote to the moderation asking if they can unpin my post with help offer. I also gave my phone number again, offering that I am still happy to help, but only if my number will be given to the people in need by the mods when they believe the need is genuine…

I was surprised when I found today that the “polish help” thread was cleaned from the stupid stuff, yes, but also to find that my phone number was again visible in the first post!!!

Tell me, how should I (or the OP) feel seeing that thing that could be considered hate speech are tolerated? I am not surprised that there are always a few morons who think that abusing other nations and telling crap about how they all can’t drive and stuff is cool, there will always be people like that, but the fact that it is so widely accepted here is the reason why so many left (I personaly know three people, only one of them Eastern European, who left this forum for this very reason).

So dozy: do you have any idea what people like Postman Pat or me, who feel uncomfortable here, can do to do not let the bullies win, if they cannot hope for the support nor from the forum administration, nor from the “decent folks”? In my discussions where I was standing up for Eastern European folk, I was getting many PM’s with support or with expressions of “how brave I am that I am standing up against all this crap that is thrown at me” but none of these people were brave enough to write it in the discussion itself. So, regardless of who was right in the particular discussion, you can see that even openly supporting the minority is too much for most people. I know that there is plenty of decent folk here, so it’s your turn now to do something to show that you don’t agree with such behaviour, if you believe in it. The few of us can’t do anything. We could report this further, and from what I know about British laws regarding “hate speech” there would be several cases to answer. From what I know about British legal system, few of us could become rich on suing some people from here :laughing: . But I don’t believe that “hate speech” laws are any good here: it’s only Internet forum, we, as the community, should be able to sort this problem by ourselves, with the biggest responsibility being in moderator’s hands. It’s like in school: when kids call each other names, there is no need to call police. But on the other hands it does not means that such behaviour in school and the school community should work together to stop such behaviour and make it clear that it is not acceptable. I am afraid that moderation fails on that ground.

For me it seems that OP’s concerns were true and that such behaviour here is widely accepted. Then don’t be surprised that some people will leave here, as only stupid would enter the contest of kicking with the horse (or however that expression is translated into English :stuck_out_tongue:)

Orys , I have checked the logs and no-one here with Mod or Admin status has reinistated your number and no-one else has the ability to do so-So either you made an error trying to remove it or your the only one being singled out for special treatment- my guess is the former as we don’t have the time, or the will to anything different. the only reason you havent had a reply to your PM about this to myself is simply because I am off work now on holiday and before I left had a fair bit to organise and simply didn’t have time to deal with everything in my in tray. So I apologise- but despite rumours I do have a life of my own - and some times cant do everything within the timescale expected
To solve the issue we will remove the thread in its entirety as we will not condone any abuse channelled via this website, we don’t have the resources to monitor any requests via the admin team or to work as a go between so with the abuse you are getting via texts it is better we withdraw your kind offer of help.

I do reject your insinuation that Trucknet is inherently racist we allow some free flow of views, some you may a not agree with/many I dont agree with - we also get criticised a lot more for removing comments that are prevelant within the industry about many varied groups. we try hard to balance the reality out there in the industry while not allowing the more extreme , in my view misguided misconceptions.

We are never going to please everyone, but we also do have to, as long as it stays civil reflect the views of the audience that uses the website- that’s not racist by any means more reflection of the reality of views , misguided or not , that are out there, we do not promote such views but also cant ignore them.

Life is not a bowl of Cherrys and the whole issue of EU immigrant workers to the UK has raised some strong feelings- and it would be wrong of us to ignore and ban that- as long as the views are civil, based on some truth and not written with an agenda then folks will be allowed to put forward their point of view- abuse will not be allowed and to stop it happening I will remove your post now-

If you want abuse I will lend you my phone. texts, e-mail in box- trust me what ever you have had - is probably nothing to what I get, I have my house and children threatened because folks cant post as adults on an internet forum- if you want more simple hassle people phone at 4am because they are ■■■■■■ and cant remember their forum password, people have said they are going to come and see me at TruckFest and various other events and “fill me in” and despite us being totally open about where I will be, and when, Not one of the warriors has got from behind the keyboard to come and actually do it.

Now am going back to my week off and hope no more melodramatics appear to spoil it

Orys , I have checked the logs and no-one here with Mod or Admin status has reinistated your number and no-one else has the ability to do so

So there was some technical glitch there, as I am pretty sure I removed the number before. Some posts were deleted, so I just assumed it was done at the same time. I owe you the apology then for that assumption.

  • the only reason you havent had a reply to your PM about this to myself is simply because I am off work now on holiday and before I left had a fair bit to organise and simply didn’t have time to deal with everything in my in tray.

I fully understand that and never had any problems with that I did not received a reply from you. I just saw that the thread was groomed, so I thought “well, this isn’t really what I wanted”.

To solve the issue we will remove the thread in its entirety as we will not condone any abuse channelled via this website, we don’t have the resources to monitor any requests via the admin team or to work as a go between so with the abuse you are getting via texts it is better we withdraw your kind offer of help.

I did not expect you to become my secretary and bodyguard, I just wanted to let you know, that you (and some other mods who already have my number) can feel free to give my number in case that you think I may help someone. It would not be advertised any more, so it would be on “private/friendly” rather than “official” basis. I am always happy to help friends of my friends.

I do reject your insinuation that Trucknet is inherently racist we allow some free flow of views

I don’t say it is inherently racist, but I say that the current politics of moderation of posts related to certain topics, make Trucknet a place where people other than white British might feel very unwelcome. Some of the posts tolerated here are, in my, and not only mine, view, much more than just “misguided misconceptions”. It off course goes beyond moderators, as this is not kirden garden. I just recently participated in one discussion on Polish equivalent of Trucknet where one user told that “Britons are lazy and stupid, and this is why British companies prefer to employ us” and before mods were able to step in there were three posts condemning such behaviour… Despite that such opinion could also be called “common misconception” in Poland.

Life is not a bowl of Cherrys and the whole issue of EU immigrant workers to the UK has raised some strong feelings- and it would be wrong of us to ignore and ban that- as long as the views are civil, based on some truth and not written with an agenda then folks will be allowed to put forward their point of view- abuse will not be allowed

I wonder what “some truth” widely tolerated entries like “he can’t drive, therefore he must be Polish” are based on :unamused:

Then I am going back to my week off and hope no more melodramatics appear to spoil it

Sorry for spoiling your holidays, but the matter with abusive texts were going for a certain amount of time now, and today seeing openly abusive posts being ignored after reporting them to moderators I just got angry. I decided that I won’t carry the matter any further - after all it’s only a forum and because some idiot thinks it would be good to take it into real life is not the reason that I should follow this path, but I think that if I will rise the question with moderation team and also write it here for everyone to read can be a good thing if we all want this forum to be better place for everyone. But if you rather prefer it to be better place for some only, then I guess not many will miss me here.

Orys, anyone with half a brain will ignore the more extreme anti EE posts.

There is an old saying that arguing with a fool only proves that there are two.

It would be wise to remember this when you read a biggoted reference to anyone from Eastern Europe.

Orys, anyone with half a brain will ignore the more extreme anti EE posts.

We should ignore them knowing, that they will be deleted soon by the moderation - just as you ignore littered street knowing that cleaning services are on its way to clean it.

But if you’ll see that people litter on your street, and the cleaning service ignore it, even despite you make them aware that the street needs a good cleaning, you’ll propably became not to happy to live on that street…


You are the worst type of racist. You hide behind being proper and make everyone see you’re different. Sure if you want true equality you need to stop drawing attention to yourself.

As for saying black, Asians, French, Italians, Muslims, Welsh folk can’t drive I imagine it comes from the shear number of which ever of these type of people the person you’re moaning about has encountered.

Speaking from my experience and speaking generally black folk can’t ■■■■■■■ drive, Asians can’t ■■■■■■■ drive, Middle Eastern folk can’t ■■■■■■■ drive.

I can’t swim, I’m white, if a black bloke points to me drowning and says, that white bloke can’t swim is he being racist or accurate?


Orys, anyone with half a brain will ignore the more extreme anti EE posts.

We should ignore them knowing, that they will be deleted soon by the moderation - just as you ignore littered street knowing that cleaning services are on its way to clean it.

But if you’ll see that people litter on your street, and the cleaning service ignore it, even despite you make them aware that the street needs a good cleaning, you’ll propably became not to happy to live on that street…

If a post breaks the rules, it goes, if it doesn’t, it stays.

Everyone has different opinions on what they think should be allowed. This is why there are rules, we all agree to them when we join.

You will see stuff you don’t like stay and stuff you do like go, that, much like life, is how it works.

If a post breaks the rules, it goes, if it doesn’t, it stays.

Everyone has different opinions on what they think should be allowed. This is why there are rules, we all agree to them when we join.

So here are the rules:

Rule 3 No bad language, racism, or other downright 'orrible stuff

Random crap
Posts that do not make any sensible contribution to the forum will simply go
the arbitors of this will be the admin team.

Tell me: are post saying “Polish people can’t drive and they never wash themselves” that are quite common here not racist? Or maybe they make sensible contribution to the forum?

If those posts are taken out of context, then yes they appear racist, but if the opinion has been formed from personal experience then it is a whole different story.

Lorry drivers will have encountered Polish drivers that have been dodging the soap for a while, they will also have experience of Polish lorries being involved in accidents and Polish drivers wrecking lorries.

Yes British drivers are just as bad in some cases, just as not all Polish drivers are bad.

The point is that being Polish is not the problem, being a soap dodger or bad driver is the problem.