Question for Bking, TNUK's resident Mechanic/Fitter

Own Account Driver:


ABS can work on his own.It only needs the Power. Just use a Minus and Break-Light as Plus on your second Trailer Cable.
Hads to use that on my 320 DAF when we got the New Koegel Trailers.

So this numb skull just grabs a feed and some ground,stuffs em into an ISO socket and hey presto we got abs!

Tell you what Martin follow the advise of these muppets on here and you will have a ,shall we say,interesting day out on the road.

Good luck.

Well Honked, who I would guess is a driver and not involved in the repair side, made a much better diagnosis in the right area than you.

You thought there was just an ABS problem rather than a total shutdown of the trailer EBS system with it just operating on the severely limited pneumatic redundancy back-up EBS offers.

“severely limited pnuematic”

They are air brakes,does the “air” give you a clue?
The “severely limited pnuematic” are what they operate on
Or do air brakes work on fairy dust?
No air no bloody brakes.


Own Account Driver:
Couldn’t care less about the posting style it’s the technical innacuracy/made up ■■■■■■■■/bits you’ve randomly typed out from your City & Guilds textbook and don’t really understand.

The problem is people might find your posts from google and end up the garden path.

You might take a few in with attempts to blind with science and jargon (the majority of which is incorrect) but those of us who are genuinely in or have a background in commercial vehicle repair all know you are a fraud/fantasist.

Have you drafted your rant to Wabco yet, that they’re ‘talking crap’ as that link clearly shows load sensing valves plumb into suspension air bags?

Or I do I need go into the yard and take a picture of one in situ?

So where is the picture?

Please please produce one! :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Ok, not sure why it’s come out sideways. :confused:

This is a mysterious valve on a 2000 Montracon tri-axle box van trailer, popular with supermarkets, I’m sure Bking will have seem the like with his 40 years, or whatever it is today, man and boy service as a fitter.

What is the valve and what are the air lines, one green and one yellow, going through it?

Is it the valve expected or have I been sneaky and taken a photo of a different valve and it’s a trick question?

Come on Bking here’s a chance to shine.

Well in the slugfest between OAD and BKing its OAD whos coming out in front for putting his money where his mouth is by producing a picture to back up his stance.
Will BKing come up with a counter argument? Will OAD prove him wrong? Will BKing slink away and come back as a new name? Will OAD be left with egg on his face as BKing rips his picture proof apart? And more importantly,will I EVER be able to understand any of the jargon the two of them are throwing around at each other? :laughing:

Memory is a bit fuzzy but either 6mm or 7mm allen key for that one :wink:

Had a brew and it’s a 5mm behind the rubber bung.

Yoo hoo Bking

Come on I need to know what this part is and I don’t want to rely on third hand amateur driver BS or so called experts. I need you Bking with your hands on practical experience.

There must be hundreds and hundreds of these fitted to trailers so with your 40 years man and boy experience, you never stop telling us about, you must have dealt with them before.

I’m sure Bking will try and come up with a counter argument, even though he’s wrong again. He puts me in mind of the older apprentices you come across who have a bit of knowledge to spout rubbish but really not much of a clue about the actual job.

Well I think we need to give this victory to Own Account Driver.
Unless BKing is away at a “not in my name” rally,or petitioning for more rights for illegal immigrants then he’s had enough chance to respond

The easiest thing a driver can do is to lower the airbags of the trailer and unit, go for a pot of tea and try again. It will be either mended or not

Yes I admit defeat this is a Haldex “load sensing valve”

But in mitigation I thought we were talking about a load sensing system that you would find on a trailer made within the last 20 years.
And if you got the balls to turn up for a test with this corroded piece of crap you took a photo of “bolted” to a trailer and it passed well what can you say.

Cant believe they still allow ancient crap like this on the road.

Yes I admit defeat this is a Haldex “load sensing valve”

But in mitigation I thought we were talking about a load sensing system that you would find on a trailer made within the last 20 years.
And if you got the balls to turn up for a test with this corroded piece of crap you took a photo of “bolted” to a trailer and it passed well what can you say.

Cant believe they still allow ancient crap like this on the road.

That trailer is 15 years old and belongs to a large blue chip parcel co and has just been for test there is nothing wrong with that valve, if there was I would have replaced it. There are lots of pre-EBS trailers on the road and many in the hands of large operators 10+ years is nothing for a trailer even the big leasing firms keep them on fleet for at least that or longer.

It was abundantly clear pre-EBS trailers were being discussed no-one with 40 years experience would not know what was being discussed you should have already been on the job 25 years when that trailer was built.

The rest of what you’ve said is still not correct either.

Own Account Driver:

Yes I admit defeat this is a Haldex “load sensing valve”

But in mitigation I thought we were talking about a load sensing system that you would find on a trailer made within the last 20 years.
And if you got the balls to turn up for a test with this corroded piece of crap you took a photo of “bolted” to a trailer and it passed well what can you say.

Cant believe they still allow ancient crap like this on the road.

That trailer is 15 years old and belongs to a large blue chip parcel co and has just been for test there is nothing wrong with that valve, if there was I would have replaced it. There are lots of pre-EBS trailers on the road and many in the hands of large operators 10+ years is nothing for a trailer even the big leasing firms keep them on fleet for at least that or longer.

It was abundantly clear pre-EBS trailers were being discussed no-one with 40 years experience would not know what was being discussed you should have already been on the job 25 years when that trailer was built.

The rest of what you’ve said is still not correct either.

Own Account Driver:

Yes I admit defeat this is a Haldex “load sensing valve”

But in mitigation I thought we were talking about a load sensing system that you would find on a trailer made within the last 20 years.
And if you got the balls to turn up for a test with this corroded piece of crap you took a photo of “bolted” to a trailer and it passed well what can you say.

Cant believe they still allow ancient crap like this on the road.

That trailer is 15 years old and belongs to a large blue chip parcel co and has just been for test there is nothing wrong with that valve, if there was I would have replaced it. There are lots of pre-EBS trailers on the road and many in the hands of large operators 10+ years is nothing for a trailer even the big leasing firms keep them on fleet for at least that or longer.

It was abundantly clear pre-EBS trailers were being discussed no-one with 40 years experience would not know what was being discussed you should have already been on the job 25 years when that trailer was built.

The rest of what you’ve said is still not correct either.

As I said your full o ■■■■

Own Account Driver:

Yes I admit defeat this is a Haldex “load sensing valve”

But in mitigation I thought we were talking about a load sensing system that you would find on a trailer made within the last 20 years.
And if you got the balls to turn up for a test with this corroded piece of crap you took a photo of “bolted” to a trailer and it passed well what can you say.

Cant believe they still allow ancient crap like this on the road.

That trailer is 15 years old and belongs to a large blue chip parcel co and has just been for test there is nothing wrong with that valve, if there was I would have replaced it. There are lots of pre-EBS trailers on the road and many in the hands of large operators 10+ years is nothing for a trailer even the big leasing firms keep them on fleet for at least that or longer.

It was abundantly clear pre-EBS trailers were being discussed no-one with 40 years experience would not know what was being discussed you should have already been on the job 25 years when that trailer was built.

The rest of what you’ve said is still not correct either.[/quote
And you put this crap on the road?

Bet you vote tory.

Another "■■■■■■■■ " employer.
These SOBs are sucking you dry but doing nothing

Own Account Driver:

Yes I admit defeat this is a Haldex “load sensing valve”

But in mitigation I thought we were talking about a load sensing system that you would find on a trailer made within the last 20 years.
And if you got the balls to turn up for a test with this corroded piece of crap you took a photo of “bolted” to a trailer and it passed well what can you say.

Cant believe they still allow ancient crap like this on the road.

That trailer is 15 years old and belongs to a large blue chip parcel co and has just been for test there is nothing wrong with that valve, if there was I would have replaced it. There are lots of pre-EBS trailers on the road and many in the hands of large operators 10+ years is nothing for a trailer even the big leasing firms keep them on fleet for at least that or longer.

It was abundantly clear pre-EBS trailers were being discussed no-one with 40 years experience would not know what was being discussed you should have already been on the job 25 years when that trailer was built.

The rest of what you’ve said is still not correct either.

And you are sending vehicles out with valve gear in this state?
you should be ashamed

Own Account Driver:

Yes I admit defeat this is a Haldex “load sensing valve”

But in mitigation I thought we were talking about a load sensing system that you would find on a trailer made within the last 20 years.
And if you got the balls to turn up for a test with this corroded piece of crap you took a photo of “bolted” to a trailer and it passed well what can you say.

Cant believe they still allow ancient crap like this on the road.

That trailer is 15 years old and belongs to a large blue chip parcel co and has just been for test there is nothing wrong with that valve, if there was I would have replaced it. There are lots of pre-EBS trailers on the road and many in the hands of large operators 10+ years is nothing for a trailer even the big leasing firms keep them on fleet for at least that or longer.

It was abundantly clear pre-EBS trailers were being discussed no-one with 40 years experience would not know what was being discussed you should have already been on the job 25 years when that trailer was built.

The rest of what you’ve said is still not correct either.

Pre EBS!!!
WTF are you talking about.
Any idea about PSM ,wide band or narrow, or 5 volt peak to peak mirror signal?

Drag yourself into the 21st century please

Own Account Driver:

Yes I admit defeat this is a Haldex “load sensing valve”

But in mitigation I thought we were talking about a load sensing system that you would find on a trailer made within the last 20 years.
And if you got the balls to turn up for a test with this corroded piece of crap you took a photo of “bolted” to a trailer and it passed well what can you say.

Cant believe they still allow ancient crap like this on the road.

That trailer is 15 years old and belongs to a large blue chip parcel co and has just been for test there is nothing wrong with that valve, if there was I would have replaced it. There are lots of pre-EBS trailers on the road and many in the hands of large operators 10+ years is nothing for a trailer even the big leasing firms keep them on fleet for at least that or longer.

It was abundantly clear pre-EBS trailers were being discussed no-one with 40 years experience would not know what was being discussed you should have already been on the job 25 years when that trailer was built.

The rest of what you’ve said is still not correct either.

Can we swap “blue chip parcel company” for bunch of shiester ■■■■■■■■■

I would not have the shame to turn up to a test station with that “blob” of crap bolted to a crossmember and expected a pass ticket.
You got no shame?

Oh dear Bking my adorably profane little aspiring fitter.

What’s all this? A tidying up exercise in case there’s anyone left out there who doesn’t know it’s all bluster and you’ve never really fixed a lorry in your life?

OK, I’ve made an effort to upload a picture so why don’t you now upload a picture of a corrosion free trailer control valve you mentioned on the previous page? I’II let you take it of the latest generation of EBS trailer if you can only cope with the shiny and modern.

Out of interest, since you’ve got your little Superman Y fronts in a twist about the rust on that valve, what’s that rusty bottom piece there to protect?

Wouldnt call it rusted, would call it “corroded”

Wouldnt you?

Wouldnt call it rusted, would call it “corroded”

Wouldnt you?

Wouldn’t matter what it is even if it had rotted all the way through it still wouldn’t really matter. Surely you know why?

Presumably you dont give a dam what crap you pull down the road?